Linnell Family Association Scholarship Fund

November 2017

We are pleased to invite Linnell family students to apply for award of the Linnell Family Association Scholarship Fund. The Linnell Scholarship Fund was established in 2000 with a donation of $500 and has continued to grow since then.

Who can apply?

Any high school senior or current student of a college or an accredited higher education program, who is a descendant of Robert Linnell, is eligible to apply for the scholarship. Student applicants are asked to write an essay on Linnell family history or current positive influences of the Linnell family. The essay should be typed and double-spaced, not less than 1,000 words, nor more than 2,500 words in length. One winning essay will be selected this year for the $1000 scholarship award.

How do students apply?

Students should mail their original essay along with: the LFASF Scholarship Application form; two letters of recommendation (one from a teacher of the applicant and one from a member of the applicant’s community); and a current academic transcript.

When are essays and applications due?

Students wishing to enter their essay for the LFASF award must have their applications, accompanying essays, letters of recommendation and transcript mailed by April 15, 2018.

How are the essays judged?

The Linnell Family Association Scholarship Fund Administration Committee (LFASFAC)will oversee the selection and judging of all prospective scholarship award recipients.

How to send student essays and applications:

1. Send your original essay, the application, 2. Send one copy of your essay with all

two letters of recommendation,identifying names removed to:

and an academic transcript to:

Jerry LinnellBarrie Westerwick

1639 Carriage Pl., SW11 Allocco Drive

Ocean isle Beach, NC 28469 Holmdel, NJ 07733


Contact any LFASF member: Maryan Ainsworth, Barrie Westerwick, Gail Wahlstrom


The following are the established rules and provisions governing the Linnell Family Association Scholarship Fund:

  1. Scholarship Awards: Award(s) of $1000.00 will be offered to descendants of Robert Linnell for use in a 2 or 4 year college or accredited higher education program.
  2. Eligibility: Open to high school seniors or current students of a college or accredited higher education program.
  1. Application Requirements: A written essay of not less than 1,000 words in length involving the history or current positive influences of the Linnell Family. Consideration will be given to clarity of expression, content and proper English usage. (See also No. 14 below)

4. A current academic transcript is required.

5. Acceptance to or attendance in a 2 or 4 year college or accredited higher education program must be


  1. Two letters of recommendation shall be submitted with each application-one from a teacher of the

applicant and one from a member of the applicant’s community.

  1. Application Deadline: Applications and accompanying essays must be submitted to the LFASF

Administration Committee (LFASFAC) by April 15, 2018.

8. Award Dates: Winner(s) of scholarship(s) will be notified in writing not later than June 1, 2018.

  1. Awards Payable To: All LFASF awards will be made payable to the appropriate institution upon

completion of one semester.

  1. Additional Information: Contact the current LFASFAC.

11. Amount: The amount of any award is based on a minimum of one scholarship per year for each

$1,500.00 of funds in the LFASF, with the number and amount of scholarship(s) awarded not to

exceed 33% of the total amount of funds in the LFASF during that award period.

  1. Committee: The LFASFAC shall be comprised of 3 members appointed by the Linnell Family

Association President with approval of the Steering Committee. The LFASFAC will consist of

Maryan Ainsworth, Barrie Westerwick, and Gail Wahlstrom.

  1. Funds: All funds donated to the LFASF will be administered by the LFA Treasurer and

maintained in a separate account. Such funds will be invested as recommended by the then current

Association Treasurer with the approval of the Steering Committee.

14. Essays: Each essay shall be not less than 1,000 words, nor more than 2,500 words in length and shall

be typed and double-spaced.

  1. Judging Criteria: Judges will consider the relevance of each essay in terms of content, expression,

writing style and proper English usage.

  1. Retainage: The LFA will retain exclusive rights to all essays submitted and each essay for a

period of five years. Any portion of a submitted essay may be read at an awards presentation or

published in the LFA Newsletter.

  1. Amendments: Any changes or amendments to the foregoing provisions shall be approved by the

Steering Committee and referred to the LFA by Newsletter or otherwise for comment.

  1. The yearly scholarship shall be awarded to the applicant who has written the best essay submitted. A successful applicant may be awarded the fellowship no more than twice, once for his/her undergraduate education, and once for an advanced degree (MA or PHD). A new essay must be

submitted for each application.


Your donations will help the LFA scholarship funds continue to grow. Because of your contribution, we can continue to award deserving Linnell students a scholarship to apply towards their higher education.

Patrons may be recognized in the following categories. Please indicate your donation choice:

____Rachel Linnell Wynn, Historian Society ($1 to $49)

____Linnell Landing, Cape Cod Society ($50 to $99)

____Captain Ebenezer Harding Linnell Society ($100 to $249)

____SOLIDS (Spouses of Linnell’s Illustrious Descendents Society) ($250 to $499)

____Robert Linnell Society ($500 to $1000)

____In Memory of a Loved One ($1000 and above) (In memory of:______)

____Enclosed please find my gift of $______to The Linnell Family Association Scholarship Fund.

Checks should be made payable to The Linnell Family Association






Send form and payment to: Scott Linnell, Treasurer

23 Liberty Knoll

Colts Neck, NJ 07722


Linnell Family Association Scholarship Fund

Application for scholarship award


LFA genealogical identification number, if known______

ADDRESS: ______


PHONE NUMBER: Home: ______

School: ______






Will you be attending this school during the 2017-2018 school year? ____yes ____no

If not, give the name of the school you will be attending (High School seniors without this information yet can notify the LFASFAC at a later date, to be announced).




Name, address and title of 2 people writing letters of recommendation for student:

Signature: ______

______(please initial) I understand that my essay could be published in the LFA newsletter and posted

on the Linnell Family website.