18 Kinney Hollow Rd.
Union, CT06076
(860) 684-3146
(860) 684-9385 (Fax)
Steven J. Jackopsic
UnionSchool Principal
September 2, 2016
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope you all had a super summer! Please take a moment to read your child’s student/parent handbook for important information such as drop-offs, pick-ups, parking and other key pieces of information.
At this time, I’d like to ask that all families pay for milk for the entire school year. When we know in advance how much milk/juice to order, we can plan better and throw out less. Having the money beforehand also keeps the teachers from having to collect and account for money during instructional time. Milk is available for $0.20 per carton. All K-8 students may purchase milk at lunchtime. Juice is also available for $0.40 per carton. Total cost of milk for the year is $34.00. You may send your payment in with your child or deliver it to the office. Please make checks payable to UnionSchool and note the student’s name and whether you are purchasing milk or juice. If you know that your child will always take regular or chocolate milk daily, please indicate the type on your check or a note. Milk will continue to be available on a daily basis as well.
In addition to a form for ordering milk or juice, I am enclosing information about the free milk program. If you are eligible, please fill out the form and send it to the school office. I assure you that your application information will be kept confidential. If your child gets free milk, his/her name will be placed on the class list of students who have paid. There will never be any accessible listing of those eligible for free milk.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call the school or contact me via e-mail at .
Steven J. Jackopsic
Union School Principal