American Society of Landscape Architects, Virginia Chapter
Executive Committee Meeting
Conference Call
5:00p.m. on August 11, 2016
A meeting of the Virginia Chapter ASLA Executive Committee (ExCom) was held on Thursday, August 11, 2016 at 5p.m.The following members, guests and staff participated in the meeting:
Office / Name / Present / AbsentPresident / Missy Benson / X
President Elect / Walter Cole / X
Past President / Lynn Crump / X
Secretary / Mike Fox / X
Treasurer / Chris Hale / X
Trustee / LuGay Lanier, FASLA / X
Member At Large / Jarrod Katzer / X
Member At Large / C.L. Bohannon / X
Legislative Committee / Billy Almond, FASLA / X
Legislative Committee / Ti Johnson / X
Membership Committee / Luigi Mignardi / X
Fellow Nominating Committee / Rob McGinnis / X
HALS Liaison / Liz Sargent / X
Section Representative / Ti Johnson / X
Section Representative / C.L. Bohannon / X
Staff / Kevin Bayes / X
VA ASLA Executive Committee Minutes – August 11, 2016
Call to Order
Missy Benson called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m. and role was taken. A quorum was present.
Approval of July 2016 Minutes
Motion: Lynn Crumpmoved to approve the minutes of the July 2016 meeting;Walt Coleseconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
Trustee’s Report
LuGay Lanier shared notes from the ASLA Board of Trustees (BOT) discussion held August 8, 2016 with the ExCom in advance of the meeting. She highlighted the SITES Educational program will be held at the ASLA Annual Meeting in New Orleans in October 2016.
Treasurer’s Report
The financial reports were distributed prior to the meeting. Chris Hale asked the group if there were any questions about the financial reports. There were none.
The report showed assets at $42,784.43, which included checking and savings.
Chris mentioned that checks for the two student winners have been sent and that a payment for half the estimate bill at Paradise Ocean Club for the Fall Conference has been made.
Missy Benson mentioned that the chapter will be submitting the 2016-2017 Leadership Roster to ASLA soon. As part of that roster she told the ExCom that Luigi Mignardi will remain on as chair of the Membership Committee, LuGay Lanier will be chair of the Fellows Committee (with other Fellows helping out on the committee) and Erin Horton, who is with ClarkNexsen, has agreed to chair the Emerging Professionals Committee. Additionally she has asked Jarrod Katzer if he would be interested in being the chair for the newly established Public Relations/Public Awareness Committee.
Administrator’s Report
Kevin Bayes provided the Administrator’s Report in advance of the meeting. Kevin reported on a marketing plan of emails for the Fall Conference that will be going out each week until the conference. Each one will focus on a different part of the conference. Kevin also reported on the current membership numbers: 265 members, 17 student members, and 11 members due to renew in August.
Old Business
One Day Session on Therapeutic Landscapes on Covenant Woods
Kevin Bayes reported that Wednesday, April 5, 2017 is available to hold the Therapeutic Landscapes event. Missy Benson has introduced Dick Gibbons, FASLA to Jack Carman, FASLA who will be involved in the planning of the event. A conference call is planned before the end of the month.
Committee Reports
Awards – Mike Fox and Kevin Bayes
The awards judging was done by conference call at the end of July. Mike mentioned the committee chair,Terry Clements, FASLA,has been in contact with all of the winners and those who did not receive awards. There were twenty submissions and eighteen winners. The awards program is now an annual event and it will help people who want to submit to plan in advance for the program. Information on the awards winners will not be sent out in email or added to the website until after the Awards Program on September 17, 2016 during the Fall Conference. This was discussed and it was agreed that we don’t want to take away from the excitement and suspense of the Awards Program. This process was not included in the initial program materials on submissions and it will be something the committee will need to include in all materials for future programs. The ExCom members asked to receive the results.
Action Item: Kevin Bayesto send the results of the Awards Program to the ExCom.
Events – Lynn Crump
Lynn Crump reported on the status of the upcoming Fall Conference. Kevin Bayes reported registration opened last week and we are ahead of last year’s numbers. We have twelve exhibitors. More details will be shared on the Fall Conference Committee call which will happen following the ExCom meeting.
Fellows – LuGay Lanier
LuGay reported that 19 Fellows have made donations to the Friday night reception at the Fall Conference.
Rob McGinnis has decided not to chair the Fellows Committee. LuGay Lanier has agreed to serve as chair. LuGay said she would still be willing to do it until another person takes the position. The current committee has agreed to stay on and work with LuGay. The list of eligible candidates, received from ASLA, will be shared with the committee. LuGay is planning to send out an announcement about the Fellows process and the list of eligible candidates to the membership within the week. The deadline to receive names of candidates is Thursday, September 15.
Government Affairs and Advocacy – Billy Almond, Ti Johnson, Rob McGinnis
Missy reported the Government Affairs and Advocacy Committee, Kevin Bayes, and she had a very positive meeting with Rhea George, Managing Director at Virginia Chapter of AIA, to discuss the joint legislative committee. Another meeting is being planned for September.
Nominations – Lynn Crump
Lynn reported that the ballot was sent to the membership for a vote. Walt Cole, President-Elect; LuGay Lanier, FASLA, Trustee; Chris Hale, Treasurer; and CL. Bohannon, Member-at-Large were voted in by the membership. The election results were approved by the Teller Committee.
Public Relations – Walt Cole
Walt is also going to talk with Glenn Oder about using a space at Fort Monroe. Walt has been contacting local companies to line up resources (pavers, plants, etc.) for the parking spots. ASLA has a lot of paraphernalia for Parking Day. They plan to do another big social media outreach for Parking Day as they did for World Landscape Architecture Month.
Sponsors – Missy Benson and Chris Hale
Action Item: Kevin Bayes to send sponsorship information to Shade and Wise.
Upcoming in Person ExCom Meeting Locations
- September 16 – Meeting to be held in the Offices of the Fort Monroe Authority, Bldg. 83, 20 Ingalls Road, Fort Monroe, VA 23651. The start time of this meeting has been changed from 10:00a.m. to 9:00a.m.
There being no further business, Missy adjourned the meeting at 5:55 p.m. The next meeting will be held in person at 9:00 a.m. at Fort Monroe, VA.
Respectfully submitted,
Kevin Bayes
Executive Director
Virginia Chapter of ASLA
VA ASLA Executive Committee Minutes – August 11, 2016