General Meeting, February 4, 2015
Bromley Room, Siuslaw Library
Florence, OR
The meeting was called to order at 9:08 AM by Vice President, Linda Weight.
Those in attendance were: Maggie Bacon, Kathy Lenox, Anne Machalek, Ken Gaylord, April Dumas, Lea Patten, Kimberly Nemann, Padro Pachesco, Amber Tucker, Ethel Angal, Tamara Clark, Monica Cape-Lindelin, Lisa Utz, Mechelle Hoselton, Suzanne Gatch, Meg Spencer, Linda Weight, David Wiegan, Kyle Kneen and Monica Kosman.
Linda asked for volunteers to serve on the FACC Volunteer Event Committee.Kathy Lenox and Monica Cape-Lindelin volunteered to serve on the Scholarship Selection Committee.
The Minutes of the January 7, 2015 meeting were approved with a motion from Monica Cape-Lindelin and a second from Suzanne Gatch.
Treasurer, David Wiegan, reported a balance on hand as of January 31, 2015 of $3798.00 He reported that the FACC will receive a grant from the Three Rivers Foundation of $1500, to sponsor the annual FACC Volunteer Appreciation Event. The FACC will receive the check on February 5, 2015 at an awards ceremony at the Casino in Florence.
With addition of one new member, membership is at 32 members, he told the group.
The speaker for the meeting was Norma Barton, Executive Director of Florence Foodshare. She brought the group up to date. 650-700 families receive food each month. This includes children, elderly and low income people. About 30% are under the age of 18. The Lane Food Bank sends food to Foodshare which must be paid for by Florence Foodshare. Foodshare accepts donations of food from the community week days from 8:30 am until 3:30 pm. Perishable foods are accepted. Monetary donations are always welcome.
A free series of four garden workshops “How Anyone Can Grow Food” will begin in late April. Anyone may sign up at Foodshare. An Indoor Garage Sale to benefit Foodshare will be held on Saturday, February 21 at the FEC. Anyone wishing to donate items may bring them to the FEC on February 20 indicating that they are for Foodshare.
Donations can be made to FS through the Fred Meyer Community Rewards Program. The FS wish list of most needed items are: flour, sugar, salt, coffee, baby food, baby formula, baby and adult diapers, Hamburger Helper, mac-n-cheese, canned meats ( like chili, tuna,) tomato products, and milk and eggs. Coupons are welcome and may be left in the lobby.
There are 140 FS volunteers and 6 employees.Some physical improvements have been made to FS recently and FS is now computerized. The Florence Green Bag Project is still going strong. Norma invited us to pick up a Green Bag at FS.
FS is now carrying more Hispanic food staples and labels are being translated. Kids are invited to stop by for snack type foods. FS helps provide food for the Tuesday lunch program at the MethodistChurch, the Boys and Girls Club, Backpacks For Kids, the Alternative School, and to the Kiwanis and Soroptimist for the 1200 or so food baskets at the holidays.
Several fundraisers are held throughout the year. They provide funding along with grants and donations. Volunteers are always welcome. For more information check out,
Norma answered questions from the group.
Suzanne Gatch from Lane County Housing and Community Service Agency (HACSA) told the group that applications to be put on a waiting list for Section 8 Housing would begin on February 27 at 8:30 AM and close on March 6 at 4PM. She said that about 2500 applicants are expected. A new easier to use software program will be available this year. She reminded us that all applications must be accurate and complete to be accepted. The pre-existing list has 600 applicants. Applicants may apply on line at the Library if they do not have access to another computer. An e mail address is required. Sign up for one at the Library in advance of February 27.
“January 27, 2015 -- HACSA anticipates re-opening its Section 8 waiting list for a week-long period, starting Friday, February 27, 2015. This will be an opportunity to submit a pre-application for possible selection in a random lottery, to be added to the waiting list. Pre-applications will be accepted through an on-line application process only. Please watch site below for additional information about how to apply in the next couple of weeks.”
Source URL (retrieved on2015-02-08 14:02):
For Public Service Announcements (PSA), e mail to , stop at station office, or call 541-997-5252. There are time limits of 30 second spots and one minute spots.
Siuslaw Public Library
Trained AARP volunteers will be available to help on Mondays and Thursdays in the Bromley Room from 9:30 am until 2pm to assist with filing taxes. They will be there until April 13.
The Library is offering free training on Saturday, February 28 from 10am until noon in the Bromley Room. A workshop for childcare providers and preschool teachers will demonstrate five familiar and easy-to-use practices that develop language and other early literacy skills in children 0-5. Certificates of attendance will be available to participants.
On Tuesday February 24 at 2 pm Librarian Kevin Mittge will present the best books of 2014 as selected by the Siuslaw Library staff, literary critics and the community. Expect 60 Reviews in 60 Minutes.
Habitat For Humanity
Ken Gaylord announced that Habitat has received 2 generous grants, some of which will be used to purchase a Tool Trailer and tools. Habitat will be focusing on CoastVillage repairs.
The PTA meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm in Elementary School library. All are welcome and new members sought.
Thirteenth Celebration of civil, human and equal rights
Friday February 13 at the Siuslaw Library Bromley Room, 9th St, Florence, OR
from 3.30-5 pm. Free and open to all ages, includes snacks and drinks,
sponsored by KXCR, 90.7, educational community radio.
A three part program of IMAGES – INDIGENOUS – INHABITANTS
A/V presentation of world wide migration and rock art images;
History of Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians;
2015 American Indian children with narration, singing, drumming, and dancing.
Please join us!!
FACC Volunteer Event
April 15, 2015 at the FEC from 2pm until 4 pm. Save the date to honor your volunteers.
Mental Health
National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) NAMI Connections group will meet at the LaurelwoodCenter on the 1st Friday of each month from 3 pm until 4:30 pm. The center is located at 1137 Maple Street in Florence. NAMI Connections is a recovery support group for people living with mental health challenges in which people learn from each other’s experiences share coping strategies, and offer each other encouragement and understanding, for information call Mechelle at 541-343-7688.
The Mental Health First Aid Course is coming to Florence on Friday, April 3, 2015 from 8:30 am until 5:30 pm. It is for adults. The course will teach about mental health issues and help in a mental health crisis. Kimberly Nemann from NAMILaneCounty and Oregon Family Support will be the facilitator. The cost is $49.00. It will be held at the Alano Club. Contact Kimberly at for more information.
The NAMI Family Support Group will meet at 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm on Thursday, February 26 at ReConnections Counseling 1720 34th St., Florence. Support for families, caregivers and close friends of someone with a serious mental illness. Sign up for the 12 week free Family to Family Course. Refreshments. 541-902-8308 for information.
Meeting adjourned at 10:10 AM
Monica Kosman, FACC Secretary
The next FACC General meeting will be on Wednesday, March 4, at 9 am in the Bromley Room. The Toastmasters will present the program.
Please check the FACC web site to see if your information is correct, updated or even included. . E mail Monica at for any additions or changes to your group’s information.