Chapter 8 Reading Guide: Cellular Transport and the Cell Cycle – page 195

8.1 – Cellular Transport

1. Diffusion is the movement of particles from a ______.

2. Water always moves to reach ______.

3. Osmosis is ______.

4. Regulating water flow helps maintain ______.

5. An unequal distribution of particles is called a ______.

6. Describe the following solutions:

Solution / Definition / Which way does water flow? / Cells will stay the same, shrink, or swell?

7. What is passive transport? ______


8. Does passive transport require any energy on the part of the cell? ______

9. Is osmosis a form of passive transport? ______

10. What is facilitated diffusion?______


11. Does facilitated diffusion require any energy on the part of the cell? ______

12. Describe what the following membrane proteins do during facilitated transport:

a. channel proteins: ______.

b. carrier proteins: ______.

13. What is active transport? ______


14. Active transport moves against the ______.

15. Does active transport require energy? ______.

16. How do cells bring in really large proteins or even whole cells? ______

17. How is exocytosis different from endocytosis? ______


8.2 – Cell Growth and Reproduction

18. The largest known cell is the yolk of ______.

19. How does diffusion limit the size of cells?

20. How does DNA limit the size of cells?

21. How does the surface are to volume ratio limit the size of cells?

22. What is cell division? ______.

23. Why must a cell divide? ______.

24. What are chromosomes? ______.

25. What is the cell cycle? ______.

26. The majority of a cell’s life is spent in ______.

27. Cell division is called ______.

28. Briefly describe what happens during the following phases of the cell cycle:

Interphase / Mitosis
Prophase / Metaphase / Anaphase / Telophase

29. What happens during cytokinesis?

30. How is cytokinesis different for plant and animal cells?