2nd October 2012 at 7.30PM.
The meeting will be held at Cranage Village Hall
Julie Mason Clerk
Clerk of the Council; Julie Mason, E mail; , 10, Brereton Heath Lane, Brereton Heath, Congleton, Cheshire. CW12 4SY. 01477 549988
To all members of the Council - Councillor J Halstead, Councillor D Hopley, Councillor R Hurst, Councillor J Irlam, Councillor M Mackenzie, Councillor G Yarwood.
You are summonded to attend the meeting of the Parish Council on the 2nd October 2012 at 7.30pm at Cranage Village Hall. If the members of the public are present there will be a period of question time at the beginning and the end of the meeting.
Public Forum Time
Declaration of Interest
1. Apologies. To receive apologies for unavoidable absence.
2. Minutes. Approve the minutes from the meeting held on 4th September 2012
3. Councillor Vacancy
4. Parish Plan.
5. Defibrillator. To update the Council on the recent meeting with the Chairman and Clerk at Cranage Hall.
6. Cranage Bowling Club
7. Footpath and Trees Representatives. To receive a report from representatives. UU Water behind Village Hall.
8. Highways Outstanding issues from the last meeting. Response from Sarah Gerrard.
9. Cheshire East
10. Play Area on Needham estate. Letter of feedback since the last meeting.
11. To consider the following planning applications and any ones received since the publication of agenda; ; 12/3307C Lawful development certificate for a proposal building containing 2 No self container flats at rear of St Simons Cottage, 56 Northwich Road Cranage WA16 9LD, 12/3308C Detached Garage to dwelling, St Simons Cottage, 56 Northwich Road, Cranage WA16 9LD. NB 12/1600c sent to appeal.
12. Accounts. To note balance of account = Leek United – £74,627.43, Cheshire Building Society - £22,154.21 = £96,781.64. To authorise payments; Money for Councillor G Yarwood to purchase the fruit trees in Cranage to commemorate the Queens Diamond Jubilee, £1,870.88 Clerks salary from July to September( inc Twemlow and Somerford,) , £22.04 HMRC, £86.86 Expenses from July to September. Receipts = £5,000 Precept, £66.00 Twemlow PC and £66.00 Somerford PC (TCS Management). To discuss the follow up by Clerk of monies held at Dixon, Rigby and Keogh.
13. Matters raised by members.
14. Clerks report Localism Support for Council Tax, Playing fields, John Dwyer Conservative Candidate for Cheshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, letter sent for s106 monies again; collect outstanding ROI for CHALC, Xmas Newsletter.
To note the next meeting will be held on 27th November 2012