Student: ______M# ______
Program: ______Dates of Program: ______
The purpose of this form is to determine prior to departure which courses will benefit your current course of study at MSU. Your Academic Advisor will help you determine which courses will best suit your degree program. You may take courses in your major, minor or required electives. Courses can be applied as equivalent or substitution transfer credit, non-equivalent transfer credit, or directed study with an MSU professor.
EQUIVALENT CREDIT means that the course descriptions are similar and the course from the foreign institution will substitute for an existing MSU course.
SUBSTITUTION CREDIT means that the course descriptions are NOT similar, but the course from the foreign institution will substitute for an existing MSU course or requirement.
NON-EQUIVALENT TRANSFER CREDIT means that the course offered at the foreign institution does not match an MSU course and cannot be substituted for an MSU course. It must be counted as transfer credit that will not substitute for an existing MSU course.
*The Institute for International Studies will complete the “Credit Hours at MSU” section. Credit hours will be applied according to the hours taken at the foreign institution, not according to the weight the course is granted at MSU.
Course at Foreign Institution / MSU CourseEquivalent, Substitution, or Transfer Credit / Credit Hours Abroad / Credit Hours at MSU* / Faculty/Advisor/Department Chair
Please print and sign. / Date
An MSU faculty member will direct an independent study for an MSU course with the student during the study abroad experience. MSU credit will be granted.
MSU Course / Student Responsibility / Credit Hours / Faculty (Directing Study) Signature / DateLANGUAGE STUDY
A signature from the chair or a faculty member of the Department of Modern Languages is required.
· I agree that this student will receive credit for the courses they are given based on the results of the placement exam. Because the grading systems and course content can vary between countries, the student will still receive credit even if they place into a level that is less than or equal to their current level as determined by Murray State University.
· The above equivalency is what the Modern Language faculty currently project; the department reserves the right to test the student when he/she returns to fully determine which course credits will be actually awarded, based on student achievement.
Please list any additional requirements or stipulations here:
Faculty or Department Chair Name Faculty or Department Chair Signature Date
The student must notify his or her Study Abroad Advisor of registration and receipt of his or her class schedule at the foreign institution. This must be done within 2 weeks of the start date of courses at the foreign institution. Changes to the student’s schedule will not be accepted more than one month after the start date of courses at the foreign institution and will require further approval.
The student acknowledges that s/he must maintain a course schedule equivalent to a full-time course of study at Murray State University. If s/he drops below full-time, s/he understands that s/he must contact the Study Abroad Advisor immediately so that Financial Aid may be notified and his/her course schedule adjusted accordingly.
Student Signature Date