Minutes of Ilchester Parish Council held on ThursdayJune 11th 2015

at the Town Hall, Ilchester, at 7.30pm.

Present:Mrs. H. Panter,Chairman, Mr. J. Edmondson, Mr. S. Marsh, Miss J. Stapleton,Mr. A. MacGregor,

Mr. G. Pope, Mr. S. McAllister, Mr. H. Williams, Mr. J. Bailey, County Councillor,Mr. A. Capozzoli, District Councillorand Mr. P. Horsington, Clerk.

Eightmembers of the public werealso present.

25. Apologies

Apologies were received fromMr. C. Williams & PCSO T. Mead.

26. The Minutes of the previous meeting, having been circulated, were signed as correct.

27. Declarations of Interest

There were no Declarations of Interest.

28. Open Session

Mr. G. Hill asked for confirmation of a meeting,provisionally arranged with Mr. C. Williams, to discuss the

Website. As Mr. C. Williamswas not present, it was agreed that Mr. Hill makes direct contact with Mr. Williams.

Ms. Burrell asked if there was anything to report from the Highways Agency reference the A.303 flood protection proposals. Mr. Bailey, County Councillor stated that County Highways are now involved, as access to the Mead is an issue that needs to be considered. Mrs. Panter stated that the Parish Council has received an Email stating that there will be further meetings with the Agencies, but as yet no date has been set.

Mr. G. Hill stated that the volume of water involved has been greatly underestimated -by four times - by the Agencies, with Ms. Burrell stating strongly that Mr. Hill needs to be involved with these discussions, due to his expertise in this area of calculations.

Mr. W. Masters informed the meeting that he had met with SKANSKA, at his farm to discuss his particular situation, and stated that he would be willing to meet with any Officials to give them his information reference flood issues.

Mrs. Westlake stated that there is the continuing issue of obtaining insurance for the Mead properties.

The Clerk reported that there had been no reply from the newly elected Member of Parliament,

Mr. Marcus Fysh in response to an Email or a written letter, to date.

The Clerk reported that the Flood hut at the Mead is progressing.

Mrs. Edwards highlighted the issue of dog fouling at the Mead. Mr. Capozzoli, District Councillor stated that he will take the details from Mrs. Edwards and make the necessary contact with the SSDC Dog Warden.

Mrs. Cox, of Manor Gardens reported on the trees' situation, involving her adjacent neighbour.

29. County & District Councillors’ reports.

Mr. Bailey, County Councillor, spoke on his report that had been circulated to all members.

Mr. Bailey highlighted from his report, statingthat it is proposed to hold a meeting on June 17th reference the MUGA's future management, and this is being organised by the School, as the MUGA belongs to the Schools. The Council noted that Mr. Bailey has organised a meeting to be held on June 17th at 3.15pm, to look at with County Highways, anyroute signage issues into Ilchester. This is to include HGV routes & the 7.5 tonne weight restriction, appropriate signage, as well as other route signs.

Mr. Bailey reported that the verges on the B.3151 to RNAS Yeovilton are being cleared to assist Cyclists.

The Council noted that the slip road from the A.37 onto the A.303 referred in Mr. Bailey's report, is due to be repaired on June 19th. It was agreed to ask that the approach hedges are trimmed back.

Mr. Capozzoli reported that application 15/01153/FUL for Mr. & Mrs. M. Haddigan at Northover Manor for the erection of a boiler room & wood pellet store to serve a new Bio mass boiler, taken to the SSDC Area East Committee meeting for determination, had been approved.

Mr. Capozzoli also reported that the verges on the B.3151 to RNAS Yeovilton are being cleared to assist Cyclists. The wider Cycle route is being taken on by Yeovil Without Parish.

Mr. Capozzoli informed the meeting that there could be a Street Fair held in Ilchester next year.

30. Youth Parish Councils

Miss Stapleton reported that Mr. MacGregor & Mr. Pope have put the metal panels intothe Bus shelter at Northover and she thanked them for doing so. Mr. Capozzoli stated that these looked good.

On the proposition of Mr. Edmondson, seconded by Miss Stapleton, the Council unanimously agreed to have all four bus shelters in the Parish cleaned, at a cost of £60, by Mr. Tony Piper.

Miss Stapleton reported that there is to be a 'Litter pick' on June 28th, and the seat put in memory of the late Ted Dobson, a former Licensee in Ilchester has been painted, and there are now three new members.

31. Police & Community issues

In the absence of PCSO T. Mead, her report, having been circulated, was noted. The crime figures for Ilchester / Yeovilton recorded during the past month, werein total two crimes, one fraud & forgery and one vehicle theft. There had been 49 calls received in the month.

The Council noted that there had been response to the Email sent to PC. Katie Maun, reference concern at the apparent lack of Police presence in Ilchester.

Miss Stapleton suggested that the item on the agenda,Tall Trees Community Centreis taken off the agenda. After discussion, this was unanimously agreed.

It was reported that sheep had been recently stolen from Mr. S. King.

32. Planning matters

The Council noted that application 15/01153/FUL for Mr. & Mrs. M. Haddigan at Northover Manor for the erection of a boiler room & wood pellet store to serve a new Bio mass boilerwas approved at SSDC Area East Committee.

The Council noted that application 15/00901/FUL for Mr. N. Batchelar at 36, Esmonde Drive for the demolition of existing garage and outhouse and erection of an attached garage and utility room had been granted.

The Council noted that application 15/01545/FUL for Mr. Knight at New Spittles notification of Intent to erect an agricultural building for storage had been granted.

The Council noted that application 15/01339/FUL for Mr. Robert Cruikshanks at 6, Central Avenue for the erection of a replacement conservatory had been granted.

The Council considered and supported the amended application 15/01472/FUL for Mr. Michelle David at 2, The High Street for the erection of a log cabin to be used in conjunction with dog grooming business, installation of decking with cover over, boundary walls, and now only pedestrian access from Priory Road.

The Council noted that approval has been recommended by SSDC for application 15/02061/R3C for SCC at Ilchester Community School for the formation of a Multi Games Area including fencing & lighting.

The Council noted that there had been no reply from SSDC planning reference wooden fencing erected at 16, Pillbridge Lane. The Chairman reported that there had been complaints from adjacent residents, as to whether planning was required and whether it was lawful.

33. Financial matters

The account balances were reported at 31/05/15, as £118 in the C/A & £47,519.30p in the Business ReserveAccount.

The Council noted that the Annual Accounts & Annual return was with Grant Thornton, External auditors.

It was noted that Paul Hart Welding had completed the works to the Skate park equipment, and on instruction, had now been paid.

The Council members were given the relevant mandate forms from NatWest Bank PLC for completion.

Receipts - £1.96p Bank interest, £12 D. Jenkins, £18 Mr. D. Marshall, Mrs. S. Lye & £12 Mr. S. Randall.

Payments made -

11/06/152086£299.99 Shedstore - flood hut

11/06/152087£186 Chalmers & Co tax affairs

11/06/152088£96 Vision ICT Ltd website

11/06/152089£90 Trinity College allotment rent

11/06/152090£507.87PTH salary & expenses

11/06/152091Mole Valley Farmers Ltd - Mead flood items

11/06/152092£60 Parsigns Co UK bridge sign

11/06/152093£20Amy Band - clearing skate park area

The above cheques were authorised and signed, with the exception of the cheque for Mole Valley Farmers Ltd, as the definitive list of items for the Flood hut was not complete, and the therefore the final cost not known.

34. Website

In the absence of Mr. C. Williams, his proposed meeting with Mr. G. Hill to discuss the way forward with the Website was noted. In the meantime, Mr. C. Williams had indicated that the Parish Council continue with Vision ICT Ltd for another three months. After discussion, this was agreed, at the charge of £96, to ensure that the Website is kept live.

35. Highway matters

The Council noted the meeting arranged by Mr. Bailey, on June 17th at 3.15pm, to look at with County Highways, at route signage issues into Ilchester. The Chairman & Mr. MacGregor with the Clerk are expected to attend.

The Council were informed that the new Town Bridge sign has now been completed and is in place, on the Town Bridge. The two existing 'River Yeo' signs are to be removed by County Highways.

The Clerk reported that the finished designfrom Konnected, have been sent for approval by County Highways, and was now waiting for the necessary formal permissions. It was reported that an 'Advertising consent' is requiredfrom SSDC, at a cost of £192.50p. This was noted.

Mr. McAllister stated that the footpath to the Mead from the A.37 was overgrown and needed to be cleared, as it was narrow for pedestrians. It was agreed to contact Highways / SSDC & ask for it to be cleared.

36. Flooding issues

The Council noted that the Flood hut at the Mead is progressing, the base has been put down, and the decision for final type of hut has been agreed-. It is an 8 x 6 ft wooden shedfrom Shedstore at £299.99p.

Mr. Marsh stated that Geo Masters & Sons have wished it to be recorded, that the extra footings put in by the Mead residents, were not part of their contract with the Parish Council. This was noted.

Mr. McAllister stated that he thought that making sand bags facility ought to be held at the Mead. This was discussed, with some members pointing out that sand could disappear or be fouled. Mr. McAllister took with him the lists of items and costs recommended for the Flood hut as part of the Grant received, to discuss these further with Mrs. Westlake, to arrive at a definitive list.

The Council noted, as stated earlier, that to date, the newly elected Member of Parliament, Marcus Fysh, had not responded to the letter sent to him, this with a view of arranging a meeting with him, and there is no date for the next meeting with the Agencies.

The Council agreed that contact is to be made with the new Rivers' Authority to ask for information on any proposed works for the river Yeo.

37. Allotments

Mr. H. Williams reported that he had met at the Allotments with the Chairman, and discussed the type of fencing around the allotment area (not the field fence). It was agreed that Mr. H. Williams is to obtain three quotations for this work.

Mr. H. Williams was authorised to buy two new padlocks.

Subject to reasonable cost, the Council agreed that a skip can be hired.

Mr. H. Williams stated that he will arrange the two dates for judging the allotments and inform members.

A letter received from Wessex Water was read, which stated that Wessex Water had inspected the water supply and all is in order.

38. Cemetery

In the absence of Mr. C. Williams, Mrs. Panter reported that there had been a request by Mr. Stewart, former Councillor, that the Bier is returned from Cribb & Co, back to Ilchester, as their plans for a Museum had not materialised. After some discussion, it was agreed that unless there is a suitable place found to store it, then it should remain in London. Mr. MacGregor stated that he has contacts with Haynes Motor Museum.

39. Mead Play area

Mr. McAllister reported thatthere were no issues to report and requested that he is given a catalogue, for him to consider adding some new equipment.

40. Skate Park

Mrs. Panter reported that Paul Hart Welding have completed their work, and had authorised their payment. Mrs. Panter stated that a new sign was required. This was noted, and it was agreed that Mr. McAllister now has responsibility for the Skate park.

Mr. H. Williams and Mr. Pope both stated that there were sporty cars parked in the road adjacent to the Skate park, with a lot of cider cans being left around. It was agreed to report this to the Police.

41. Rights of Way

Mr. Marsh stated that he will be handing over the Rights of Way papers to Mr. Pope.

42. TreeMatters

Mr. MacGregor informed the meeting that he is in the process of cutting down some trees at Vicarage Farm, Northover, for which permission has been granted. There were no other tree issues raised.

43. Ilchester Town Trust, IDCA, IRINEC

Mr. MacGregor, Town Trust Trustee, reported that the Town Trust are changing their Security firm.

Miss Stapleton,on behalf of IDCA, reported that IDCA have held their Annual meeting and there are a few new members. Issues raised were the future of the Newsletter and it is hoped to hold a Flower show & the Village in Bloom event.

There were no issues reported from IRINEC.

44. Correspondence

There was no other correspondence received.

45. Items for Report, or for the agenda of the next meeting

Mr. H. Williams reported that SSDC were putting 'No dogs' sign at the Pillbridge Lane play area.

Miss Stapleton thanked the Chairman for her excellent evening, when Councillors were entertained at the Ilchester Arms. This was endorsed by the other members.

Miss Stapleton reported thatCounty Highways had yesterday, repainted the lines on Market Place car park, and the Council agreed to thank County Highways for doing an excellent job, at no cost to the Parish Council.

Mr. Edmondson reported that during a Speedwatch session in the area of Broadsword park, a parcel of dog dirt was thrown out of an adjacent property in their direction. This was noted.

Mr. Edmondson stated that he wished members to consider changing the day of meetings from Thursdays, as he has other regular commitments on Thursdays. It was agreed to circulate all members for their opinions, and put this on the agenda of the next meeting.

The Chairman reported that she and the Clerk - Mr. Edmondson had been unable to attend- had met with the Doctors at the Surgery on June 9th, to give the Parish Council's support, as relevant, reference any potential planning gain from the development arising from the 150 housing development north of Dragonfly Chase, to enable the Surgery to re-locate, if it was their long term aim.

The date of the next meeting of the Council wasconfirmed for ThursdayJuly 9th 2015 at 7.30pm.

There being no further business, the Chairman thanked all present, and declared the meeting closed at 10.16pm.

Signed: Date: