Odyssey of the Mind Application
Grades 3-5
This application should be filled out by the student applying for Odyssey of the Mind. Please limit parental/outside assistance. Meetings will be every Monday and Wednesday 2:15-4:00. You will need to provide your own transportation home.
Home Telephone Number:
Parent/Guardian names:
What is your favorite or best subject?
Describe any talents you have: (singing, dancing, sports, drawing, acting, musical, telling jokes, etc…)
Describe yourself in three words:
What positive qualities would you bring to our Odyssey of the Mind Team?
Please answer the following problem without any parental/outside help.
You are given one container of play-dough, one wash cloth, two shoe strings, ten toothpicks, and ten pennies. With only those items create a new invention. Draw a picture of your invention and answer the following questions.
What is your invention?
What does your invention do?
How does your invention improve the world?
*Be as creative as you can. You will be judged on your creativity!
Parent Involvement will make our Odyssey of the Mind Team a success! Please write the name of a volunteer willing to join our team, and check the areas he or she is willing to help. (This section will not be used in the candidate selection process.)
Volunteer ______Phone#/email______
[ ] I can provide snacks for meetings.
[ ] I can provide drinks for meetings.
[ ] I can provide a place for meetings outside of school.
[ ] I can provide transportation for collection of materials.
[ ] I can help coach and attend meetings. 2:15-4:00
[ ] I can help supervise and attend some meetings. 2:15- 4:00
[ ] I can be a judge at the regional competition. (One day training required- but it’s a fun opportunity!)
[ ] I can volunteer at the regional competition.
[ ] I can make a monetary donation to help cover any Long Term problem costs.