Please make a note of the above meeting. We thought it would be a good time to invite the new Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire to speak to us about her plans for policing in the area. The talk and questions will be followed by the usual wonderful selection of wines and cheeses that Liz Ward puts together.
We are also giving advance notice that the AGM will be on the 1st October. We are delighted to have been able to bookSir Thomas Ingilby of Ripley Castle to give a talk on ‘Castle Living’ before the meeting.
Quiz Night
Christmas Lights
The Village Society paid for the replacement lights that were damaged in a storm in 2011 and Harrogate Borough Council kindly arranged to have them installed at no cost to the Society. We are sure everyone will agree that the lights on all the trees on the Green were spectacular this year. We are grateful to Anne Smith for her assistance with this.
Carols on the Green
The usual carol singing was arranged for the Monday before Christmas and on a very wet evening some 40 folk sang lustily in the Chapter House and enjoyed mulled wine and mince pies afterwards.
Local Development Framework
The long process of producing the framework for the future development of housing, employment and recreation land in Harrogate is continuing. It is due for public consultation between 10th May and 21st June this year. It will be submitted to the relevant government department in November, examined by an inspector in March 2014 and adopted in August 2014. At the time of writing this newsletter we do not know the status of the Dunlopillo site; whether the owners will submit a planning application before the completion of the LDF or whether they will await the outcome of the process. They are quite entitled to submit an application at any time.
We have some news for those members who showed an interest in having an allotment in Pannal. Negotiations with the Council have been long and frustratingly slow but progress is being made. You will probably be aware that we are looking at land to the West of the Crimple Beck, somewhere in the vicinity of Pannal Green, the exact site is still to established. The Planning Department has agreed to include a proposition for the provision of allotments in the Local Development Framework, specifically within the area of land being set aside for sports and recreation, site HS6a to the North of Pannal. The LDF programme is not due for completion until August 2014, so we will have to be patient. The good news is that the idea is now in the official plans for Pannal.
Society Officers
It was announced at the last AGM that the Chairman and Secretary of the Society would be retiring at the 2013 AGM. The role of secretary is particularly important, although not particularly onerous. The job entails maintaining the membership data base, taking minutes at 4/5 committee meetings each year and at the AGM and arranging the circulation of newsletters. Clearly the secretary needs to have a computer! It would be of huge benefit if someone would volunteer to take this on sooner rather than later so that there will be a usefully long handover period. It must be stressed that both Peter Stretton and Dorothy Little will be retiring at the AGM!
Cricket Club Gala
The Cricket Club has decided that the gala this year will be on Sunday 7th July instead of the August Bank Holiday Monday. The collection of PVS subscriptions at the Gala is important to us and we hope that members will not mind paying their subs earlier than usual. Our year will still run from 1st September.
Committee members:
Chairman:Peter Stretton, 7 Hazel Drive, HG3 1NY. Tel. 549837
Treasurer:Robert Welburn, 58 Crimple Meadows, HG3 1EN. Tel. 879374
Secretary:Dorothy Little, 62 Crimple Meadows, HG3 1EN. Tel. 870292
Committee:Robin Barlow 879505; Liz Bowden 870007; Peter Dickinson 879079; John Glynn Jones 872180; Judith Long 872464; Joan Newby 871209; Mick Phipps 870911; Liz Ward 872577.