CEFPI Southeast Region
Board Conference Call: Friday, March 7, 2008 at 11:00
Participants: Bill Brown
Richard Alexander
Ray Maher
Mike Mulheirn
Wayne Roberts
Don Shell
Ken Swann
Martha Tarrant
David Waggoner
Doug Westmoreland
Don opened the meeting at 11:06.
Minutes for the February 1, 2008 Board Conference call have been distributed. Minutes were approved unanimously.
Doug Westmoreland reported that the operating account stands at $13,939.99, the money market account stands at $81,680.40, and 6 month CD at $94,758.10 has been renewed. End of year audit information has been sent to International. Chapter reports are due from Georgia and North Carolina. Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.
No report. Alabama State Director has been contacted to get support from that state. Florida chapter development is also being pursued.
Reference attached minutes from the Friday, February 22, 2008 for the Financial Advisory Committee Report. State Directors conference program registration subsidy has been approved unanimously.
The Committee rejected the request from Alex James for support for a visit to the United Kingdom. Standards regarding complimentary registrations and hotel accommodations associated with the Regional Conference every year has been discussed and will continue to be developed.
Doug Westmoreland requested that the Financial Advisory Committee consider a Southeast Region scholarship program for one or more of our members to participate in the certification program with San Diego State. Doug will send some information on this to David Waggoner for further consideration and discussion at the Spring Conference Board Meeting.
Bill Brown reported that a Northeast Region officer has contacted him about a proposed exchange program with several components:
1. They want to understand the leadership organization of the Southeast Region.
2. 2009 National Convention is in Washington DC with Northeast as the sponsor chapter. Southeast may have an opportunity to join Northeast in this conference. They have proposed sending two representatives to our conference, with Southeast sending two of our leaders to their conference in April in Albany. Bill requested Region support of approximately $2,000 to send two representatives to Albany. This was moved and approved unanimously.
Mike Mulheirn reported on the discussions with re-engaging the Florida educational planners organization in CEFPI. They will send delegate from their organization to our Spring Conference next month, with a complimentary registration provided by the Southeast Region.
Regional Conference 2008: Don reported that 125 participants have registered to date, with a target participation of 250. We need 7 more exhibitors and the Board was encouraged to submit names of possible exhibitors. State Facility Directors will be meeting 1-5 on the Saturday of the Confernece. Southeast Region Board meeting will be 3-5 with dinner following at Thoroughbreds restaurant.
Nominations: Don will have a slate of nominations available for the Spring Board meeting. Doug Westmoreland will continue as Secretary/Treasurer, Spenser Graves has declined to renew as the By-Laws Chairman.
Board of Directors Organizational Chart and Rotation Schedule: Don has distributed a Board Rotation Schedule for review and comment. State Directors will rotate off the Board in thirds, every three years.
Exchange Program: The Southern Region Conference falls right on our Conference schedule and we will not be able to send a member to this conference.
School Building Week: Don reported that Joe Bradham has agreed to serve as the School Building Week Chairman to coordinate these activities.
Alabama: No report.
Florida: No report.
Georgia: No report.
Jamaica: No report.
Kentucky: Martha reported that the first Board meeting is upcoming, with planning for the Fall conference.
Mississippi: No report.
North Carolina: No report.
Puerto Rico: No report.
South Carolina: No report.
Tennessee: Ken reported the by-laws and officers have been finalized for our newest chapter. They will be requesting membership development funding from the Region.
Virginia: The winter conference was held March 3-5.
West Virginia: No report.
CEFPI INTERNATIONAL BOARD REPORT: Wayne reported on the Task Force for implementation of the Strategic Plan to be held in either Dallas or Chicago in June or July. More information to follow.
Mike reported that there are a record number of submittals for the Southeast Region Planner of the Year.
Financial Advisory Committee Call minutes.
NOTE: Next Conference Call will be Friday, May 9, 2008 at 11:00.
The conference call was adjourned at 12:15.
If you have corrections or additions to these minutes, please contact Doug Westmoreland at .
Notes submitted by:
Douglas D. Westmoreland, AIA
CEFPI Southeast Region
Financial Advisory Committee Call: Friday, February 22, 2008 at 11:00 AM
Participants: Mike Mulheirn
Cynthia Owens Richardson
Wayne Roberts
David Waggoner
Three primary items were discussed – as assigned to the committee from the Regional leadership – as follows:
1. A discussion took place to review the request to assist the State Facility Directors in attending the SE Regional Meeting in Myrtle Beach. By way of background, it was noted that the SE Region assisted four Directors to attend the International Conference in Toronto last fall with a $1500 (max.) scholarship. A fifth Director went from the Region and did not seek reimbursement. It was agreed that it is useful to see these Directors get involved with the organization and attend the conferences.
It was recommended and voted upon unanimously by this Financial Advisory Committee to make a recommendation to the SE Regional Board of Directors to waive the registration fee for these State Facility Directors for the upcoming SE Regional Conference. This is viewed as a one-time action and will be evaluated to see how effective it is in hopes of doing this in future years.
David Waggoner will forward this on to Don Shell who will pass this on to the Board of Directors for action. This will be done quickly in order to ensure time for reservations and registrations to be made.
An expectation should also be passed on to these State Facilities Directors that a report should be given on their attendance at the Toronto conference to review their private meeting and say other words on why this is useful to them.
2. The second item was to review the request from Alex James (the South Carolina State Facility Director) to help offset the expense of a trip to the United Kingdom this summer. He has been invited to travel on this trip and review various aspects of school construction in the UK – including community schools and alternative funding scenarios, etc. After some discussion, it was concluded that we are not comfortable approving this request at this time. We have received nothing in writing to date regarding this request; there are no real procedures in place for this sort of request; we need to understand what the benefit to CEFPI would be; and how it relates to the students that we serve.
It was noted that the CEFPI Foundation may be a source of funding and has a process in place to evaluate requests. Michael Mulheirn noted that the SE Region gave $25,000 to the Foundation last year for research funding (with no strings attached).
There was some discussion about the fact that there needs to be a process put in place for the members to submit requests and for the SE Region to evaluate these requests.
Wayne Roberts provided a little discussion about the International Board and the study that is underway regarding the CEFPI Foundation & Charitable Trust.
3. The third item discussed was the need to come up with some standards that can be applied for complimentary registrations and hotel accommodations associated with the Regional Conference every year. There are always questions raised by the people in charge about how things were done in previous years, how many should be given out, who can approve these, what is equitable, etc., and the only current guidelines are simply the traditions that carry on from year to year.
This was discussed briefly, and the first conclusion is that there is a need to understand the current practice. David Waggoner will request information from the past records on past conferences to understand the traditions and what has been done in years past. This information will be provided to all committee members for background study and further evaluation.
The conference call was adjourned about 12:00 noon.
If you have corrections or additions to these minutes, please contact David Waggoner at .
Notes submitted by:
David M. Waggoner, AIA