Workshop/Seminar proposal

Title Details

Workshop title: 'Well, I wouldn't start from here' - What if we didn't have INSPIRE?

Workshop Length: (number of 90 min sessions) 2 x 90 minutes

Workshop Facilitator details

Name: John Dixon

Address: Zone 4D, Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London SW1P 3JR United Kingdom

Phone: + 44 (0)20 8026 3377


Workshop description including Learning objectives

Supposing we did not have INSPIRE, how would we go about designing it today? Obviously, we do have INSPIRE so, if we were thinking about an infrastructure for spatial data to improve environmental policy making in the EU what would we keep and what would we drop from INSPIRE?

This workshop will take an informal look at the aims, objectives and mechanics of INSPIRE to take a snapshot of what participants see as the positives and negatives of INSPIRE, focusing on the positives. It will give an insight into the future direction of INSPIRE.

A paper will be prepared for the MIG-P meeting in December 2015 reflecting what was raised at the workshop with the aim of starting a more formal discussion about the future direction of INSPIRE.

The workshop will be a participatory, fun, shared experience for the INSPIRE community.

Description of Target Workshop Audience

MIG-P members but all are welcome.

Workshop requirements

AV requirements: Sound only

Room setup: cinema style, but with chairs that can easily be moved or stacked away to make room

Instructions for participants: ( laptop, pre-workshop preparation): Come ready to participate

Detailed Workshop agenda

The workshop will take participants through a series of exercises to find out the positives and negatives of INSPIRE. The workshop exercises are intended to be provocative, fun and participatory.

Workshop co-conveners are Ulla Kronborg-Mazzoli, INSPIRE National Contact Point for Denmark and Marc Leobet, INSPIRE National Contact Point for France. The UK will bring a facilitator to run the workshop.

We will need a good supply of Post-It Notes, marker pens and some large sheets of paper – can these be provided?

INSPIRE Conference

Barcelona, 26-30 June 2016