Stonewall SilverSchool Champions application– secondary schools

Your name:
Your school:
Your email address:
Date of submission:

Please complete all of the requirements below by specifying in the grey boxes how your school meets the criteria. Supporting evidence should be provided for each question, either in the grey boxes, or by attaching ‘Supporting Evidence’ documents (one document if possible), into which all relevant documents/pictures/material should be put and clearly labelled. If this file is larger than 10MB, please use to email the file to us. Evidence for lessons, assemblies, and similar areas must be from the last 12 months, training from the last 24 months. Your answers and the supporting evidence will be examined to see if your school meets the relevant criteria for Silver status. Anything you submit may be used as best practice for us to share with other schools – please let us know if you do not want anything to be shared.

To be recognised as a Silver School Champion, your school must have been a School Champion for at least one year previously.

Please send completed application forms to


a)A student-friendly anti-bullying policy is used in school

A student-friendly anti-bullying policy can be included in students' school planners or made visible in classrooms (e.g. a classroom charter). Please provide a copy of the policy


b)Staff policies (e.g. code of conduct or equality policy) and inductions are clear that homophobia, biphobia and transphobia and derogatory language are unacceptable

Staff are aware in particular that homophobic, biphobic or transphobic comments to other staff or students are not acceptable. Please include evidence of the relevant parts of the policy and describe how this is built into inductions for new staff

c)The school has checklists and guidance in place to support a trans young person who may be transitioning at school. Checklists and guidance should cover:

  1. Supportinga young person to change their name, pronoun and gender on school records and exams
  2. Supporting a trans young person to be fully included in aspects of school such as PE/sport and school trips
  3. Supporting a trans young person to access external information and services to help them transition socially. This could be information on CAMHS and Gender Identity Development Service, information on how to change a passport or support for families and carers.

Policies and procedures should be in place regardless of whether any trans young person has come out or transitioned at school. Any trans young people at school should be consulted on the policies and procedures. Please give details and show evidence of policies, guidance or procedures

d)The school has gender neutral toilet provision and a gender neutral uniform policy or dress code

Please describe toilet facilities and uniform policy. Please provide evidence of both, for example photos of toilet doors, or copies of the school uniform policy


e)Students have been surveyed asking about their experiences of bullying, including HBT bullying

Please provide evidence of the relevant parts of the survey, and the kind of responses received

f)Rates of HBT bullying and language are regularly reported to the governors, who monitor levels and school anti-bullying initiatives

Please describe the process of reporting to the governors. Please provide evidence of a report

g)Support staff have received training on how to challenge HBT bullying and language

Training must have been provided in the last two years. Please provide evidence of training, e.g. PowerPoint slides or training outline and give details of who attended

h)Staff, parents and carers are communicated with and consulted about HBT bullying, e.g. via surveys

The school's approach to HBT bullying and language is communicated to both staff and parents and carers (e.g. via a letter or newsletter) and they are consulted on the policy (e.g. via a survey or parent and carer forum or evening) Please provide evidence of both the communication and the consultation

i)There are multiple ways for students to report bullying

These could include verbal reports to staff, peer reporting mechanisms, texting/phone/email/website services, and anonymous reporting mechanisms. Please provide evidence of two or more ways, one of which must be able to be anonymous (evidence could be anti-bullying policy)


j)Students learn about diversity within LGBT communities including bisexual and trans people

This could be through celebrating diverse LGBT role models (including bi and trans people, BAME LGBT people, LGBT people of faith or LGBT disabled people). It could also be through the school marking BiVisibility day, Trans Day of Awarness or other work in PSHE lessons, assemblies or tutor time. Please provide evidence for any of the above.

k)Pastoral staff are trained on supporting LGBT students

This should include teaching staff with pastoral responsibilities (for example, heads of year) and also staff with specific pastoral roles such as school nurses, counsellors or learning mentors. Please provide evidence of training (for example PowerPoint slides) and give details of attendance


l)The school marks Anti-bullying week, LGBT History month, or IDAHOBiT day, or holds a diversity day or special event on tackling HBT bullying or celebrating diversity.

Please describe the event(s) and include evidence (e.g. in the form of pictures)

m)The school has involved external partners in tackling homophobia, biphobia and transphobia

This could be a local LGBT group, a Stonewall Role Model, drama groups, police officers, staff from local authorities or other organisations from your local community. Please describe the involvement and provide evidence, e.g. pictures or news stories

n)Staff actively challenge gender stereotypes in lessons, around school or in extra-curricular activities

For example, this could be teaching about positive role models in various sectors, or challenging gender stereotypes in subject areas and activities


Please include anything else you feel relevant to or supportive of your application. We would particularly encourage you to submit testimonies from parents, carers, visitors or staff as to the effectiveness of this work, if possible

Please send completed application forms to

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