September 15, 2009

Present: Timothy Terragni, Chairman

Mary LaValley

Bryan Clark

Janice VandeBogart, Recording Secretary

Town Council, Laura Spector, Mitchell Municipal Group Joe Lessard and Scott Marsh, Municipal Services, Inc.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.

It was noted that this meeting was posted in two public places and on the website.

Tim Terragini made the motion to enter into non-public session to discuss potential litigation. The motion was seconded by Mary LaValley and the vote was as follows:

Tim Terragni, Aye; Bryan Clark, Aye; Mary LaValley, Aye. Motion carried. Non public session began at 7:02 pm.

Tim Terragni made a motion to exit non-public session at 7:30pm. Motion was seconded by Bryan Clark and the vote was in the affirmative.

Laura Spector, Joe Lessard and Scott Marsh left the meeting at 7:30 pm

Items to sign:

·  Minutes of the August 18, 2009. The minutes were reviewed, accepted and signed by the Board.

·  Timber Tax Levy: 54 Daniel Plummer Realty LLC, H2-01-03; Ms. Andrea R. Wilson, F2-01-09; and Susan Lurgio, A2-01-04 & A2-01-06. It was noted that this is all of the timber tax for the year 2008-2009.

Invoices: The following invoices were reviewed and accepted for payment:

1.  MRI for services rendered in the amount of $414.00.

2.  George Sansoucy: for professional services $9,000.00

MS-1: The Board reviewed and signed the Summary Inventory of Valuation, Form MS-1 for 2009. It was noted that the town picked up over $7 million in value this year.

Bid for Statistical Revaluation in 2010: The board read the letter from Department of Revenue regarding revaluation contract.

Tim Terragni made the motion to accept the proposal of August 4, 2009 from Commerford, Nieder, Perkins, LLC, of Pembroke, NH to conduct a statistical update for the Town of Dunbarton for the year 2010 at a cost of $40,650 and to sign the contract this evening. The motion was seconded by Mary LaValley and the vote was unanimous. The contract was signed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.


Timothy Terragni, Chairman


Mary LaValley


Bryan Clark

Dunbarton Board of Assessors

Recorded by: Janice VandeBogart, Secretary