October 23-24, 2008

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Teacher Standards and Practices Commission
465 Commercial Street NE
Salem OR 97301 / October 23-24, 2008


Red Lion Hotel – Salem

Jefferson III Room

3301 Market Street NE

Salem, OR 97301

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Call to Order

On Wednesday, October 22, 2008, the Executive Committee met at the Red Lion Hotel Willamette Valley Grill Restaurant, 3301 Market Street NE, Salem, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. On Thursday, October 23, from 8:10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. the full Commission convened in Public Session at the Red Lion Hotel, Jefferson III Room, to consider Preliminary Business, Program Approval and Licensure Issues. From 12 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. the commission convened in the Washington Room in Executive Session to consider the Executive Director’s evaluation. Following lunch the Commission reconvened in Public Session from 1:15 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. to continue with Licensure, Commission Business, and the Consent Agenda. On Friday, October 24, the Commission convened in Executive Session (non-public) from 8:10 a.m. until 3:40 p.m., including a working lunch; to consider Discipline and Investigation Reports. Following Executive Session the Commission convened in Public Session to consider the Discipline Consent Agenda, Discipline Issues and Rule Proposals, Adoptions and Reports. At the conclusion of Public Session the Commission reconvened in Executive Session to discuss the Executive Director’s Evaluation. The meeting adjourned at 5:30 pm.

Commission Members Present
Bill Beck
Francis Charbonnier
Milt Dennison
Thomas Greene
Charleen Hoiland
Gary Humphries
Shirley Madathil-Thursday only
Gordon Munck
Nancy Olson
Mary Lou Pickard
Melissa Sass
Bob Sconce
Sam Stern
Cassandra Wilson
Mike Wood-Thursday only
Commission Staff Present
Vickie Chamberlain
Keith Menk
Julie McCann
Melody Hanson
Kathy Rogers
Raul Ramirez, AAG (Friday)
George Finch (Friday)
Cam Lane (Friday)
Joe Ortiz (Friday)
Mindy Tucker (Friday)
Paul Cimino (Friday)
Cristina Edgar (Friday)
Stan Wall, (Thursday)
Heidi Reinhardt, (Thursday)
Linda Helton, (Thursday)
Amanda Hill, (Thursday) / Observers Present
Heather Stanhope, Eastern Oregon University
Teresa Ferrer, Oregon Education Association
Bev Pratt, Oregon Department of Education
Dew Anna Brumley, Warner Pacific College
Dana Barbarick, Cascade College
Linda Samek, George Fox University
Betsy Hammond, The Oregonian
Margaret Mahoney, University of Oregon
Sue Thompson, Western Oregon University
Hilda Rosselli, Western Oregon University
Sr. Maria Ciriello, University of Portland
Bruce Weitzel, University of Portland
Mark Ankeny, Pacific University
Scott Fletcher, Lewis & Clark College
Sharon Chinn, Lewis & Clark College
Debi Miller, Multnomah University
Jim Howard, Northwest Christian College
Barbara Herzberg, Northwest Christian College
Sara Williams, Oregon State University
Eloise Hockett, George Fox University
Janine Allen, Corban College
Steve Bernhisel, Linfield College
Robert Hamm, University of Phoenix
Ben Gardiner, University of Phoenix
Patricia Martinez, Marylhurst University
Tom Ruhl, Marylhurst University
Stacey Figgins, OR Department of Education
Rendy Jantz, OR Department of Education
Susanne Daggett, OR Department of Education
Cheryl Kleckner, OR Department of Education
Paul Hibbard, OR Department of Education
Lynne McMahan, Marylhurst University
Lu Biado, Hillsboro School District
Jacqueline Waggoner, University of Portland
Marianne Trudow, Portland Public Schools
Tracey McMahon, Portland Public Schools
Rita Moore, Willamette University
Jan Albrecht, OACTE
Jason Peterson, Beaverton School District
June Yi, Beaverton School District
Jim Buck, OSPA
Geoff Mills, Southern Oregon University
Deb Miller Allen, Portland State University
Adam Arms, Attorney
Kimberly Horenstein, Educator
Jerome Mettee, Educator


1.1 Introduction of Julie McCann, Director of Teacher Licensure

The Executive Director introduced the new Director of Teacher Licensure, Julie McCann. Julie stated since she has been with the agency it has been exciting to watch the staff’s attention to customer service and standards. Julie is part of Coaching for Educational Equity (CFEE). CFEE attempts to raise the awareness of how people deal with race and people of color. Recently Julie attended a CFEE conference in New Orleans.

1.2 Introduction and Comments of Agency and Organization Representatives and Guests

Agency and organization representatives and guests introduced themselves to the Commission.

1.3 Acceptance of Agenda

MOTION, to amend the agenda to add 5.11 and move 11.0 to Executive Session at 12:00 pm on Thursday, October 23 in the Washington Room.

Moved by Sconce / Second by Wilson / Carried

Absent / Alba, Takata

MOTION, to adopt the amended agenda.

Moved by Sconce / Second by Munck / Carried

Absent / Alba, Takata

** 1.4 Approval of Minutes – August 6-8, 2008

Approved as part of the Consent Agenda.

MOTION, to adopt the amended Consent Agenda.

Moved by Sconce / Second by Olson / Carried

Absent / Alba, Beck, Greene, Takata

1.5 Chair Hoiland’s Report

Chair Hoiland reports that since the August 2008 meeting she and Director Chamberlain discussed commission business on several occasions, she worked on the commission nominating committee, and participated in the speech-pathology meeting held at the TSPC office on September 30, 2008.

1.6 Executive Director Chamberlain’s Report

Director Chamberlain’s report included:

1)  The TSPC safety committee;

2)  Revisiting universities to speak with faculty about TSPC;

3)  The all-staff meeting at Silver Creek Falls held on October 1, 2008;

4)  The National Commission on Teaching in America’s Future (NCTAF);

5)  Staff changes this summer caused an unintended slow down in licensure issuance;

6)  The office is experiencing the highest amount of incoming emails in the history of tracking emails;

7)  The impressive efforts of staff to continue the office work.

1.7 Reports from Liaison Appointees:

State Board / Joint Boards of Education:

Francis Charbonnier: Francis attended the September and October State Board (SB) meetings where they discussed the new diploma requirement implementation at each meeting. They are working on the Credit for Proficiency policy instead of “seat-time” in the classroom. In 2004 ODE selected seven districts to pilot the Credit for Proficiency program. The efforts and results of Redmond and Scappoose school districts were presented at the September SB meeting. Both districts were enthusiastic about this positive pilot.

The State Board is making progress in defining the Essential Skills and developing the assessments and level of performance that demonstrates proficiency in the skills.

Co-location of the School for the Deaf and the School for the Blind was an in-depth discussion. Declining enrollment, aging and underused buildings does not optimize the services for the students throughout the state. The School Board intends to make a final recommendation regarding co-location of these schools at the December 2008 meeting.

Bob Sconce: Sconce met with the Science Standards Committee that is in the process of updating science standards and science licensure for K-12. They are implementing an integrated approach for

science standards for elementary, middle school, and high school standards. The committee’s goal is

to possibly have two science OAKS tests and improve test scores. Currently the state requires only

one test. The timeline for the state science update is February 2009 although they are waiting for the national standards update before updating Oregon’s standards.

Legislative Committees:

Mary Lou Pickard: Pickard stated she looks forward to attending the meetings in January 2009.

Chamberlain stated the education sub-committee has been active and there are several Legislative proposals that affect TSPC and districts directly. One concept is the Commission could take action if a pre-service candidate’s background is alarmingly bad and they have not disclosed it on their PA-1 form. Current statute does not allow any authority to take action because the PA-1 is not an application. The proposal would allow the commission to deny the person’s right to apply for a license if the background check shows something alarming.

1.8 Nominations for Chair, Vice-Chair and Executive Committee

Nomination Committee: Thomas Greene, Charleen Hoiland, and Bill Beck

Nominations are: Sam Stern, Francis Charbonnier, Mary Lou Pickard, Bob Sconce, Milt Dennison, and Mario Alba. The Chair announced nominations from the floor would be taken.

Charleen Hoiland and Gordon Munck were nominated to continue their positions as Commission Chair and Vice-Chair respectively.

Commissioner Sass nominated Gary Humphries for the Executive Committee.

** 1.9 Review of Correspondence and Information of Interest to Commissioners

Approved as part of the Consent Agenda.

MOTION, to adopt the amended Consent Agenda.

Moved by Sconce / Second by Olson / Carried

Absent / Alba, Beck, Greene, Takata


Thomas Greene Program Approval Chair

2.1 Marylhurst University’s ESOL Program Approval

Marylhurst University currently has approval to recommend candidates for all of the following subject-matter endorsement areas at the appropriate authorization levels:

Multiple Subjects Reading Basic and Advanced Math

Language Arts Social Studies Foreign Language

Music Art Integrated Science

Biology Chemistry Physics

Tom Ruhl announced Marylhurst University will be hosting the 5th Annual OALA Winter Conference, February 7, 2009. Dr. Daniel Domench will be the keynote speaker.

MOTION, to adopt the resolution as printed.

Moved by Stern / Second by Munck / Carried

Absent / Alba, Takata

The adopted resolutions state:

RESOLVED, that the Commission approve Marylhurst University’s English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program based upon favorable review by the Commission:

RESOLVED FURTHER: that Marylhurst University is authorized to recommend candidates for all the levels in ESOL after October 24, 2008.

2.2 Report on ORELA Test Implementation

Test Administration: Evaluation Systems group of Pearson:

On September 8, 2008, individual examinee score reports were mailed for the August 2008 administration.

The annual Test Administrators Workshop was held on September 20, 2008, in Portland, Oregon.

Test Development: Administrator, English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), and Civil Rights and Equity in the Educational Environment (Civil Rights).

On September 24, 2008, TSPC approved the study guides for the new examinations, and in September 2008 Evaluation Systems posted the new guides to the ORELA Web site: http://www.orela.nesinc.com/index.aspp

Evaluation Systems group of Pearson (ESP) is scheduling the passing score setting meeting for the new ORELA examinations on February 18-19, 2009, at the Embassy Suites Portland Airport, 7900 NE 82nd Ave, Portland, Oregon 97220. ESP is currently recruiting educator attendees for this meeting.


The name of the civil rights test will change. Menk suggested the test will be referred to as the Ethics and Civil Rights exam. The roll-out for the new test is September 2009.

2.3 Oregon Collaborative Research Initiative (OCRI) Projects

Hilda Rosselli – Western Oregon University

Jacqueline Waggoner – University of Portland

Tom Greene – University of Portland

The goal of the Oregon Collaborative Research Initiative (OCRI) is to engage Oregon's teacher preparation institutions in the collaborative study and dissemination of a meaningful and sustainable set of research projects. Meaningful in that the projects address questions of common interest, are aimed at improving teacher preparation, and have real-world implications for teacher development and K-12 student learning. Sustainable in that the research projects do not overburden participants but rather offer feasible and rewarding opportunities to engage in and disseminate the findings of collaborative inquiry.

To listen to the presentation from the meeting: http://www.tspc.state.or.us/comm_agenda_audio.asp?id=2587.

Additional information about OCRI can be found at: http://www.oacte.org/.

2.4 University of Phoenix Administrator Preparation Program

In 2005, the Commission passed regulations requiring administrator preparation programs to resubmit their programs to the commission for approval by July 1, 2007, to show that they aligned with the commission’s

newly adopted licensure standards for Initial and Continuing Administrator Licenses. The University of Phoenix did not submit a new program for approval by that date. They have not recommended any candidates for licensure for a number of years.

MOTION, to adopt the resolution as printed.

Moved by Munck / Seconded by Sconce / Carried

Absent / Alba, Takata, Sass

The adopted resolution states:

RESOLVED that, the Commission terminate the approval for the University of Phoenix Administrator Preparation Program.

2.5 Annual Reports

Programs are required to submit annual reports every year by July 31, 2008. The Commission has received a copy of these reports which have been saved on a CD. Western Oregon University, George Fox University, and Pacific University are not required to submit annual reports because of site visits within the past year.

MOTION, to adopt the resolution as printed.

Moved by Dennison / Second by Olson / Carried

Absent / Alba, Takata, Sass

The adopted resolution states:

RESOLVED, that the Commission accept and approve the institutions’ annual reports submitted for academic year 2007-08.

2.6 Reauthorization of Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) Formerly Known as Higher Education Act (HEA) Title II

The 1998 Higher Education Amendments require institutions of higher education and states to produce “report cards” about teacher education and certification. The Department of Education has published final instructions for preparing reports. All institutions with teacher education programs must be familiar with the specifics of this federal mandate; aware of the consequences and sanctions for non-compliance; and appropriately involved in the development of specific procedures for reports in their state.

This year’s report was due on October 7, 2008. The website for Oregon’s report: https://title2.ed.gov/default.asp.

Menk: On August 14, 2008, the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (HEA) was signed into law. The law is now called the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA). There are new data reporting requirements that will have an impact on higher education and state agencies. Key highlights of the law include:

·  Fiscal impact on institutions and state agencies for new data requirements;

·  Current reporting deadlines are April 7 for institutions and October 7 for states. There are no stated deadlines for reporting under the reauthorization;

·  Currently, data is collected at the institution of higher education level and not at the individual program or endorsement level. The new law asks for data at the program level (e.g., elementary education, secondary education, special education);

·  Can institutions and states modify their collection systems to collect this additional data? A key question is whether a central data collection system (federal level) should be created to collect the data?

·  The law calls for institutes to report the total number of students who have been licensed or certified as teachers, disaggregated by subject and area of certification or licensure. States must report on the number of teachers prepared by area of licensure, major and subject area for the state as a whole and for each teacher preparation program.