A Survey of Canadian Anesthesiology Residents’ Simulator Experience
Please help us assess what Canadian Anesthesiology residents value in simulation training.
The following questionnaire should take approximately 10 minutes.
Please check the most appropriate response
Thank you.
I have received a copy of the consent form and consent to participate in this study
Experience with simulators during my anesthesiology residency program:
1. My current level of training is:
Med.School PGY-1 PGY-2 PGY-3 PGY-4 PGY-5 Fellow
2. I was first introduced to the patient simulator at the following level of training:
Med.School PGY-1 PGY-2 PGY-3 PGY-4 PGY-5 Fellow
3. Simulator Training is a mandatory part of my residency program
4. Approximately how many high fidelity simulation scenarios have you participated in? Include being th anaesthesiologist in charge of the scenario or a while working as helper or observer. ______sessions
5. How many simulator sessions do you participate in per year, on average?: ______per year
6. Ideally, how many simulator sessions should residents participate in per year? ______per year
7. During my simulation experience, I am the anesthesiologist “in charge” of the case:
NeverRarelySometimes Often Always
8. I have the opportunity to practice multi-disciplinary, team-based scenarios at my institution where nurses and residents from outside of my anesthesiology program (i.e. surgery, emergency medicine etc.) work together during simulation sessions.
NeverRarelySometimes Often Always
10. How many anesthesia residents are involved in a typical training day in the simulator? ______residents
11. How often are other anesthesia residents involved as role players in the simulator session:
NeverRarelySometimes Often Always
11. When I am the person in charge of a simulated scenario, my anxiety level compared to a regular day in the operating room is:
much lower lower about the same higher much higher
12. When my resident colleagues are in observing me during simulation session, my anxiety level compared to a regular day in the operating room is:
much lowerlower about the same higher much higher
13. When my supervisors are in observing me during simulation session, my anxiety level compared to a regular day in the operating room is:
much lowerlower about the same higher much higher
14. During my simulation scenarios I am permitted to call timeouts (where the simulation stops and I can ask for help or clarify my actions with colleagues).
NeverRarelySometimes Often Always
15. The use of time-outs during simulator sessions would be useful.
Strongly disagree Disagree NeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
16. I can call for and receive timely help from colleagues when managing my simulated scenario
Never RarelySometimesOftenAlways
17. As a junior resident, it would be helpful if my supervisor completed the first scenario of the session, understanding that I would eventually complete the scenario on my own.
Strongly disagree Disagree NeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
18. As I complete more simulation scenarios, I feel less anxious.
Strongly disagree Disagree NeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
If you agree please specify why?
19. Before I begin my first anesthesia rotation as a junior resident, I would support having a simulator workshop(s) introducing how to deal with common intra-operative emergencies.
Strongly disagree Disagree NeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
Please comment on the details if a similar introductory workshop already occurs at your institution:
20. The ideal length of time for this introductory workshop would be:
1 dayseveral days1 week2 weeks
21. Advance notice of the critical incident topic I will face in my scenario would decrease my anxiety level.
Strongly disagree Disagree NeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
22. A certain level of anxiety is helpful in optimizing my performance in the simulator.
Strongly disagree Disagree NeutralAgree Strongly Agree
23. The degree of difficulty of scenarios I am presented with is appropriate for my level of training.
Strongly disagree Disagree NeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
24. During my simulation excercises, I would prefer multiple, short scenarios dealing with single topics, rather than one long scenario that included a number of intra-operative emergencies.
Strongly disagree Disagree NeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
25. The objectives and learning outcomes are clearly defined by my supervisors during each of my simulation scenarios.
Never RarelySometimesOftenAlways
26. The use of patient simulators plays an important role in my critical incident training as an anesthesiologist.
Strongly disagree Disagree NeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
27. Simulator training improves my practice of safe anesthesia
Strongly disagree Disagree NeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
Changes to simulator training:
28. Simulators should play a role in CME of staff anesthesiologists
Strongly disagree Disagree NeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
30. My performance in simulator sessions should form part of my yearly assessment as a resident:
Strongly disagree Disagree NeutralAgree Strongly Agree
31. I believe that demonstrating competence with simulation scenarios will eventually be a part of the CanadianRoyalCollege examination in anesthesiology.
Strongly disagree Disagree NeutralAgree Strongly Agree
32. While participating in my simulation scenario, I feel comfortable making mistakes.
Strongly disagree Disagree NeutralAgree Strongly Agree
33. While participating in my simulation scenario, I feel comfortable asking for help.
34. At the completion of my scenario, I have the opportunity to repeat parts of the scenario which I had difficulty with or repeat the entire scenario.
Never RarelySometimesOftenAlways
35. I feel that the topics of my simulation scenario are tailored to my needs. For example: I have input into which simulation scenario I will take part in.
Never RarelySometimesOftenAlways
35. The number of supervisors typically involved in my simulation sessions is: ______supervisors
36. In my experience, the number of supervisors involved with each simulator training session is:
Far too fewToo fewAbout RightToo ManyFar too many
37. The use of videotaping as a method of debriefing my simulation is useful:
Not at all A little Somewhat Very Critically
38. Feedback/debriefing sessions take place during my simulation sessions. If you answer “No”, please proceed to Question 45.
39. Feedback sessions following my simulator experience are:
Student led Supervisor led Other (Please specify below)
40. I receive feedback from the following people during my simulation exercises:
SupervisorsFellow ResidentsOther (please specifiy)
41. Indicate the time when feedback occurs during your simulation session:
During the sessionAfter the sessionBoth during and after the session
42. Specific examples of my performance are used when I am receiving feedback.
NeverRarelySometimes Often Always
43. I feel that the feedback that I receive is constructive and for my benefit.
Strongly disagree Disagree NeutralAgree Strongly Agree
44. The amount of feedback that I receive is manageable and not overwhelming.
Strongly disagree Disagree NeutralAgree Strongly Agree
45. The simulation facilities at my institution are adequate to support my training
Strongly disagree Disagree NeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
46. My anesthesiology residency program is: ______
47. My age is: ______
48. My gender is: Male Female
49. My training scheme is:
FCRCP(C) Re-entry FRCP(C) GPA Military FRCP(C) Foreign Graduate
And finally, in your own words…
Please report three representative scenarios that were particularly helpful in your training this year.
a. ______
b. ______
c. ______
Please provide three suggestions on how simulator experience at your university can be improved.
a. ______
b. ______
c. ______
Thank you for participating in our survey!
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Version 1 September10, 2007