Projects at a Glance
(April 2010)
No / Name / Funding Agency / Objective / Expected Outcome / Budget (Rs/US$) / Duration1. / Impact of Climate Change and Food Insecurity on Poverty / Oxfam Novib, The Netherlands / Assess the perceptions of stakeholders, especially small and marginal farmers, about the need for financial and technological measures based on intra-regional/international cooperation for mitigating the adverse impact of climate change on food security / It will generate knowledge about the perceptions of small and marginal farmers, and other stakeholders about the impacts of climate change on crop yield in four South Asian countries –Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan and India. The study will also evaluate the perception about the need to revamp the system for multilateral trade and aid in food grains / 55, 18,600
(123,619) / 02/10-01/11
2. / WTO Doha Negotiations & South Asia: Linking Civil Society with Trade Negotiations (SAFIT Phase III) / Oxfam Novib, The Netherlands / Determine how ground realities relevant for the negotiating interests of South Asian countries in the WTO have changed and use the results thereof to review the common South Asian negotiating positions for the Doha Development Round arrived at in SAFIT Phases I and II / The South Asian countries will strengthen their negotiating capacities at the Doha Round of negotiations in the WTO. Also, trade policy officials and trade negotiators from each of the five South Asian countries will be able to devote specific attention to the interests of the poor, while taking cognisance of inputs from grassroots stakeholders / 1,439,900
(32,254.41) / 02/10-01/11
3. / Grassroots Reachout & Networking in India on Trade & Economics
(GRANITE Phase II) / Oxfam Novib, The Netherlands &Royal Norwegian Embassy, New Delhi, India / Generate a more coherent civil society voice on economic governance in India in the context of globalisation and its effects on the livelihoods of the poor, particularly the marginalised and women / There will be more pro-poor changes in the National Foreign Trade Policy of India (NFTP)2004-09 and the next policy so as to help the poor participate in the international trade practices and reap benefits out of it. The process of formulating the next NFTP of India 2009-2014 will be more inclusive in terms of social, political and institutional dimensions, with a focus on the marginalised and women / 23,983,250
(593,198) / 07/07-06/10
4. / Enabling Developing Countries to Seize Ecolabel Opportunities / EU (EC Programme on Environment in Developing Countries) & the Federal Ministry for the Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ, German Ministry) / Increase the number of products from target countries in the European Union (EU) as well as in their national and global markets eco-labelled with the EU Eco-label or other European countries' ‘Type I’ environmental labels and to develop a roadmap in the direction of mutual recognition of eco-labelling schemes / The project countries would improve their understanding and knowledge on eco-labelling diffusion, market penetration, barriers and capacity building needs. It would also lead to at least one product in the process of being awarded the EU or another European country eco-label / 3,931,290
(97,238) / 07/07-12/10
5. / CapacityBuilding on Electricity Reforms inBangladesh, India and Nepal (RESA Project) / Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) / Build capacity of consumer groups/CSOs to enable them to deal with the issues involved, take-up action research, share experiences, and carryout advocacy with policymakers and regulatory agencies to effect pro-consumer changes in the electricity regulatory/policy processes / Enhance awareness and understanding among consumers and civil society toengage in policy processes aimed at electricity reforms;
improve policymakers’ and regulators understanding of consumer’s needs and
demands; and
establish mechanism of communication between consumers, CSOs, policymakers/government representatives, regulators and distribution companies to discuss electricity reforms / 21,000,000
(484,630) / 03/08-08/10
6. / Strengthening Constituencies for Effective Competition Regimes in Select West African Countries’ (7Up4 Project) / Department for International Development (DFID),UK
International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canadaand Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), Sweden / Equip the national stakeholders in the seven project countries to evolve and operationalise effective competition regimes in these countries to help achieve consumer welfare and alleviate poverty / Profile of competition policy within the context of national development raised; process to establish effective national competition regimes evolved; and promotion of a healthy competition culture in the project countries / 52,503,000
(1,221,000) / 06/08-07/10
7. / CapacityBuilding on Competition Policy and Law in Bangladesh / International Finance Corporation -Bangladesh Investment ClimateFund (IFC-BICF), Bangladesh / Develop adequate capacities within the government, academia, private sector, civil society, media and other key stakeholders to analyse and address competition related issues / Creation of critical mass of officials within and outside the government with solid knowledge and understanding of competition law-policy. Integration of university-level semester courses on competition policy and law issues in public/private universities of Bangladesh / 16,812,145
(343,105) / 04/09-12/10
8. / Malpractices in Health Delivery in India:Need for Effective Regulatory Enforcement / Oxfam, India / Identify more accurately
the source and nature of medical malpractices in the country and explore possible ways to resolve them through aprocess of dialogue involving for relevant institutions such as the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Medical
Council of India and the media / Recommendations for curbing such practices and thus enhance the
quality and affordability of healthcare for the citizen / 49,00000
(109,792) / 05/10-02/11
9. / Quality of Regulation: Case Research and Analysis / Self funded / Demonstrate the use of a general model for assessing the quality of regulation which can be utilised by developing/developed countries in the near future / A discussion of the nation’s political and economic environment/setup as quality of regulation needs to be assessed in the context of the realities thus highlighted. / 6,638,364
(1,40,000) / 09/09-08/10
10. / National Environmental Awareness Campaign (NEAC): RRA for Rajasthan(2009-10) / Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India / Creating awareness on issues related to climate change and taking action / 300 NGOs with greater awareness on climate change issues creating awareness and action in the neighbourhoods / 20,00,000
(6250) / 06/09-05/10
11. / Ensuring Service Delivery through Measuring Rate of Absenteeism in 30 Health Centers in Tonk District, Rajasthan’ / Transparency & Accountability Programme (TAP), Results for Development Institute Inc. (R4D), WashingtonDC / Evolve an innovative community-based model of monitoring absenteeism in public health centres that can induce demand accountability of service providers / Enhanced accountability in the service delivery of the primary health centres and improved efficiency / 24,19,050
(48,381) / 06/09-09/10
12. / Grassroots Reachout & Networking in Rajasthan through Consumer Action (GRANIRCA) / Consumer Welfare Fund (CWF), Department of Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Government of India / Build a strong consumer movement at the grassroots by equipping consumer activists with skills and create a network of zealous grassroots activists through intensive training, capacity building and orientation programmes on relevant consumer protection issues / Create an enabling environment at the grassroots in 12 selected districts of Rajasthan. This, in turn, will help building a capable, dedicated and sustainable network for strengthening effective service delivery with enhanced transparency and accountability in the processes / 62,31,960
(138,893) / 01/10-12/12
13. / Micro Credit project for Poverty Alleviation / National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD)
Zila Parishad / Ensure socio-economic development and enhance livelihood security in rural areas / Providing a platform to women to discuss their problems; a mechanism for poverty alleviation; opportunity for employment; ensuring economic security; empowering women & weaker sections; checking migration;
promoting water and environment conservation; and ensuring access to basic services / NABARD
Zila Parishad
12,00, 000
(27,610) / 05/08-04/11
14. / MNGOs Scheme, Bhilwara (Preparatory Phase)
MNGOs Scheme, Chittorgarh (Preparatory Phase) / Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India / Improve the quality of reproductive and child health (RCH) services in un-served and under-served areas / Enhance the managerial skills of FNGOs for better implementation of MNGO Scheme; facilitate the provision of RCH services; resolve the FNGO’s problems/challenges; and ensure better implementation of the project at the grassroot level through Monitoring & Evaluation / 4,500,000
(92,006) / 2009-2012
15. / Stronger Voice to Excluded Children in, Government & NGO
Policies and Programmes / Save the Children – Bal Rakhsha Bharat / Build a conducive societal atmosphere for overall development and protection of children from various kinds of exploitation and abuse / SC/ST Children living in 28 villages of Chittorgarh district in Rajasthan become visible to formal and informal structures; their voices are heard and recognised institutionally; and
interventions designed to address the rights/needs of excluded children / 5,000,000
(102,206) / 01-09/12/12
16. / Strengthening the Competition Authorities in Vietnam / State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, Switzerland (SECO)/the Swiss Competition Commission (COMCO) / Contribute to the establishment of a business environment that is conducive to the development of the private sector; andwould deepen the application and the implementation of Vietnamese competition policies / Vietnam Competition Administration Department (VCAD) institutionally consolidated, greater awareness and support for competition law and policy in Vietnam, enhanced national and international visibility of VCAD, and increased awareness on competition and consumer protection issues and enhanced training possibilities / 35,912,390
CUTS’ part: 4,531,076
(104,469) / 02/08-12/10
17. / Strengthening the Consumer Movement in Vietnam / The Ford Foundation (Office for Thailand and Vietnam) / Promote a healthy and vibrant consumer culture in Vietnam, which ensures the meeting in the long term, of the seven legitimate needs of consumers as set out in the United Nations’ Guidelines for Consumer Protection / Structured development of the consumer movement in Vietnam; positive developments/changes in consumer protection laws and regulations; and effective mechanisms for engagement of all relevant stakeholders, and ensure active participation channels for better representation of consumer voices / 7,603,761
(175,250) / 06/08-06/10
18. / Fostering Equity and Accountability in the Trading System (FEATS) / The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, US / Create a network of informed partners to enhancebetter understanding and advocacy of positive linkages between trade anddevelopment in select African countries / Ensure and enhance positive linkages betweentrade and development in Africa; advocacy with trade officialsin Geneva; and generate a more coherent pro-trade African voice in
the formulation and implementation of trade and development policy / 93,499,210
(2,155,000) / 04/08-03/11
19. / Building an Inclusive East African Community (BIEAC) / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit(GTZ), Germany / Support CSOs in EAC countries to examine the implications of EPAs and regional integration with a view to raising awareness of general public on these issues and bring their concerns to the policy makers / Ensuring and enhancing greater CSO role as a bridge between the public and the policy makers through interlinked research, awareness-raising and advocacy activities / 41,312,859
(852,260) / 12/08-11/10
20. / State of Competition in Agricultural Sector:A Case of Milling and Bulk Storage in Kenya / Institute of Economic Affairs(IEA), Kenya / Analyse the state of competition in the agricultural sector, with specific reference to the milling and bulk storage markets / Address the weaknesses identified and to significantly improve the scope of competition by applying both competition and regulatory-based remedies / 54,452
(1,200) / 05/10-07/10
21. / Mapping out the Institutional-Policy and Issues Affecting Small-Scale Farmers and Options for Enhanced Productivity and Market Access Development in Kenya / Ford Foundation, Office of Eastern and Southern Africa, Nairobi / Contribute to poverty reduction and improvement of livelihoods in Kenya through improved agricultural production and sustainable access of Smallholder producers to markets / Information to be used to initiate a small-scale farmer’s movement in Kenya, by which the farmers groups are provided the knowledge to contribute in the process of evolving and implementing relevant policies resulting in poverty alleviation / 544,553
(12,000) / 04/10-06/10
22. / Scenario Planning for East African Community Agriculture Development and Sustainable Food Security by 2020 / Trade Mark East Africa (TMEA) / Achieve sustainable food security by 2020 in the East Africa Community (EAC) within an overall productive agricultural development; and,
establish a regional food security policy for the EAC that fosters poverty reduction and improvement of standard of living / Scenario planning exercise would be for all relevant stakeholders to agree on need for revised public policies and clear about their own role / 2,053,639
(45,258) / 03/10-07/10