Psych 0470 - Behavior Modification Review #3

Chapter 6 - Changing Respondent Behavior Behaviorally

1)  Discuss factors related to the strength of the CR.

2)  What are:

a)  Overshadowing

b)  Blocking

c)  Latent Inhibition

3)  What is first-order conditioning? second-order conditioning?

4)  Discuss the nature of CERs

a)  Discuss assessment of fears / CERs.

i)  What are SUDs and how are they used?

b)  Discuss functional analysis of respondent behavior: ABCs.

5)  Discuss the nature of extinction and counterconditioning.

a)  Discuss the use of systematic desensitization: relaxation & a hierarchy.

i)  How do you construct a hierarchy?

ii)  What is in vivo desensitization?

iii)  What is participant modeling or vicarious desensitization?

Chapter 7 - Covert Methods in Classical conditioning

1)  Discuss the nature of relaxation.

2)  Discuss the following relaxation techniques:

a)  Progressive Muscle Relaxation

b)  Autogenic Training

i)  Teich's Modified Autogenic Training

c)  Meditation / Deep Breathing

d)  Guided Imagery

e)  Rapid Relaxation

3)  Discuss covert conditioning.

a)  What is cover sensitization? Covert positive reinforcement? Other covert conditioning techniques?

4)  Discuss cognitive-behavioral coping techniques.

a)  Discuss the importance of self-statements.

i)  What are coping statements? Reinterpretative statements?

b)  Discuss the uses of thought stopping and distraction.

5)  Be familiar with the "tips on using cover behavioral methods."

Chapter 14 - Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies

1)  What are cognitive-behavioral therapies?

a)  Briefly discuss why cognitive processes are important.

2)  Discuss the general nature of cognitive restructuring approaches.

a)  Discuss Ellis’s REBT.

i)  What are some common irrational ways of thinking?

ii)  Discuss the process of REBT

(1)  What is the ABCDE paradigm in REBT?

iii)  Is REBT effective? Explain.

b)  Discuss Beck’s Cognitive Therapy.

i)  What are schema? Automatic thoughts?

ii)  Discuss cognitive errors / distortions and give examples.

iii)  Discuss the process of Cognitive Therapy (e.g., collaborative effort, hypothesis testing).

iv)  Is Cognitive Therapy effective? Explain.

3)  Discuss the general nature of cognitive skills training approaches.

a)  What is problem-solving training?

i)  Discuss its process using the 5-step strategy:

(1)  problem orientation

(2)  problem definition & formulation

(3)  generation of alternative solutions

(4)  decision making

(5)  solution implementation & verification.

ii)  Is it effective? Explain

b)  What is Stress Inoculation Training (SIT)?

i)  Discuss its process using the three phases:

(1)  Conceptualization & Education

(2)  Skills acquisition & Rehearsal

(3)  Application & Follow-through.

ii)  Is it effective? Explain.