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CV English Version

Table of Content

Personal Details


General Medical Council (UK) Registration



Awards and Distinctions

Higher Surgical Training

Membership of Professional Societies......

Present and Recent Academic Appointments

Present and Recent Administration Appointments

Previous Posts (Jordan and United Arab Emirates)

United Kingdom Experience

Research Interests

Administrative Experience

Civic and Philanthropic Activities

Reviewer and/or advisory board for Medical Journals or textbook

Papers published or accepted for publication (Refereed publications)

Papers Submitted

Papers and Case Reports in Preparation

Papers and Case Reports Presented

Supervision of Postgraduate Students

Workshops and Courses Attended

Conferences and Meetings Attended



Personal Details

Surname: / Bani-Hani
First Name: / Kamal
Middle Initial: / E.
Present Position: / Vice president for Health Faculties and health centers, HashemiteUniversity
Dean, Faculty of Medicine
Date of Birth: / December 5, 1958
Place of Birth: / Irbid-Jordan
Sex: / Male
Nationality: / Jordanian
Marital Status: / Married
Family / Son of Hussein (Bani-Hani) and Jawaher (Bataineh); married to Dr. Golzar Othman Karim (Kurdish from Sulimanieh-Iraq), July 10, 1984; children: three daughters (Bayan, Dana, and Salar) and two sons (Mohammed and Ahmad).
Languages: / English, Arabic
Current Address:(Work) / HashemiteUniversity
Vice President for Health Faculties and HealthCenters
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
P.O. Box 330127
Tel: 962-5-3903333 (Ext.4102) (Office)
Tel 962-79-7900105 (Mobile)
Fax: 962-5-3903352
(Home) / Irbid-Jordan
P.O. Box 1055
Tel: 962-2-7060300


  • Enjoy watching and participating in many sports, especially Football
  • Sailing
  • Reading
  • Writing poetry
  • Listening to country music

General Medical Council (UK) Registration

Full Registration Number / 4216890


Secondary School / 1973-1976 / Irbid Secondary School-Jordan
Certificate: National Tawgihi
Grade: Excellent
Average: 90%
MedicalCollege / 1977-1984 / BaghdadUniversity
Postgraduate / 1996-1998 / Leeds University-UK,ResearchSchool of Medicine


M.B., CH.B. with honor / 1984 / Baghdad University, Iraq
F.R.C.S. (Part 1) / December 1991 / RoyalCollege of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow-UK
F.R.C.S. (Part 2) / February 1992 / RoyalCollege of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow-UK
Doctoral degree M.D. / June 2002 / Leeds University-UK

Awards and Distinctions

Numerous awards and honors have been bestowed on me including:

  1. Dr. Nabeeh Muammar Prize for the "Distinguished Physician" for 2011.
  2. Scopus-Elsevier award to honor contribution to science April 2009
  3. The Marquis Who is Who in Medicine and Healthcare 2009
  4. Prize of the distinguish researcher, Faculty of Medicine, JordanUniversity of Science & Technology 2006
  5. Prize of the distinguish research, Faculty of Medicine, JordanUniversity of Science & Technology 2006
  6. Prize of the best clinical teacher, Faculty of Medicine, JordanUniversity of Science & Technology 2006
  7. Prize of the distinguish researcher, Faculty of Medicine, JordanUniversity of Science & Technology 2004-2005. 27th April 2005
  8. Given a prize at the 5th Pan Arab Cancer Congress and Progress in Cancer Management. Kuwait 4th-8th April 2004 for participation in the organization of the congress.
  9. Certificate of Appreciation for the contribution to the success of The Pan Arab Cancer Congress & the First Syrian Cancer Congress held in Damascus-Syria October 21-24, 2003.
  10. Given a plaque at the 4th Pan Arab Cancer Congress and the first Syrian Cancer Congress. Damascus, Syria 21-24 October 2003, for presentation of gastric malignancies in Jordan.
  11. Given the third Surgical Prize at the Second U.A.E. Surgical Conference in 1991, for presentation of Conservative Management of Perforated Duodenal Ulcer-Best Resident Paper.
  12. Given a plaque in recognition of ranking third out of 261 graduates in the first term, MedicalCollege, University of Baghdad 1984.

Higher Surgical Training

Post / Date / Place
Registrar in General Surgery / July 1989 to June 1993 / Abu Dhabi, UAE
Registrar in General and Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery / July 1993 to July 1996 / Manchester Rotation, UK
Clinical/Research Fellow / August 1996 to October 1998 / Center for Digestive Diseases and Molecular Epidemiology Unit, Research School of Medicine –Leeds University and Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds – UK.

Membership of Professional Societies

  1. Full Registration with the General Medical Council, U.K
  2. Arab Medical Association Against Cancer
  3. Jordanian Medical Association
  4. Jordanian Surgical Specialists Society
  5. Jordanian Oncology Society
  6. InternationalCollege of Surgeons
  7. Overseas Doctors Association in UK
  8. Association of Surgeons in Training-UK
  9. Association of Surgeons of Great BritainIreland
  10. American Diabetes Association

Present and Recent Academic Appointments

1th November 2010 to date / Post
Professor of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery,HashemiteUniversity
9thNovember 2005 to 31 October 2010 / Professor of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery, JordanUniversity of Science and Technology
8th February 2002 to 8thNovember 2005 / Associate Professor of Surgery
Consultant Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeon
Faculty of Medicine - Department of Surgery
JordanUniversity of Science and Technology
17th October 1998 to 7th February 2002 / Assistant Professor of Surgery
Consultant Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeon
Faculty of Medicine - Department of Surgery
JordanUniversity of Science and Technology

Present and Recent Administration Appointments

24thOctober 2011 to date
1th November 2010 to date / Post
Acting President of the Hashemite University
Vice President for Health Faculties and Health Centers, Hashemite University
Dean, Faculty of Medicine
1st September 2008 to 31th October 2010 / Dean, Faculty of Medicine,
JordanUniversity of Science and Technology
1st September 2007 to 31st August 2008 / Vice Dean, Faculty of Medicine,
JordanUniversity of Science and Technology
1st July 2008 to 31st August 2009
1st September 2009 to 31st August 2010
1st November 2010 to date
1st September 2010 to date / Chairman of the scientific committee of the Jordanian Board for Surgery
Member of the Higher Executive Committee of the Jordanian Medical Council
Member of the Postgraduate Higher Committee of the Jordanian Medical Council
Member of the Higher Committee of the Jordanian Food and Drug Agency
1st September 2007 to 1st September 2008 / Chairman of the Department of Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Urology, and Anesthesia
Faculty of Medicine,
JordanUniversity of Science and Technology
1st September 2006 to date / Program Director for the Arab Board of surgery in the Faculty of Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology
1st September 2006 to date / Member of the Training and Recognition committee for the Arab Board of surgery, Damascus-Syria
1st September 2003 to 31st August 2006 / Chairman of the Department of Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Urology, and Anesthesia
Faculty of Medicine,
JordanUniversity of Science and Technology
4th April 2004 to date / Chairman of the Pan Arab Gastrointestinal
Cancer Group
26th September 2000 to 31st August 2003 / Chairman of Accident and Emergency Department
Faculty of Medicine - Department of A&E
JordanUniversity of Science and Technology

I am involved in teaching the under and postgraduate medical students the course of upper gastrointestinal surgery, including gastric and esophageal malignancies. In addition, I work as a consultant surgeon at KingAbdullahUniversityHospital. In addition to performing general, upper gastrointestinal and laparoscopic surgical procedures, I am performing upper and lower gastrointestinal diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopies. From September 2003 to August 2006, and as I was appointed the Chairman of Department of Surgery, School of Medicine-Jordan University of Science & Technology, I developed a plan to improve and promote the department and improve the way of conducting the examination for the student and surgical trainee. When I was appointed as the Chairman of A&E Department at KingAbdullahUniversityHospital, School of Medicine-Jordan University of Science & Technology during 2000-2003, I headed a committee, which established the policy and protocols for the A&E Department and the Disaster plan for the hospital.

Previous Posts (Jordan and United Arab Emirates)

Date / Post / Place
10th July 1984 to 9th July 1985 / Internship / Princess Basma Teaching Hospital. Irbid-Jordan
10th July 1985 to 31st December 1985 / General Practitioner / Private Clinic. Irbid-Jordan
10th January 1986 to 30th June 1987 / SHO Accident and Emergency / CentralHospital
Accident & Emergency Dept Abu Dhabi-UAE
This A&E Department is the busiest in the United Arab Emirates, seeing over 300 emergencies per day. My duties involved assessing and managing emergency cases
1st July 1987 to 31st December 1988 / SHO in General Surgery / CentralHospital
Mr. N. Kazi Unit
Abu Dhabi-UAE
Gained experience in acute and elective General Surgery
1st January 1989 to 30th June 1989 / SHO in Urology / Central & Al-Jazeera Hospitals
Mr. Badry Alsaleh Unit
Abu Dhabi-UAE
Management of acute and elective admissions, and learning the basics of Urological surgery
1st July 1989 to 25th June 1993 / Registrar in General Surgery / Central & Al-Jazeera Hospitals
Mr. N. Kazi, Mr. M. Aldoori Mr.AK Hadi
Abu Dhabi-UAE

The Central and Al-JazeeraHospitals, in Abu Dhabi, have very busy, active surgical units, receiving all types of emergencies including a lot of trauma. These two hospitals are one complex consisting of over 700 beds with all the diagnostic and treatment facilities, including a fully equipped general and specialist Radiological Department with CT scanners, Ultrasound and Nuclear Medicine Services. The complex has an active undergraduate and postgraduate surgical teaching unit. Primary and final F.R.C.S. courses are regularly conducted here as programmed by The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. The Part A and Part B of the F.R.C.S. examination have been held here every year for the last 14 and 11 years respectively.

During my three and a half years as an SHO and my four years as a Registrar in this complex I gained a wide experience in managing acute and elective admissions. I was trained to perform many surgical procedures including open cholecystectomy and thyroidectomy and actively participated in the postgraduate seminars and teaching.

I developed an interest in Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery and decided to move to the United Kingdom for furthers training.

United Kingdom Experience

1st July 1993 to 30th June 1994 / Registrar in General Surgery / HopeHospital
University Department of Surgery
Professor Miles Irving, Mr. John Bancewicz, and Mr. Nigel Scott

I gained a wide experience of general surgery in a combined medical and surgical gastroenterology academic unit. I learnt the technique of esophageal surgery and management of esophageal diseases in a specialized unit. I was actively involved in the surgical management of a large number of patients with complicated gastrointestinal pathology, including revision gastrointestinal surgery, enterocutaneous fistulas, ileo-anal J pouches, laparostomies and pancreatic surgery. I also gained a wide experience of esophageal and gastric surgery, including esophagectomies, D2 gastrectomies, laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication, laparoscopic Heller's myotomy and esophageal balloon dilatation.

I was trained to perform endoscopy and I performed a large number of diagnostic laparoscopies. I was involved in a 1:5 on call Rota supervised by a Consultant from home and I performed a significant number of large and small bowel resections and gastrectomies.

I participated in the general surgical, esophageal and proctology clinics, which were held weekly.

There is a regional nutritional unit associated with the surgical department, managing total parenteral nutrition including a large number of patients on home total parenteral nutrition. I was actively involved in this unit and I was trained to insert feeding lines.

Being a member of the academic unit I attended the teaching rounds with the Consultants and I was involved in the surgical audit, which was held on a weekly basis and participated weekly in combined medical/surgical gastroenterological meetings and combined surgical/radiology meetings.

1st July 1994 to 30th June 1995 / Registrar in General Surgery / Blackburn Royal Infirmary Blackburn–Lancashire
Mr. Rob Watson and Mr. Terry O'Brien

I continued my training in upper GI surgery with Mr. Rob Watson and I performed several esophagectomies and D2 total gastrectomies. I also performed thyroidectomies, parathyroidectomies, splenectomies and a significant number of laparoscopic cholecystectomies. I continued to perform endoscopies.

Under supervision of Mr. Terry O'Brien I performed a large number of vascular procedures including aortic bifurcation grafts, femoral-popliteal and axillo-femoral bypass grafts.

I was involved in a 1:4 on call Rota supervised by a Consultant from home and I performed a large number of emergency laparotomies with small and large bowel resections.

I was involved in teaching medical students and I actively participated in the surgical audit, which was held monthly. I was also an observer in the surgical directorate meetings, which also took, place monthly.

1st July 1995 to 31st July1996 / Registrar in General Surgery / BlackpoolVictoriaHospital, Blackpool–Lancashire
Mr. Steve Walker and Mr. S. Ravi

I continued my training in upper GI surgery with Mr. Steve Walker, who is the main upper GI surgeon in Blackpool Victoria, and I performed several esophagectomies (Ivor-Lewis and left thoracoabdominal approaches), D2 gastrectomies and Nissen fundoplications (open and laparoscopically), also I performed few cases of hepatic segmentectomy under supervision. I performed a large number of laparoscopic cholecystectomies and several cases of laparoscopic assisted appendectomies.

I was also involved in breast surgery, and I performed a large number of mastectomies, axillary clearance and insertion of breast prostheses

My training under supervision of both Mr. Walker and Mr. Ravi, also involved elective colorectal surgery and I performed a large number of colonic resection (Hemicolectomies, anterior resections, and abdominoperineal resections), and I performed a large number of gastro-intestinal anastomosis (hand sutures and stapler anastomosis)

This is a very busy hospital with a large number of daily emergency admissions. I was involved in a 1:5 on call Rota supervised by a Consultant from home and has performed a large number of emergency laparotomies with small and large bowel resection.

I was actively involved in the teaching of both medical students and candidates for both the primary and final F.R.C.S. examination on a weekly basis. I also participated in the weekly combined surgical/radiological meetings.

1st August 1996 to 1st October 1998 / Clinical \ Research Fellow in Surgery / Leeds General Infirmary
Professorial Surgical Unit and Center for Digestive Disease
Professor David Johnston Mr. Henry Sue-ling Mr. Ian Martin
Molecular EpidemiologyUnitResearchSchool of MedicineLeedsUniversity
Professor Chris Wild

I gained a lot of clinical and research skills in this internationally recognized gastro- intestinal unit. I learnt the technique of DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction, and immunohistochemistry. I conducted a clinical and molecular research concerning the etiology and surveillance of Barrett’s esophagus. I investigated some of the molecular markers expressed in esophageal adenocarcinoma. Among the markers, which I investigated, are the epidermal growth factor, epidermal growth factor receptors, glucose transporter 1, and cyclin D1. In addition, I investigated the prevalence of short segment of Barrett’s and its associated risk of carcinoma, and the cost effectiveness of surveillance. I found that the cyclin D1 is a useful early marker in the process of malignant progression from columnar metaplasia to esophageal adenocarcinoma. My group of patients with Barrett’s esophagus was 597 patients, which is one of the largest series in the world. This research was submitted to Research School of Medicine - LeedsUniversity as a thesis for M.D. degree, which I was awarded in 2002. My research about the cyclin D1 as an early marker for esophageal adenocarcinoma has been published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. The Barrett's surveillance work has been published in the European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology and the World Journal of Gastroenterology.

Research Interests

My main interests are in the fields of upper gastrointestinal surgery, Medical education, and Oncology, particularly gastroesophageal malignancies, gastrointestinal stromal tumors, soft tissue tumors, and peritoneal surface tumors.

Upper gastrointestinal surgery and oncosurgery are my major subspecialty with special interest in esophageal surgery, Barrett’s esophagus, gastric and other intra-abdominal tumors. Esophageal and gastric cancers are my main clinical interest. My focus of the esophageal cancer research is on the investigation of the molecular changes during the multistep malignant progression of columnar-lined (Barrett’s) esophagus. One of the current research projects is investigating the role of cyclin E expression in esophageal cancer. The study on glucose transporter is also underway for esophageal cancer research. I am also involved in the research to elucidate the prognostic factors in gastric cancer patients. My main focus of research is the inquiry of carcinogenesis in the stomach cancer, which is concentrated on the cell cycle molecules, eg p21 and p27, and H. pylori. I am investigating the role of different cyclins in the multistage tumorigenesis of gastric cancer and the correlation between the expression of cyclins and the degree of histologic aggressiveness and prognostic indices in patients of gastric carcinoma. At the moment I am investigating the gastric carcinoma in Northern Jordan with regards to the expression of a panel of tumor markers including cyclin E, p21, p27, p53 and EGFR. Also I am investigating the relationship of H. pylori to gastric adenocarcinoma and type of H. pylori strains in Jordan. My future research topics are prognostic molecular markers for gastric adenocarcinomas. Another research field is to evaluate the possibilities of combining many molecular markers as a prognosticator for gastric cancer.

Furthermore, I have participated in the development of Bioethics curriculum in the Faculties of Medicine and Nursing at the Hashemite University starting first semester 2011-2012

Administrative Experience

  1. Vice President for Health Faculties and HealthCenters, HashemiteUniversityfrom 1st November 2010 to date
  2. Dean, Faculty of Medicine, HashemiteUniversityfrom 1st November 2010 to date
  3. Dean, Faculty of Medicine,JordanUniversity of Science and Technologyfrom 1st September 2008 to 31th October 2010
  4. Vice Dean, Faculty of Medicine,JordanUniversity of Science and Technologyfrom 1st September 2007 to 31st August 2008
  5. Examiner for the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland 2009
  6. Member of the Higher Executive Committee of the Jordanian Medical Council from 1st September 2009 to 31th August 2010
  7. Member of the Postgraduate Higher Committee of the Jordanian Medical Councilfrom 1st November 2010 to date
  8. Member of the Higher Committee of the Jordanian Food and Drug Agency from 1st September 2010 to date
  9. Member of the National Committee for National Health Research Priorities from 1st February 2009 to date.
  10. Chairman of the scientific committee of the Jordanian Board for Surgery from 1-7-2008.
  11. Chairman of the Department of Surgery, KingAbdullahUniversityHospital, Faculty of Medicine-Jordan University of Science and Technology from 1st September 2007 to date.
  12. Chairman of the Department of Surgery, King Abdullah University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine-Jordan University of Science and Technology from 1st September 2003 to 31st August 2006.
  13. Chairman of A&E Department, KingAbdullahUniversityHospital, Faculty of Medicine-Jordan University of Science and Technology from September 2000 to 31st August 2003.
  14. Chairman of the Pan Arab Gastrointestinal Cancer group, Medical Arab Association against Cancer.
  15. Chairman of the Operation Theaters Committee, King Abdullah University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine-Jordan University of Science and Technology from 1st September 2003 to 31st August 2006.
  16. Chairman of the Medical Research Committee, King Abdullah University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine-Jordan University of Science and Technology from 1st September 2004 to 31st August 2006.
  17. Main organizer for the first and final Arab Board Exam in General Surgery (JordanCenter) from September 2004 to date.
  18. Program Director for the Arab Board of surgery in the Faculty of Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology from 1st September 2006 to date.
  19. Member of the Training and Recognition committee for the Arab Board of surgery, Damascus-Syria from 1st September 2006 to date.
  20. Active member of the committees, which established our new hospital (the 635-bed, KingAbdullahUniversityHospital). I was actively involved in the establishment of the policy and protocols for the new hospital, including the dry and soft run of the hospital in the initial period before and after receiving the patients. In addition I established the Disaster plan for the hospital.
  21. Member of the scientific committee for Arab Board for emergency medicine since 2002.
  22. Member of the scientific committee of the Jordanian Board for Surgery from 2005 to date.
  23. Member of the scientific committee of the Jordanian Board for Emergency medicine from 2001 to 2005.
  24. Member of the Faculty of Medicine Council, JordanUniversity of Science & Technology from 2000 to 2010.
  25. Organizer for the Introductory Course to Medicine for the fourth year Medical Student since 1998.
  26. Councilor for the sixth year Medical Student since 1998.
  27. Organizer for the final MB, Ch B. Exam School of Medicine, Jordan University of Science & Technology from 1998 to 2010.
  28. Member of many Tender Committees for buying surgical instruments, endoscopes, Laparoscopes, and disposable items for KingAbdullahUniversityHospital. School of Medicine, Jordan University of Science & Technology from 1998 to date.
  29. Member of the committee for the Integrated Medical Curriculum. School of Medicine, Jordan University of Science & Technology from 2000 to date.
  30. Member of the Research Committee. School of Medicine, Jordan University of Science & Technology from 2000 to 2002.
  31. Member of the scientific committee for the Medical Arab Association against Cancer.
  32. Member of the Pan Arab Breast Cancer group, Medical Arab Association against Cancer.

Civic and Philanthropic Activities