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(C) get on the Cambridge website to practice vocabulary
1. Agricola, cum legiōnem______, militēs centuriōnēsque laudāvit.
a. inspicit
b. inspexisset
c. inspiciunt
d. inspexissent
Explanation: This is a cum clause (subjunctive), so (A) and (B) are not correct because they are indicative verbs. (B) and (C) are subjunctive, but (B) is the correct answer because the –t at the end of the verb matches the fact that Agricola is the one who had inspected the legion.
Translation: “Agricola, when he had inspected the legion, praised the soldiers and centurions.”
2. cognōscere ______cur multitudō convēnisset.
a. voluimus
b. vellemus
c. vellemur
d. volebamur
Explanation: This is an indirect question, but the main verb is the one missing (the actual subjunctive clause is cur multitudō convēnisset). Since you need the main verb of the sentence, you need the indicative (either (A) or (D)… (B) and (C) are both imperfect subjunctive). The difference between (A) and (D) is that voluimus is active (we wanted) and volebamur is passive (we were wanted). “We wanted (A. voluimus)” is the only one that makes sense.
Translation: “We wanted to learn why the crowd had gathered.”
3. epistulam scrīpsī ut lēgātum dē perīculō______.
a. moneō
b. monēbar
c. monērentur
d. monērem
Explanation: This is a purpose clause. Because you’re missing the verb of that clause, you need the subjunctive, and that eliminates (A) and (B), which are indicative. (C) and (D) are both imperfect subjunctive, but you need (D) because the –m agrees with the fact that “I” was the one who warned the legate (you infer the “I” from the first part of the sentence – see below).
Translation: “I wrote the letter so that I might warn the legate about the danger.”
4. nuntiōs ēmīsit quī prīncipēs ad aulam ______.
a. arcesserent
b. arcessīvī
c. arcesseret
a. arcessīvit
Explanation: This is a relative clause of purpose. Because you’re missing the subjunctive verb of that clause, the answer is either (A) or (C). The –nt agrees with the subject, the messengers, so the answer is (A).
Translation: “He sent the messengers who would summon the priests to the palace.”