Board Meeting

February 16, 2011

Time:9:15 am

Location:Little America

Conducted by:Mark Flammer, MD

Members Present:Jim Antinori, MD Bart Johansen, MD

Dave Cole, MD Russell Bradley, M.D.

Shay Holley, MD William Sheffield, MD

Others Present:Robert Parker, CEORoger Perry, M.D.

Ingrid Gordon, COOBen Buchanan, M.D.

Mike Hansen, CFOMark Meadows, HCA

MaryAnn Gibson, EA BOMSearl Holt, RN, HCA

Mark Flammer, MD called the meeting to order at 9:15 am.

Minutes: / Minutes from January 19, 2011 Board meeting approved.
Financials / Mike Hansen, CFO reviewed a portion of the financials YTD through 2010.
Shared issues:
  • Visit volume nationwide in EDs starting to increase again.
  • Employee payroll go live has taken place with very few issues.
  • K-1’s are now being emailed to the individuals who verified their e mail address. Hard copies will be mailed to those who did not confirm an email address or who have requested hard copies instead of email version.

EPIC Update / RVU Fee scheduleshanded out and reviewed by the Board. RVUs have gone up an average 5.8% for E&M codes.
Fee Schedule Impact -Bob Parker, CEO discussed the changes in the fee schedule.
Reimbursement Negotiations- Bob Parker, CEO has successfully finalized the negations with Regence BC/BSwith an effective date of July 2011. Bob Parker is in the process of negotiations with Multi Plan and will keep the Board informed on progress.
Dinner Meeting with IASIS- Bob Parkerreminded members of the February 23rd 6:00 PM dinner meeting at the New Yorker with the new IASIS President Carl Whitmer, and Phil Mazucca, the newly appointed IASIS Chief Operating Officer. Bob Parkerpresented information and requested suggestions regarding what the Board would like included in the presentation planned for that event. Reminders of date and location to be sent by MaryAnn Gibson.
HCA Medical Staff Leadership Retreat- William Sheffield, M.D. and Mark Flammer, MD shared information regarding the ease of use for the new physician bundle payment process that will be put into effect with the Healthcare Reform changes as well as improvement of care and value of Hospital Patient Satisfaction and Quality Care, which are the areas to focus on now for better reimbursement and patient care.
EPBS site visit- Bob Parkerreminded members of the upcoming visit by EPBS representatives Keith Tucker and Brian Cain to Salt Lake. All partner meetings have been set as well as the IASIS Regional CFO and Hospital CFP’S meeting which a team from EPIC will attend.Reminders of dates and locations will be sent by MaryAnn Gibson.
EIRMC Bob Parker Ingrid Gordon, COO, and Cindy Dean, AIM Hospitalist Director,will be meeting with the CEO and Physicians of Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center regarding the hospitalist program. Bob Parker, CEO will report at the next meeting the results of theupcoming meeting and negotiations.
AIM Update /Recruiting-Bob Parker and Cindy Dean, AIM Hospitalist Director are currently working with the hospital at Brigham City. Ingrid Gordonis working with applicants who are interested in moving to the Utah area. BobParkerwill keep the Board informed on progress.
Employee Handbook Update Ingrid Gordon addressed group and presented the new Vacation Policy for review and approval which now includes additional vacation hours based on the 10 or 15 year tenure of employment. Board made a motion to amend the Guidelines for Benefits Eligibility and vote was unanimous passed (See attached).
Journal Club- BobParker reminded all of the Feb. 23rd meeting@ University Marriott at 6:00pm. Tom MacFarlane has gathered Critical Care Literature to be reviewed. All EPIC, AIM and St. Marks physicians are invited to attend.
St. Marks /HCA Mountain Star Presentation Bob Parkerinformed the Board that the St. Marks group is currently, simultaneously at their meeting where the voting process is taking place to finalize the decision of joining the EPIC group. Question and answer period was opened for discussion regarding what the level of Board representation would St. Marks group have? It was confirmed that St. Marks group would have 3 representatives on the EPIC Board. During the meeting Bob Parker was contacted and informed that the vote had taken place and it had been decided the St. Marks group voted to join EPIC with an effective date of 7/1/2011.
Mark Meadows and Searl Holt of HCA presented information regarding the “One Call Referral System” they are preparing to implement that EPIC will be involved with. A time of open discussion took place for Board Members to interact with Mark and Searl. More detailed information will be presented closer to the July 1, 2011 date when ST Mark’s group joins EPIC.

Med America Report

/ James Antinori, MD presented the attached “MEDAMERICA RETIREMENT & BENEFITS COMMITTEE ADDENDUM TO MINUTES EMERGENCY PHYSICIANS INTERGRATED CARE” document. A time of open discussion took place for the Members. Mark Flammer, MD requested the ability to look at the reports daily. Shay Holley, MD requested the information regarding to better understand the deficit or surplus amounts. Jim Antinori, MD will have Chris Renner, Med America, contact Mark Flammer, MD for instructions on report availability and for deficit and surplus amount information.

Compliance Report

/ Roger Perry, MD presented the compliance report. Afterwards a time of opendiscussion took place including regarding the “EPIC STUDENT TEACHING POLICY (see attached). Roger Perry, MD would like this information to be discussed at the upcoming partner meetings. Roger Perry, MD will follow up on the questions and suggestions made by the members. He also reminded all to review the information found in the ABEMS Requirement e mail that had been sent out recently to all.

Bob Parker’s Incentive Criteria for 2011

/ The criteria for Bob Parkers Bonus were presented, reviewed and open discussion regarding changes for 2011. BobParkerwill update the Criteria for 2011 and present at the next Board Meeting.

Board Member Voting Interests

/ David Cole, MD presented information regarding the Board Member Voting Interests with regards to the ST Marks Group. Board made a motion to grant 3 votes for them and vote was unanimous passed at this time.


/ UMIA- The letter requested at the previous meeting from UMIA regarding giving care to those under age 18 was presented to each member. Letter states no age limit.

Meeting dismissed at 12:30

Next meetingMarch 16, 2011

April20, 2011 at EPIC Office

May 18m 2011 at EPIC Office

June 15, 2011 at DHMC