2018Talent Hunt Competition

Information PacketPage Break

Dear Prospective Talent Hunt Contestant:

Themenof the Sigma MuMu(SMM)Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.areexcited about your interest in competing in our2017Talent Hunt Competition, which will be held4:00 pmSaturday,March10that the Melodee Music Performance Auditorium in Sterling, VA. Auditionsshouldbe submittedno later thanTuesday,March 6thvia electronic file, posting on YouTube,or on DVD.Alternatively, live auditions will be arranged upon request.If a live audition is desired, please contact Zedric Teagueat 703-638-2920 prior to the March 6thapplicationsubmission deadline.

We are looking forward to showcasing the exceptional talent that our high school students from LoudounCountyhave to offer. You will be competing for cash awards and the opportunity to representSMMduring the Third District Talent Hunt Competition. That event is scheduled forApril 14th at 3:00 pm inNewport News, Virginia.

In order for you to be considered as a contestant, you mustread the informationbelowand complete the attached application. All applicationsand required materials must be sent to:


c/oSigma MuMuChapter

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

P.O. Box 2538

Ashburn, VA 20146

Please email electronic submissions to: applicationsand materials are to be postmarked or emailed (date/time stamped) nolater thanmidnightMarch 6th,2017.

On behalfofthemenofSMM,I look forward to receiving your information and having you audition for our annual Talent Hunt competition. If you have any questions, please contact me at 703-638-2920.


Zedric Teague

2018Talent Hunt Chairman

SMM Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

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History of Talent Hunt

The Talent Hunt Program is one of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity's National Projects. The first Talent Hunt was held April 19, 1946, in Charlotte, NC. The need for such a program was born out of the limited opportunities afforded to some American youth to develop and give full expression of their talents. This program provides exposure, encouragement,and financial assistance to talentedhigh school students. Presently, the Local and District Talent programs are competitive, whereas the National Program is a demonstration of first place winners fromacross the nation.

The original statement of the Talent Hunt idea included this expression: "Creative and outstanding capacities in any honorable activity should be eligible for consideration." As a matter ofconvenience in presenting a public program, the public displays were limited to the field of music. Since that time the Talent Hunt Program has been expanded to include all of the arts.

Participation in the Talent Hunt is open for the following form of trained art:

  • Music: Vocal and instrumental; classical, semi-classical, gospel,and jazz. A printed copy of the music (score) is required for the judges to analyze.
  • Interpretive Movement to Music:Ballet, modern dance,and tap.
  • Speech: Poetry, oration, monologue, etc. (Printed script should be provided for each judge to analyze)
  • Visual Art:Sculpture, photography, drawing,and painting. (3 to 5 pieces for judging)

Basic rules for participation:

  • Contestant must be a high school student (grades 9 -12) at the time of the competition.
  • All presentations including instrumental numbers must be memorized,and dignified and in good taste.
  • No performance can exceed six minutes without penalty.
  • Track music may be used for accompaniment as long as thereis no leadinstrumental or background vocalsincluded on the track.
  • All contestants must submit aparentalconsentform.
  • All vocal and instrumental contestants need to provide sheet music, for the judges.
  • All drama and speech contestants must provide a script.


For the participants, recommended dress is formal (women – long formal gowns, men – black tuxedos/black tie).


There will be ajudgefor each category, who is a professional in that area. Winners will be based on who achieves the highest combined score from all judges.