5th Grade STEM Day, March 17, 2016

Science GPS:

S5P1: Students will verify that an object is the sum of its parts.

S5P3: Students will investigate electricity and magnetism, and their relationship.

S5CS3: Scientists will use tools and instruments for observing, measuring, and manipulating objects in scientific activities.


MCCGPS.5.MD.01: Convert among different standard size measurement units within a given measurement system and use these conversions in solving multi-step, real-world problems.

Standards for Mathematical Practices:

1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

5: Use appropriate tools strategically.

6. Attend to precision.

Introduction: TTW open with a review of electricity by showing students the video Greatest Inventions with Bill Nye: Energy ( We will watch the segments about electricity, hydroelectric power, nuclear power, wind power, solar power, and hydrogen fuel cells.

Lesson: TSW make a flashlight using the following materials:

-One 5 inch piece of foam

-1 9-volt battery

-2 Christmas tree light bulbs

-1 applesauce cup

-3 3-inch wires

-Electric tape

-Duct tape

-Paper towels

-2 brass brads

-1 paper clip

-Aluminum foil

*The teacher will assist with any glue gun work that needs to be done to assemble the flashlight.

TTW guide the students through the process of putting the flashlight together. TTW provide students with the opportunity to try to figure out how to put the parts together before giving the directions out.

Groups: TTW place students into mixed ability groups to discuss ideas and help each other assemble the flashlight.

Independent Practice: TTW monitor the students and assist them as needed in putting the flashlights together. TTW then write a paragraph explaining the process and also illustrate the steps so they can show someone at home how they made it. In addition, TSW complete math word problems that connect to today’s content. Math problems include:

-Using a number line to calculate positive and negative charges by writing, then evaluating mathematical expressions. Use the sheet from the following website as a guide:

-If you were planning this activity for a 10 students, how many/much of each item would you need to have prepared?

-Using the information from the first problem, calculate how many/much of each item you would need to have prepared if you were planning this activity for 100 students. Write an expression to show how you got your answer.

-Go to the following website for a multi-step algebra problem involving flashlights:

Closing: To review today’s activity and content, TTW divide the class into 4-5 groups to play review Jeopardy from the following website: