Domaines Albert Bichot
Presented byAlbéricBichotand Richard Bampfield MW
Salters’ Hall, 4 Fore Street,LondonEC2Y5DE
Thursday, 23 March 2017at7.00pm
Domaines Albert Bichot is one of the oldest and most respected estates in Burgundy. TheBichot family traces its history in Burgundy back to 1214, and the wine trading business under the Bichotfamily name was founded in 1831. Domaines Albert Bichot today encompasses six different estates that cover the entire Burgundy region and produce red and white wines ranging from Bourgogne and village wines to some of the top Grands Crus.
Through the generosity of Domaines Albert Bichot, we are able to present a range of red and whiteBurgundies from different estates at a ticket price well below the market value of the wines presented. We will taste wines from three of their best-known estates -Domaine du Pavillon, Domaine du Clos Frantin and Domaine Long-Depaquit - and the tasting includes wines from top premier cru and Grand Cru vineyards.
We are very pleased tohaveAlbéricBichot, representing the sixth generation of the Bichot family to run the wine business, and Richard Bampfield MW, who is well known to the Society, lead this tasting. They will guide us through the history of Domaines Albert Bichot and a very impressive list of wines, including wines from Chablis, Meursault, Corton Charlemagne, Chambolle-Musigny,Vosne-Romanéeand Échezeaux. The wines representthe 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 vintages, all of which are critically acclaimedvintages for red and white Burgundy.
A tasting of fine Burgundies such as theseis not to be missed, and we are expecting tickets to sell quickly. Thewinesfor theeveningare:
Bourgogne Chardonnay "Secret de Famille" 2015 (Albert Bichot) / Pommard “Clos des Ursulines”- Monopole 2014(Domaine du Pavillon)Chablis 1er Cru Les Vaucopins2015
(Domaine Long-Depaquit 2015 / Chambolle-Musigny 1er Cru Les Chabiots 2014 (Albert Bichot)
Meursault 1er Cru Les Charmes 2014 (Domaine du Pavillon) / Vosne-Romanée1er Cru Les Malconsorts 2013 (Domaine du Clos Frantin)
Corton Charlemagne Grand Cru 2012 (Domaine de Pavillon) / Échezeaux Grand Cru 2012 (Domaine du Clos Frantin)
How do I apply for tickets?
The tasting offers great value for the quality of the wines presented, and the ticket price reflects the generosity of Domaines Albert Bichot. Tickets are £50 for members and £60 for guests. Pleaseapplyeitherbye-mail and paybyonlinetransfer,or bypostenclosing a cheque, as set out below.
E-mail and onlinetransfer
Pleaseapplyforyour ticket(s)byemail toSteveThierbach at , indicating thetasting and thenumberofmemberticketsand thenumberof guestticketsfor which you areapplying. For security reasons,youmustprovidethenamesofyourguestsprior to the tasting.
Pleasetransfer thefull amountfor your applicationtothefollowing account: Accountname:SolicitorsWineSociety-TastingsAccount
Reference: [your name] –Bichot(e.g.,“Smith-Bichot”)
Ticketswillnot beallocated until paymenthasbeen received in full.Theorganiser will notifyyou by emailofyour ticketnumber(s)when ticketshave been allocated.Pleasenotethatpaymentonline does notguaranteeaticketallocation. Ifyour application isunsuccessful,yourpaymentwill berefunded,for which you willneedtosupplyyour bankaccount details.
Alternatively,please printor photocopyanother copyofthispage,completetheform belowadding your name, e-mail and telephone number in line one, and return it,togetherwithyour chequeand astamped addressed envelopeor aprinted email address, toSteve ThierbachatGibson, Dunn & CrutcherLLP,Telephone House, 2-4 Temple Avenue,London EC4Y 0HB
I [name] [e-mail] [tel no]
applyfor ticket(s)at£50formember(s)and ticket(s)at£60for guestsfor theDomaines Albert Bichottasting onThursday, 23 March 2017.
Pleasealsoprintthename(s) ofyour guests:
Nameof guest(s)
For reasonsofsecurityatthe venue,thisinformationmustbeprovidedtotheorganiserbeforethedate of thetasting.