Nomination Procedures for Initial Review Groups
Nominee for Initial Review Groups may be put on hold in IMPAC II up to one year before the start date of their term. Terms start on July 1 of each year. If the SRO has person they would like to put on hold, they should notify the Committee Management Office, who will check availability of the nominee and, if the nominees is eligible to serve, put them on hold.
When it is time to begin the slate for an initial review group, the SRO receives an analysis memo from the Committee Management Office. The memo explains what needs the committee has for the coming nomination slate. The memo will contain
- The date nominee names are due to the Committee Management Office – normally this is in March of the year the terms start.
- The names of the retiring members of the committee and whether any of them are eligible for additional years of service. Members may serve up to six years without a break in service. This may be in one six-year term or more than one shorter terms.
- An analysis of the Female Representation on the committee.
- An analysis of the Minority Representation on the committee.
- An analysis of the Geographic Distribution of the committee.
- A listing of the members retiring over the next six years.
- Any items that need addressing because of past comments from the approving officials. This may include the need for under-represented minorities or additional female members.
As the SRO submits the final nominees to the Committee Management Office, they should also submit a CV or biosketch. Additional information that needs to be included is: full name, title, affiliation, address, minority class, and gender of each nominee. Also needed is the expertise of the nominee.
The Committee Management staff will prepare the nomination package for submission to the Deputy Director of NIH for approval.
Here is a sample analysis memo.
DATE:March 3, 2010
TO:Scientific Review Officer, MIDRC, SRP, DEA, NIAID
FROM:Committee Management Specialist, CMO
Through: Committee Management Officer, NIAID
SUBJECT: Request for Submission of Nominees to Serve Microbiology and
Infectious Diseases Research Committee (MIDRC)
The selection of nominees to serve as members of the MIDRC for the 2010-2016 term is due in the CMO/NIAID by March 25, 2010. The five members who will be retiring on June 30, 2010 are as follows:
Dr. Margie Lee (chair)
Dr. Michael Katze
Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo
Dr. Rebeca Rico-Hesse
Dr. Jerry Simecka
The nominees will serve terms of up to six years. The following information should be utilized in selecting nominees for these vacancies:
All five retiring members are eligible to serve up to 2 more years. They can be reappointed for 1 or 2 years.
MIDRC – Authorized 19 members:
Female representation: Currently three female’sterms will end June 30, 2010, leaving a total of three female members on the committee. It is strongly suggested that at least three nominees be females.
Minority representation: NIH requires minority representation on initial review committees.
The four continuing minority members are three Asians and a Hispanic/Latino. In addition, it is important to address the issue of minority diversity. At least one African American, Native American, or Pacific Islander minority candidate needs to be included on this slate.
Geographic Distribution:The continuing members are 6members from the East;1 member from the South; 3 members from the Central region of the country; 4members from the West. NIH regulations state, “Selection of candidates shall reflect equitable representation of all geographic regions.”
It is suggested that you choose nominees from the South and Central. Membership from the states of New York, Texas, California and Massachusetts should not be in excess of 15% per state(for MIDRC, two per state). The continuing members on this committee from the above states are as follows:
New YorkTwo members
TexasNo members
CaliforniaOne member
MassachusettsTwo members
Member Rotation: There will be 6 vacancies in 2011; 4 vacancies in 2012; 2 vacancies in 2013 and no vacancies in 2014. You may want to re-appoint at least three of your retiring members for one or two year terms.
The next steps:
The SRO will submit a list of potential nominees to the CMO/NIAID, Room 2148, for initial clearance/availability check by March 25, 2010. List must include: full name, title, affiliation, address, minority class, and gender of each nominee.
The SRO will provide CMO with a copy of each available nominee’s curriculum vitae as well as a brief overview of each nominee’s qualifications to serve on the committee.
CMO staff will prepare the nomination package for submission.
If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 301-496-7601. Thanks very much for your assistance.
Macie Warren
Committee Management Specialist
(1) Roster of Current Membership
(2) Map of U.S. Regions
(3) Ethnicity and Race Identification Form (SF-181)
(4) Professional Area Breakdown (PAB)
cc: Dr. Hortencia Hornbeak