The T. S. Cordiner Travel Bursary

The T.S. Cordiner Travel Bursary is a recently established annual grant, available to those studying for any Tripos, to support a current Selwyn undergraduate who wishes to travel to the United States of America during the Long Vacation. There are no academic stipulations for this award and the proposed travel plans need not be related to the applicant’s studies at Cambridge. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate a genuine desire to learn more about the United States and American culture and who intend to spend a minimum of three weeks in the country. Priority will also be given to applicants who have not previously spent significant time in the US and who may otherwise find it financially difficult to undertake such travel.

The aim of the T.S. Cordiner Travel Bursary is to cover all costs of the trip and up to £2,500 will be granted. On returning to the UK, the successful applicant(s) must send to College a brief report on their time in the US. Any undergraduate may apply for this Bursary, including those who will have graduated by the time of the travel in question, provided that this takes place within the three months following graduation.

Method of application

Applicants should download the application form available at (scroll down to Grants and Scholarships). Each application should include the following:

  1. A completed application form, which includes a section detailing any previous travel experiences and also an indicative budget.
  2. A description running to approximately 1,000 words detailing why you would like this opportunity.
  3. A short reference from your Tutor

All these documents must be assembled into a single PDF and submitted to the Senior Tutor’s Assistant () as an EMAIL attachment.

Applicants may be called for a short interview.

The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. on Friday 29th April 2016.