DallasHR JobLink Meeting - Tuesday, June 17th
"Connections and Marketing Yourself in a Social Media and Digital World"

Kristina Witmer, Managing Director, Witmer Group will be facilitating a discussion, helping those in transition regarding how to capitalize marketing of oneself within the age of Social Media and Digital Marketing.

Witmer Group, a Dallas based online marketing company, provides measurable and strategic online marketing solutions for their clients, which include search engine optimization (SEO), content generation and social marketing and engagement.

What makes Kristina unique is that she has spent her career turning ground-breaking ideas into news-worthy achievements. With almost 20 years of agency-based experience in marketing, advertising and interactive media, Kristina focuses on developing integrated strategies designed to fuel client growth and increase the sales funnel. She keeps her eye on the big picture, offering an approach to marketing and communications that’s as targeted as it is comprehensive.

Prior to Witmer Group, she worked at various esteemed agencies, including CTO of Wave IMS, Interactive Strategist at JWT, Client Director at Omnicom owned Bernard Hodes and Branch Manager at Grant Harrison Advertising.

A Dallas Stars fan and Xbox aficionado, Kristina’s passion for the latest technology is notorious. She’s fascinated by the evolving phenomenon of online and social networking and can’t wait to see where it can take her and, more importantly, where she can take it.

Kristina will take her flair for marketing and social media and translate it to how those in transition can market themselves in a Social Media and Digital World.

Meeting Location:

4100 Spring Valley Road, Suite 300 Dallas, Tx 75244 (Panda Energy Meeting~ Spring Valley and Midway)

The schedule is as follows:

8:30 - 9:00 am - Introductions, network, sharing job leads
9:00 - 10:00 am –Topic Discussion

Eligibility to attend JobLink/ProLink meetings:

JobLink/ProLink is free and open to individuals who are currently unemployed or who have been notified that their jobs are ending and who are seeking employment in the field of human resources. (Consultants, either established or starting their own business, are encouraged to join the DallasHR Consultants PEG).

You do not need to be a member of DallasHR to attend. Dress is business casual. Each meeting features a program on a job search topic along with networking opportunities.


Orientation Guide: