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JANUARY 4 - 7, 2012
Boston, massachusetts
******Note: Meeting days are Wednesday - Saturday******
Thank you for your request for space and time on the program at the 2012 Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM). Events which are not part of the AMS or MAA programs cannot be held over the dates of the JMM or be included on the program without specific approval. This also applies to events held prior to or after the JMM that require services from the Meetings and Conferences Department (MCD).
Please provide the following information about your event(s). If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Coltonat (401-455-4053). I realize that you may have provided some of this information to us already, but additional information is needed.
HOUSING: The services of the Mathematics Meetings Service Bureau (MMSB) are for participants of the Joint Mathematics Meetings only. If your event will take place during the JMM (January 4 - 7, 2012), then your participants must register for the JMM in order to obtain their housing accommodations through the MMSB. If your group or event will require housing services for dates other than the JMM dates, then you must contact the hotel directly about your housing needs.
- What is the name of your organization? ______
- Proposed event(s):______
- Who are the organizers? ______
- Please give a brief, but complete, description of your event that includes the following: complete description, to include dates you are interested in and times (beginning and ending); Number of participants expected;any catering; audio-visual equipment and services required; as well as room set-up (i.e., theatre, classroom, banquet, conference, etc.)______
- How will participants register or sign up? ______
- Are you selling tickets for this event? If so, how? ______
- Are you charging a registration fee? If so, how much and who is collecting it? ______
d. Are there any special requirements, such as an Internet drop, band shell, etc? ______
- What specific services are you requesting from MCD and/or MMSB staff? (e.g. arrangements for meeting space, catering, audio-visual equipment and/or services, housing,registration ______
- Who is responsible for management of your event during the meeting? ______
- Who is responsible for payment of any expenses? (i.e., space charges, catering, av,
MCD service, etc.) ______
- How will payment be handled?______
- If your participants will be registering for the JMM and obtaining their housing through
the MMSB, please provide the name of a contact person who will be coordinating the housing for your group.
- How will your event be publicized? If in NOTICES and/or FOCUS, you will need to provide prose to MCD, of 75 words or less. If you would like a link from the JMM website to yours, then you will need to provide a URL to MCD. MCD must approve all copy in advance.
- Are you requesting that this event be included on the official meeting program? Y or N
If yes, please provide no more than a two (2) sentence description of the event suitable forinclusion in the program. (Subject to editing due to space limitations.)
3. If no, will invitationsbe issued? If so, by whom and who will be collecting the responses? How will the invitations be distributed? If event is by invitation, a copyof your invitation must accompany this questionnaire. ______