SWAT Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Flying Star, 8001 Menaul Blvd. NE, Albuquerque NM

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The SWAT Executive Committee meeting convened at 7:10pm.

ATTENDANCE: Terri Moyers, Steve Yost, Julie Fillinger, Linda Kipp, and Christina Parlapiano

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: After discussion, upon a motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of the September 7, 2013 Executive Committee and November 13, 2013, general meeting and were approved. The general meeting minutes were authorized for placement on the SWAT web site.

REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT: Julie Fillinger, President, briefed the Executive Committee concerning Pam Smith’s interest in becoming Trial Secretary for the June 2013 AKC agility trial as well as becoming Trial Secretary for the MAY 2013 NADAC agility trial. She stated that Pam would also be willing to find the judge for the NADAC agility trials.

Julie also informed the committee that she had received correspondence from Nancy Culley with interest in becoming Trial Secretary for the June 2013 AKC agility trial.

REPORT OF THE CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: Terri Moyers, Corresponding Secretary, briefed the Executive Committee that she has received correspondence from Amy Tanler with a query about placing a budget on hospitality.

Terri also informed the committee that she had received correspondence from Lisa Frankland with interest in becoming the Trial Secretary for the June 2013 AKC agility trial.

REPORT OF THE TREASURER: Linda Kipp, Treasurer, briefed the Executive Committee of the current balance of $16,728 after the October NADAC and November USDAA trial expenses (please see Addendum I & II attached to minutes).

A change to the SWAT signatories was made. Linda Kipp, Treasurer and Terri Moyers, Corresponding Secretary are the current signatories with Bob Kipp to be added at a future date.

REPORTS OF THE COMMITTEES: Julie Fillinger, President, informed the Executive Committee that AKC had removed Jan Skurzynski as judge for the January 2014 AKC Trial. Steve Yost, Vice President, is currently working on a replacement judge, and making sure the paperwork is corrected and resent to AKC for SWAT to remain in compliance with AKC for that event.

The January 2014 AKC trial is currently fully staffed with Laura Echeverria as Trial Chair.

It was agreed upon by all members of the Executive Committee that SWAT again place a “One Voucher Per Household” request on the January 2014 AKC premium.


1.  Vouchers

a.  SWAT Voucher Schedule: The Executive Committee discussed vouchers and made changes to the existing SWAT voucher schedule. Changes that were made are as follows; SWAT will no longer hand out full weekend vouchers as volunteer incentives, all vouchers going forward will have a SWAT dollar value, Volunteer Coordinator is now Voucher Coordinator, Executive Committee members and Judge Selector will no longer receive an incentive and hospitality is now broken up into two different positions. For specifics on the SWAT Voucher Schedule please refer to Addendum III.

b.  Voucher Committee: After discussion, upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Executive Committee created a Voucher Committee. Linda Kipp, Treasurer, was appointed as committee chair. The Voucher Committee will consist of a chair and three additional members. Terri Moyers, Corresponding Secretary, will be sending an email request to all SWAT voting members asking for interest in sitting on this committee. Terri will present individuals interested at the next Executive Committee meeting for review.


1.  Conducting of Business of the Executive Committee

a.  Bylaws: It was discussed and agreed upon by all Executive Committee members that the current SWAT bylaws be placed on the SWAT web site.

i.  Bylaws Committee: It was suggested that the Executive Committee appoint a Bylaws Committee to review SWAT’s current bylaws. It was also suggested that the Executive Committee ask for participants that would be interested in sitting on this committee.

ii.  Standing Rules: A call was made that the SWAT Executive Committee draft Standing Rules.

b.  Venue Coordinators: After a long discussion it was agreed upon by all Executive Committee members that AKC, USDAA and NADAC coordinators remain part of the Executive Committee. Julie Fillinger, President, will represent NADAC, Steve Yost, Vice President, will represent AKC and Terri Moyers, Corresponding Secretary, will represent USDAA. The job as Venue Coordinator will consist of setting the dates of upcoming trials, equipment issues, finding Trial Chairs and Trial Secretaries, working with the site coordinator and equipment manager and overall long term planning of agility trials.

c.  Executive Committee Meetings and Communication with SWAT Members: Prior to the November 19, 2013 Executive Committee meeting Christina Parlapiano, Recording Secretary, requested that the Executive Meeting be open to all SWAT voting members to attend and the agenda be placed on the SWAT website. Christina discussed with the current Executive Committee via email that the Executive Committee was not in compliance with their current bylaws. The November 19, 2013 meeting was opened and the agenda was placed on the SWAT website.

d.  Communications From SWAT: It was discussed and agreed upon by all Executive Committee members that communication between the Executive Committee and SWAT voting members will go through Terri Moyers, Corresponding Secretary, the SWAT website and the Gambol.

2.  AKC Trial Secretaries: The Executive Committee currently has a small list of interested individuals for performing the task of AKC Trial Secretary. That list includes but is not limited to Lisa Frankland, Pam Smith, Cheri Williams and Nancy Culley.

3.  SWAT Lawyer Meeting: A list of housekeeping items was taken by Julie Fillinger, President,to bring to an upcoming meeting with SWAT’s lawyer.

4.  Equipment Manager Vacancy 2014: The Equipment Manager vacancy that will occur in 2014 was discussed but not in full at the November 19, 2013 meeting.

FUTURE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: It was discussed by the Executive Committee that the next meeting be held at 7:00pm, Wednesday, December 18, 2013 at the home of Terri Moyers.

The meeting of the SWAT Executive Committee was adjourned at 8:56pm, Tuesday, November 19, 2013.