/ Promotional Guidelines

Promotion Guidelines


The purpose of this document is to provide employees with an outline of things that need to be considered when putting together promotional documentation.

  1. What exists at ABMN already?

Are there any other promotional documents that currently exist that could be used or modified?

Provide details of them here

  1. Who is the intended audience of the promotion?

Is it for new clients, if so what is the new demographic?

Is it for current clients, if so, what clients?

  1. What are the benefits of the promotional activity?

Benefits may include:

  • Attract new clients
  • Increase use of certain products or services
  • Provide an increased range of training products to meet changing business needs
  • Target specific clients/businesses to increase membership
  1. What public relations principles and techniques will you use?

Public relations principles may include:

  • Know your client and their business
  • Know your media contacts and their needs
  • Know your target audience and their interests
  • Know your purpose and desired result
  • Know your pitch and respect if it won’t work

Public relations techniques may include:

  • Public speaking
  • Trade shows
  • Product placement
  • Publicity stunts
  • Sponsorship
  • Employee relations
  • Strategic partners
  • Community relations
  1. What are the product promotion principles and techniques you will use?

Product promotion principles may include:

  • Know your product or service
  • Know your client’s needs
  • Personalise your approach
  • Respect the client’s opinion
  • Create an interest
  • Stimulate demand
  • Reinforce the brand

Product promotion techniques may include:

  • Social media
  • Mail drop
  • Advertising
  • Word of mouth
  • Special prices/coupons
  1. How will you assess the impact of your promotional activity?

Identify the steps you will take to assess your promotional activity.

What does success look like?

  1. How will you obtain and assess customer feedback?

Identify the method you will use to obtain and then assess customer feedback

Mechanisms for obtaining customer feedback may include:

  • Client satisfaction survey
  • Client ratings on service calls
  • Training evaluation forms
  • One on one interviews/discussions with clients
  • Review of customer complaints

Mechanisms for assessing customer feedback may include:

  • Graphs/charts
  • Qualitative data analysis
  • Auditing customer complaints

Australian Business and Management Network / Promotion Guidelines
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