First A. Author, Second B. Author, and Third C. Coauthor.


First A. Authora, Second B. Authorb and Third C. Authorc

aDep. Mechanical Engineering, University of Thessaly, Volos 38334 Greece

bSimilarly for all remaining co-authors

Keywords: Instructions, GRACM2015, Computational Mechanics, Proceedings.


First A. Author, Second B. Author, and Third C. Coauthor.

First A. Author, Second B. Author, and Third C. Coauthor.

This short document provides information and instructions for preparing an extended abstract of no more than a single page in length, to be included in the Proceedings of the 8th GRACM International Congress. The abstract file format must use the Portable Document format (.pdf), but the MS Word 2000 and later (.doc) format as well as the MS Rich text format (.rtf) are acceptable as well. Follow this order when typing your abstract: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Keywords, Abstract, Figures, References. The presenting author’s name must be underlined. References[1] are done as footnotes with the number format “1, 2…”.

The book of abstracts will be edited in a CD-ROM, using Portable Document Format (PDF). Afterwards, the CD will be forwarded to the publisher, who will in turn publish a single, hard copy volume. For this purpose please upload the abstract as attachment on the conference site, in one of the aforementioned formats, following the instructions provided in the link

The best way to label the electronic file containing the abstract text material is “First.A.Author_Gracm8abs.extension”.

The abstract must be written in English, A4 paper, single-spaced, justified, with a font size of 10pt, in Times New Roman. Equations, references2, figures and tables are allowed. The margins must be formatted to 2.5cm on all sides of the paper. The headers and footers must be 2.0 and 4.0 cm, respectively. In case the authors would like to add references to their abstract, they are advised to follow the instructions given in the full paper template.

Make sure that the labels and all other text in the figure/figures have readable and comfortable font size, i.e. not smaller then 10pt. Check this by comparing the figure text with the text in the abstract which is 10pt. Use a suitable format of the figure file.

Figure 1: (a) Velocity distribution in time. (b) Velocity distribution in the downstream direction.

[1] Dabbs and Hobbes, General theory of bubble cavitation, J. Fluid Mech. 582, 54 (2009).

2 Dabbs et al., Bubble collapse near a deformable boundary, Phys. Fluids 18, 034210 (2006).