Vancouver Community College
Proposal for a New Course(s)
Contact Person(s):
E-mail address (es) and phone number(s):
Name of the Program:
Anticipated Start Date:
Department Head: ______Date: ______
CID:______Date: ______
Registrar: ______Date: ______
Dean: ______Date: ______
Curriculum Committee: ______Date: ______
Education Council: ______Date: ______
Stage 1: Idea1. Purpose and context
a)Describe in detail the course’s learning outcomes
b)What is the fit with the current VCC Strategic Plan?
c)What is the relationship of this course with other offerings at VCC?
2. The need for the Course
a)What educational gap, if any, is this course intended to fill?
b)What evidence is there of student demand for this course?
c)What evidence is there of labour market need, professional- community demand or educational gap (report results)?
3. Competitive analysis
a)Which related offerings are available in the lower Mainland and/or on-line: how do they compare in terms of focus, intended outcomes, length, costs?
4. Cost
a)Are there any expected costs as a result of the creation of this course(s)?
(Consider the following: Instructor requirements, Facilities, equipment and tools, IT, etc).
b)Identify barriers and potential issues as a result of the creation, and the ways you will address them?
Stage 2: Design
5. Course(s) Information
a)Number of new courses.
b)What instructional strategies and delivery methods will be used? Face to face and/or on-line?
c)Are there practicum, clinical placements, co-op terms, etc.?
d)Proposed start date? Is it in line with the norm? (Sept/Jan starts) or out of sequence which can be challenging for recruitment)
- Consultations
(This section requires that discussions be held with all service areas across VCC, at minimum via e-mail. Attach to this submission evidence of these discussions)
- Availability of qualified VCC faculty
- Requirements for new instructors: full time/part-time/auxiliary
- Facilities: Director of Facilities
(General classrooms and designated space/labs, equipment, etc.)
- Information Technology (IT): Director of Information Technology
- Library and Learning Centre: Head of Department
(Consider the following: your School Library Liaison is a great resource to find information about resources available in the area and acquisition of new resources.)
- Marketing and Communications: Director of Marketing and Communications
(Consider the following: Marketing is interested in helping you recruit students, to do so they need to know about the new course, who it is directed at, and roll out dates to maximize current marketing practices. Think about when Marketing will need to assist based on your start date.)
- Registrar’s Office / Advising: Registrar
(Consider the following: the Registrar’s office is where student applications are reviewed, they know what entry requirements can be barriers, ask their opinion. Inform advising and ask what information they will need from you to help direct students to your program.) - Research and Strategic Services (RSS): Director of Research and Strategic Services
- Assessment Centre:Instructor
(Consider the following: the assessment centre does assessments for most programs, if you are going to require potential students be assessed.)
- Finance: Director of Financial Services
(Consider the following: all programs are assigned a Costing model that determines if the course/program will be base funded, fee differential, cost-recovery. Make sure you have this conversation with finance.) - Safety and Security: Director of Safety and Security
b) Who has been consulted externally in the development of this course?
7. Other
a)Are there any unique or special aspects of this course and its implementation not covered above?
Stage 3. Development
8. Work Plan
These are the tasks that need to be completedat this stage:
- Development of new course outline(s) (check the CID website under Curriculum Development for the most updated form) for new or revised courses.
- If applicable:
- Revised Program Map (Contact CID) (check the CID website under Curriculum Development for the most updated form)
- Revise Program Content Guide (Contact CID) (check the CID website under Curriculum Development for the most updated form)
- Development/Inclusion of the course(s) in the Training Plan (usually in July for the following fiscal year).
- Develop Student recruitment/marketing plan (allow as much time as possible: Web Site course page, mini-calendar, brochures, posters, info sessions, Program Information/Advising
- Develop Hiring of Faculty plan: regular, term and auxiliary
- Define Acquisition of Dedicated Facilities
- Define Acquisition of New Equipment
- Define Acquisition of New Learning Resources
- Identify any other impacts identified in section 7 above
Stage 4. Implementation
Pre-launch Phase
—Store Final Copyof Approved Documents on Common Drive(approved by Dean, VP, and Education Council Chair) such as Course Outlines, Program Map and Program Content Guide stored on common drive (Admin Assistant.)
—Review Fees by Dean/Finance
—Submit New Course Outline Form (all courses) submitted by Department Head from sponsoring area to Registrar’s office
—Major, course number and credits assigned by Registrar’s Office
—Form sent to Finance for review and input
—Form sent to RSS for review and input
—Form sent to Records Department for course to be built in Banner catalogue
—Blank Schedule Created by Records Department (send spreadsheet to Scheduler)
—Schedule Spreadsheet Completed by Department Head from sponsoring area
—Include start and end date, days, times, faculty name, and room number. During this step other departments may be involved, including:
—Room Booking
—Finance and Capital Expenditures
—Human Resources
—Schedule Approved by Dean from sponsoring area
—Schedule returned to Scheduler
—(With Schedule) Start Financial Aid Approval Eligibility
—When Schedule in ready for registration scheduler informs Registrar
—Registrar’s office Builds admissions information in Banner
—Page in web calendar
—Post on website
Launch Phase (Non-chronological)
—Registrar’s Office begins admissionsprocess accepting applications
—Web Application for Admission enabled by Registrar
—New and/or final Program Content Guide produced by Dean’s Assistants and Registrar’s Office
—Advising services
—Department briefs Counselors and Advisors on new curriculum offering
—Department contacts Bookstore (book orders).
—Director of Marketing and Dean / Department Head approach publicity
—Mini calendar
—Website updated
—Information sessions
—Event at Info Night
—New student orientation held by department
—Management of back filling and inserts completed by…
Proposal for a New Course/s Oct 2010 -