Roster for K-PREP and

End of Course Assessments

Kentucky Department of Education

Office of Assessment and Accountability

KDE:OAA:DADI:jd 4/9/2012

Important Notes/New Features......

Welcome Screen......

Log In......

Main Page......

Rosters Tab......



Navigation Panel......



Access the Roster......


Change Student Information......

Add a Student......

Exemption/Nonparticipation Status......

End of Course......

EOC Exemptions......

Change Testing School or Accountable School......


Delete Student(s)......

View/Retrieve Deleted Students......

View/Update Tickets......

Export to Excel or pdf......


KDE:OAA:DADI:jd 4/9/2012 1

Important Notes/New Features

New Features:

  • On the Home page, there is additional information which is easily visible that indicates the number and status of tickets, the names of students transferred in and out of accountability and/or rosters, and a messaging system.
  • Daily reports will now be sent via the SDRR internal messaging system, rather than posted on the secure site. District users will receive a reminder via Outlook e-mail to check SDRR if the school/district had changes the previous day. School users will receive the daily report in SDRR messaging, but will not receive a notification via email.


  • There is no longer any need to change screen resolution (although scrolling may be necessary for lower screen resolutions).
  • SDRR now works in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Chrome, for PC and Mac.
  • Elimination of many success/notification boxes that previously had to be closed manually. This should make the workflow for users much better.
  • Navigation panel font and colors have been changed for easier readability.

On the student list:

  • Some data is not being collected for K-PREP. This includes: migrant/migrant 1st year, ESS, gifted and talented, vocational, disability type, and 504 status.
  • A column has been added to indicate the EOC exam(s) a student is taking. This is an optional field during the roster period unless an exemption is being requested. If seeking an exemption, each EOC exam the student was scheduled to take must be selected in the drop down menu. Schools/district may use the field to assist with current EOC record keeping. After the test result file from ACT Quality Core is uploaded in SDRR during late summer, schools/districts will need to complete a data review and cleanup on EOC information.
  • Student information is changed (including exemption status) directly on the student listing page – including name, SSID, Date of Birth, Testing School, Accountable School and Exemption Status –by double clicking on it. There is no need to open tickets.
  • Request an exemption by double clicking on that student’s row under the “Exemp” column and selecting the appropriate reason, providing additional detail if needed.
  • Remove an approved exemption by double clicking on it and selecting [Remove Exemption] in the drop down list.
  • Ability to choose multiple filters before applying them. Now users can make multiple filter selections, and then click the button to apply them.

On the ticket listing:

  • Ability to filter tickets by status, school, etc.
  • Export ticket listing to pdf or Excel (can also use filters before exporting).

We hope these changes are useful, and encourage users to provide feedback or suggestions to . Users may also click on the plus sign at the bottom right of the screen in SDRR to provide feedback via e-mail.

Welcome Screen

To log in, open your web browser, and navigate to You will see this page:

Please note that SDRR now works in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Chrome. The application works on PC or Mac. There is no need to change the screen resolution, although scrolling may be required at lower resolutions.

District Assessment Coordinators (DACs) will log in with the same username (which must be in ALL CAPS) and password used to access the secure web applications provided by the Office of Knowledge, Information, and Data Services (KIDS). All DACs have already been provided access, and the District WAAPOC can add school and district level users access by granting them the appropriate permissions for their school(s) upon request of the DAC. The Office of Assessment and Accountability does not manage userids or passwords; those are handled on a local level by the District WAAPOC.

Log In

After you click the link to log in, you will see this screen. Enter your ID and password where indicated, and click the blue Login button. The District & School Staff checkbox is selected by default, and does not need to be changed.

If you are a DAC, district-level user, or a BAC with access to multiple schools, you will see a pop-up box appear asking you to select the data you wish to view. This can be changed later without logging out (see page 10). DACs are encouraged to select the District, as this will give access to all schools’ data. BACs with access to multiple buildings should select the first school they wish to review.

Main Page

After login, you will see this screen. There are now multiple accordion tabs for the different activities in SDRR. Please note the dates listed on each, which will indicate when each SDRR window will open and close. By default, SDRR will rotate through the tabs, but this can be turned off by clicking the radial button at the top right of the top box to turn off Autoplay. Most information needed will be found on these tabs, but users can also access the navigation panel as in the past. The lower box includes the messaging system and the transfers information.

Rosters Tab

Click on the Rosters accordion tab on the home page, and much information will be easily accessible.

The window for rosters is clearly visible at the top right.

There are links to go directly to the Roster Student Listing and Roster Tickets (blue links on the screen). Please note that the ticket listing will include all rosters, depending on what is open at the time. For example, currently it may include Alternate ACCESS tickets. Users can filter the ticket listing to view only K-PREP tickets by using the filter menu on the Roster Ticket Listing. Alternatively, users may use the drop-down (circled in green above) to select K-PREP and then click on the total number of tickets (circled in red) to see only K-PREP tickets.

There are counts for the different types of tickets, so that users can easily see the status of their tickets. These are clickable links, so that users can click on Processed, for example, and go directly to that subset of tickets.


  • The Message Center includes messages from other SDRR users, as well as daily reports if there were any changes in the district the previous day.
  • Users can create new messages, delete old messages, reply to messages, and view/download attachments. Users can view the Inbox, Sent Mail, Drafts, and Trash, by using the dropdown list at the top right.
  • To open a message, double click on it.
  • To open an attachment, click on the blue number on the attachment line of the message, then click on the attachment. The attachment will open (in Excel, for example) and then can be saved to your computer or a secure drive (if it includes student data).
  • The daily report is attached to a message as shown above, and is in Excel format. Mac users may need to use specialized software to open Excel documents.
  • To delete a message, click on the checkbox at the left, and then click on the Delete icon at the bottom, with a red X.
  • The list of messages can be sorted by Sender, and by Date Received.
  • Attachments may include the following file types: bmp, doc, docx, gif, jpeg, jpg, mp3, png, txt, wmv, xls, and xlsx.
  • At this time, there is not a limit on mailbox sizes, although attachments must be less than2 megabytes.


  • Click on the Transfers button on the left side.
  • A list of students transferred in and out of the school/district will appear.
  • There is a list for Data Review and a list for Rosters, since there is occasionally some overlap between different windows.
  • The list of students who have been transferred in and out of the school or district can be exported to Excel by clicking on the download button to the right of the district name.

Navigation Panel

The navigation panel appears as shown below:

  • You can access student rosters for various assessments when they are open for changes, view student listings and make changes for data review, see the status of data review and roster review tickets at any time, and install the latest version of the Student Data Tool for the Spring 2011 KCCT. The Student Data Tool will no longer be produced in the future, as the data will be in Infinite Campus.
  • School level users with rights to multiple schools (permissions provided through WAAPOC at DAC request) can change the school they are viewing. For instance, a BAC who serves multiple schools can switch between the schools without logging out, and with a single userid and password. To change schools, click on Change Access Location on the right under Links. Please note that almost all school level users will only have access to a single school.
  • Click on Help & Training to access the SDRR manual and screencasts on the KDE website.
  • To log out of the SDRR, click on Logout at the bottom of the navigation panel.
  • To return to the Home page (with the messaging system and transfers), click on Home at the top right of the panel.



Delete student /
  • Student withdrawn/expelled prior to the test window
  • Student withdrawn to another school/district, and enrolled there
  • Do NOT delete if student was actively enrolled, but was not tested. In that case, mark the student as exempt/nonparticipating

Mark as exempt/
nonparticipating /
  • Student was actively enrolled, but did not complete the assessment for one of the allowable reasons
  • Student withdrawn/expelled during the test window
  • Do NOT mark students as nonparticipating if they withdrew weeks or months prior to the assessment and are actively enrolled in another school/district. In that case, delete the student from roster
  • Do NOT mark students as nonparticipating if they are repeating the grade and took the test last year. If students are enrolled in the testing grade, they should be tested

Change testing school /
  • Student changed schools within a few days during test window, and was tested at the new school
  • If not certain that the student was tested, simply delete the student from roster. The new school can add the student to its roster if needed
  • Do NOT change testing school in an effort to ensure that scores go to the previous school. Testing school field should reflect where the student tested

Change accountable school /
  • Student had 100 days enrollment (full academic year) at an A1 school other than the testing school
  • Student is enrolled in an alternate or FMD program and is being tracked back to the A1 home school
  • Student is being coded to the state because he/she did not have 100 days in a single school or district, or had 100 days in a court-ordered/state agency-placed setting
  • Student is being coded to a district because he/she had 100 days in multiple schools within the district, and did not have 100 at any single school
  • Do NOT request accountability to the state if an exemption is also being requested, as both are unnecessary

Annotate /
  • Reminder for administrator of incident during testing, including student work ahead, interruption of assessment for tornado or fire alarm; to denote accommodations given on the Medical Emergency Form; or for any other pertinent information that school wishes to record (Annotations are NOT for reporting a testing allegation)

Access the Roster

Click on K-PREP under Student Roster on the navigation panel, or click on Go to Roster Student Listingon the home page (Roster tab).

  1. Your student list will appear on the screen.
  2. All data can be sorted by clicking on the appropriate column header, and you can hover your mouse over most items on the screen to see an explanation.


  1. Click on the filter icon at the bottom left.
  2. You can filter the student list to view different groups as follows:
  3. By first letter of last name
  4. By grade level
  5. By assessment/test type
  6. District level users will also be able to filter by schools within their district. School level users will only see their own school.

Select as many filters as you wish, and click the grey filter icon at the bottom right to apply them all at once. To reset filter selections and start over, click the green Refresh icon. To close the filter menu and return to the student list, click the X at the top right.

Change Student Information

  • All student information can be viewed on the roster, and any of the items can be changed by double clicking the relevant item.
  • This includes all information being collected for K-PREP – name, grade, SSID, date of birth, gender, accountable school, testing school, exemption status, End of Course (EOC) exam participation, EOC exemption status, race/ethnicity, accommodations (EL or disability), Title I Basic, ELL, IEP, Alternate Assessment, and Lunch status.
  • There is no need to open a ticket as in the past.

Add a Student

To add a student to the roster:

  1. Click on the icon with a blue plus sign at the bottom left.
  2. Complete student information in the box that appears onscreen. Only the yellow fields are required, although other information may also be added as needed (for example, IEP status and accommodations). Enter the testing school on the Accountability tab, as well as selecting an accountable school. If the accountable school needs to be changed, that can be completed by double clicking on it from the student listing – accountability changes require OAA approval, and cannot be made during the process of adding a student. Annotate if needed. Once all information has been entered, click on the Add New Student button at the bottom right.
  3. Students who have been added will now appear in the student list, with a green flag icon to the left of their last name as a visual indicator.
  4. If a student is moved into your school/district due to a testing school change by another district, he or she will be indicated on your roster with a green flag as a visual indicator, and will also appear on the Transfers section of the Home page.

Exemption/Nonparticipation Status

To mark a student (who is currently enrolled, but is not taking this assessment) for exemption/nonparticipation:

  1. Double click on the student’s row in the Exemp column on the roster student listing.
  2. Use the drop down to select the appropriate reason (see screenshot on the next page).
  1. Students who are repeating the tested grade should take the assessment again.
  2. Not exiting primary is no longer a reason for an exemption. If a student is in tested grade 3 (even if the student will be repeating the grade next year), the student should be tested. The student’s grade in IC must be accurate and consistent with SDRR. OAA uses IC to verify appropriate grade level enrollment.
  3. Click on Submit Request at the bottom right of the ENP (Exemption/Nonparticipation) Application Form.
  4. Keep a copy of all documentation at the district for audit purposes.

Please note that you can also remove an existing exemption by selecting [Remove Exemption] from the dropdown list.

End of Course

A column has been added to indicate each EOC exama student is taking. This is an optional field during the roster period unless an exemption is being requested. If seeking an exemption, each EOC exam the student was scheduled to take must be selected in the drop down menu.

Schools/district may use the EOC participation field to assist with current EOC record keeping. After the test result file from ACT Quality Core is uploaded in SDRR during late summer, schools/districts must complete a data review and cleanup on EOC information. Schools and districts will have the opportunity to make corrections at that time; however, the cleanup period prior to the public release is typically brief. Even if information is recorded in SDRR now, all schools and districts will need to correct students that cannot be matched between ACT test data and student information in SDRR and IC.

There may be students who were enrolled in a school, completed an EOC assessment, and then withdrew to another school or district. Those students will likely not appear on the student listing since OAA is pulling current enrollment from Infinite Campus. Students in this situation may be added to the student listing (see the Add a Student section of this manual for instructions). A seven (7) digit litho is one of the required fields when adding a student to the roster, and for EOC there is no litho code used. Users are asked to use EOC0000 as the litho when adding students solely for EOC.

Schools and districts are asked to mark EOC tests only for students for whom they are requesting an exemption.

  • There are two columns for End of Course. The first is participation, or eligibility for participation. If a student in grades 9 - 12 was eligible to take one or more of the EOC assessments this year but did not complete the test, double click on the student’s row in the EOC column. The box shown below will appear onscreen.