KSD Middle School Technology Standards
Eighth-grade Technology Literacy IndicatorsStudents in all tiers will use technology to build and share knowledge and to improve and enhance learning in all subject areas and experiences.
Tier 1 / Tier 2 / Tier 3
Personal use and Communication / Access, collect, manage, integrate, and evaluate information / Solve problems and create solutions
Students use technology to complete school work. / Students use technology for research and/or public presentations. / Students use technology to solve authentic problems and create quality artifacts.
1. Applies strategies for identifying and solving routine hardware and software problems that occur during everyday use.
Tier 1: Student knows how to connect and use a wide variety of input and output devices and how to access networked resources. / Met Standard
Properly connects, disconnects and troubleshoots devices (i.e. mouse, keyboard, network, camera, external storage devices, projector)
Demonstrates understanding of the KSD networked resources and structure (i.e. Home folders, servers)
Uses the KSD networked resources efficiently (i.e. manage passwords and home folders)
Tier 2: Student knows how to troubleshoot various research tools.
Accesses on-line databases and refine search to access appropriate material
Manages various passwords (i.e. database passwords, network password)
Demonstrates strategies to troubleshoot a non-responsive web-page (i.e. refresh, truncate URLs)
Tier 3: Student demonstrates strategies to solve and prevent routine technology problems.
Solves routine hardware problems (i.e. wireless connectivity, power, checking connections, recognizing damaged connections)
Solves routine software problems (i.e. checking accuracy of URLs, refresh web pages, appropriate use of Task Manager)
Knows when and to whom to report a technical problem
2. Demonstrates knowledge of current changes in information technology and the effects those changes have on the workplace and society.
Tier 1: Student adapts to changes in technology. / Met Standard
Acknowledges and discusses new technologies available to them
Tier 2 Student uses new technologies for research and final artifact presentations.
Makes informed choices among technology systems, resources and service available to them
Tier 3: Student recognizes and discusses changes in information technology and the effects those changes have on workplace, society and/or themselves.
Demonstrates an understanding of how fast technology (hardware and software) changes and its impact
3. Exhibits legal and ethical behaviors when using information and technology and discusses consequences of misuse.
Tier 1: Student is acquainted with the legal and ethical issues related to use and misuse of technology. / Met Standard
Follows the KSD Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
Demonstrates understanding of the consequences associated with misuse of technology
Remembers their passwords and keeps passwords secure
Tier 2: Student understands the issues related to privacy, security, copyright, plagiarism and personal safety when using technology.
Identifies and cites internet and electronic resources
Understands and abides by copyright laws
Understands the concept and consequences of plagiarism
Tier 3: Student illustrates ethical behaviors for use of copyrighted media and analyzes consequences of unethical use of information and communication technology.
Understands the need for protection against software and hardware vandalism (altering or deleting software, awareness of viruses)
Recognizes what qualifies as unethical use (i.e. hacking, spamming, consumer fraud, pirating software and media files)
Uses appropriate language and behavior when communicating electronically with others (i.e. the Internet, videoconferencing, and email)
4 and 5. Applies the use of technology tools to support personal productivity, group collaboration, and learning throughout the curriculum
Tier 1: Student uses available tools to support personal productivity and enhance learning across the curriculum. / Met Standard
Student can keyboard to ## wpm using correct technique
Independently uses a word processing application to accomplish tasks
Uses edit and format features to improve documents in standard applications (i.e. Office, Inspiration). Features will include spell and grammar check, font menus, justification, bullets and numbering and appropriate use of color
Copies and pastes or inserts graphics from various sources to improve documents and presentations
Edits a graphic using the Picture tools
Uses draw toolbar to add elements to documents
Independently uses Help Menus within software applications
Independently uses Search features within the Start Menu to find files and folders
Tier 2: Student uses available technology tools to gather, use, and analyze data and information.
Integrates the use of two or more applications to create a product
Accesses and uses available online research sources (i.e. ProQuest, United Streaming)
Uses efficient internet search strategies
Creates presentation using a variety of technology tools and media
Effectively communicates information and ideas with the support of media or a multimedia project
Tier 3: Student uses available technology tools to support their learning and creativity across the curriculum.
Independently uses technology tools in the pre-writing and planning process
Independently uses technology tools to investigate and research essential questions
Chooses appropriate technology tools to solve problems and test solutions (i.e. calculators, microscopes, probes)
Uses technology to enhance work with visuals (i.e. cameras, video, scanner, photo editing, paint and draw programs)
Creates documents to support the presentation of solution to problems or answers to essential questions
Students work in teams using software collaboration tools (ie. Workspace, IM etc.)
6. Uses technology tools to design, publish and present to various audiences
Tier 1: Student uses technology to plan, organize and/or sequence ideas. / Met Standard
Uses word processing or concept-mapping to brainstorm ideas and questions (i.e. lists in Word, Inspiration diagrams)
Uses word processing, concept-mapping or organizational software to organize group or individual work (i.e. Word tables, Publisher calendars)
Tier 2: Student creates a product to publish and/or present as assigned by teacher.
Chooses and cites information from online research databases to help answer a question or solve a problem provided by teacher
Uses technology to assist in the organization and synthesis of text related to a given question or problem
Uses technology to create a product that will be used in the communication and/or presentation to the solution of a given problem
Tier 3: Student creates a product to publish and/or present for the purpose of solving a problem or answering an essential question.
Student individually or collaboratively chooses and plans to design and create a technology rich product that will assist in the communication of their original ideas
Student uses various technology tools together to create a product
Student presents and/or publishes using created product
7. Uses technology to investigate, collaborate and share solutions and products
Tier 1: Student uses electronic communication to access information and opinions. / Met Standard
Effectively uses a search engine to find related and valuable web sites
Copies and pastes URL into document for later use
Accesses, sends and receives e-mail
Tier 2: Student uses electronic communication to exchange and share information and opinions.
Uses technology to exchange information with an expert or group member (i.e. e-mail, fax, podcasts, dynamic web sites)
Tier 3: Student uses technology to work collaboratively to develop and share ideas or information.
Uses a technology based collaborative tool to learn and share curriculum related information outside of the classroom (i.e., weblogs, discussion boards, videoconferences)
Uses technology within the classroom to enhance the work of cooperative groups (i.e. students use projectors, document cameras, interactive whiteboards to gather, share and synthesize group input)
8: Selects and uses appropriate tools and technology resources to accomplish a variety of tasks and solve problems.
Tier 1: Student selects from a limited set of technology tools to complete assigned work. / Met Standard
Collects and analyzes data using spreadsheets and graphs
Uses a multimedia program to create a presentation
Uses a word processing program to create an artifact
Tier 2: Student selects from a variety of teacher defined technology tools to solve specific problems or present results.
Chooses a concept mapping tool to help brainstorm or organize information
Chooses a database to conduct research for a final product
Chooses a multimedia program to create a final product
Tier 3: Student identifies, evaluates, and independently selects appropriate technology tools to solve problems or create products.
Self -selects an appropriate tool to brainstorm and organize information
Self -selects an appropriate tool to conduct research for a final product
Self-selects an appropriate technology tool to create a final product
9. Demonstrates an understanding of concepts underlying hardware, software, connectivity, and of practical applications to their learning and problem solving.
Tier 1: Student understands the basics of the KSD file structure and network. / Met Standard
Knows to use “save as” to change file format and recognizes basic extensions (.ppt, .doc, .jpeg etc.)
Knows to save regularly and in the appropriate place on the network
Knows how to navigate to locate files and templates
Tier 2: Student understands the folder structure within our network.
Creates folders for saving and organizing projects within their Home folder
Knows how to navigate and save projects to the collaborative workspaces on the network
Uses the teachers’ inbox to turn in completed assignments
Tier 3: Student explores various ways information and technology resources can be combined, personalized, or re-purposed to develop and promote learning.
Produces a multimedia project that may include sound, video, and/or graphics
Uses resources available to them to share and collaborate on projects (editing streaming video resources, share slides from slideshow presentations)
10. Researches and evaluates the accuracy, relevance, appropriateness, comprehensiveness, and bias of electronic information sources concerning real-world problems.
Tier 1: Student applies efficient search strategies to locate relevant information on-line. / Met Standard
Uses the advanced search features to narrow searches (Boolean searches, uses + and -, uses quotes)
Uses appropriate search engines and databases for locating information
Recognizes the parts of a URL address to check for bias and accuracy (endings such as edu, com, gov, and ~
Tier 2: Student searches, collects, and evaluates the accuracy and relevance of electronic resources.
Evaluates sources for credibility (i.e. supporting evidence, author bias)
Analyzes who links to the electronic resource for validity of information
Tier 3: Student evaluates information from a variety of electronic resources for appropriateness, comprehensiveness and bias.
Finds and recognizes sponsored links and their bias
Distinguishes between fact or opinion on websites
Recognizes origins, authors and purpose of websites