Ethnic Minority Development Plan

for the WUA,GEF adaptation to climate change Pilot Program under IAIL-3 Project in Hui Nationality Autonomous Region,Ningxia

1.Review on the legal and institutional framework applicable to the ethnic minority groups, and the summary of their baseline data

1.1Review on the legal and institutional framework applicable to the ethnic minority groups

Ningxia Autonomous Region has 5,880,000 populationand 34.9% of the total population is Hui nationality, which is called “Muslim province”. Hui nationality believes in the Muslim religion, there are more than 3000 mosques. Usually Hui nationality lived collectively, Yinchuan prefecture and Qing Tongxia prefecture have more Hui nationality relatively.

Based on the documentations provided by Ethnic Group and Religion Affairs Administration Committee in province, municipality and county level, legal and institutional framework applicable to the ethnic minority groups in Ningxia is summarizedas follows:

1.1.1 Propagandize and carry out the legal and institutional framework applicable to the ethnic minority groups.In July, 2000, Ethnic Affairs Committee of Ningxia Autonomous Region and Bureau of Religious Affairs of Ningxia Autonomous Region compiled the“Selected articles on legal andinstitutional framework applicable to the ethnic minority groups” in order to facilitate all levels of leaders, cadres and common people to learn and master the related theories, laws and regulations.

In 2003, five prefectures and most counties of Ningxia Autonomous Region made decision on “strengthening ethnic work and stepping out the economic and social development of the ethnic minority regions”. Which aim to promoting the economic and social development of the ethnic minority regionsand improve the level of living for ethnic minority group.In May of 2005, the province government release “Suggestions on implementing the ‘Decision on strengthening ethnic work and stepping out the economic and social development of the ethnic minority regions ofState Council ’”, which required local government in different level to make more efforts to do better job on ethnic minority group development.

In the March of 2005, Bureau of Religious Affairs of Ningxia Autonomous Region compiled “Rules on ReligionAffairs”.

1.1.2 Propagandize and make educational and cultural policy applicable to the ethnic minority groups to improve local ethnic group development.

In Sept.2001, on the 21st conference of the 8th national people's congress of Ningxia Autonomous Region, Ethnic education Statutes of Ningxia Autonomous Region was passed. Since then, many projects implemented to improve school condition such as “Wordbankpoverty alleviationproject II and project IV”. Education conditions of Primary schools and high schools in Ningxia have been improved a lot.

In 2005, local government startedStandardization of 100 Hui nationality high and primary schools project.Until the end of 2005, 60 school had reached the standard.

1.2 The summary of the baseline data on the ethnic minority groups in the project areas

In the project areas in Ningxia Autonomous region, there are 3 project prefectures – Yingchuan, Nongken and Wuzhong city, 20 project townships and 109 project villages. Among them, there are 18 project townships and 82 project villages having the Ethnic Minority Groups (EMG). There are 39752 project households and159081 project population totally, and 27911 project households and 110157project population in the project townships having EMG. Among them, there are 11269 EMG households and 39937 EMG population, accounting respectively to 28.3% and 25.1% of total project areas’ households and population, and 40.4%and 36.25% of the households and population of the project villages having EMG. The EMG is Hui. Among the project households, 26.3% have migrated labors, and among the labors, 42.9% are permanent migrants. While these two figures account to 25.1 and 34.3% for the project EMG households and their labors (see Table 1.1)

Table 1.1Administration and households of the project areas in terms of total and Ethnic Minority Groups (EMG)

Prefecture / Project towns. / PT with EMG / Project villages / PV with EMG / Project HHs / Project popul. / HHs in PV/ EMG / Popul. in PV/ EMG / EMG HHs / EMG popul.
Yinchuan / 9 / 7 / 38 / 26 / 20234 / 84238 / 13368 / 56916 / 9261 / 31649
Wuzhong / 5 / 5 / 27 / 18 / 11181 / 45797 / 7080 / 27133 / 1148 / 4934
Nongken / 6 / 6 / 44 / 38 / 8337 / 28956 / 7463 / 26108 / 860 / 3354
Total / 20 / 18 / 109 / 82 / 39752 / 159081 / 27911 / 110157 / 11269 / 39937

In the project areas, there are 26.3% of households having wage labors migrated, this figure accounts 25.1% for the EMG households – without significant difference with the non EMG households. However, there are differences among the counties. For example, the figures are 4.8 % in Nongken, much lower than the ones 35.3% and 32.2% in Yinchuan and Wuzhong city. Farms in Nonken are state-owned. Farmers there are agriculture workers. This may be attributed for the difference. In the project areas, there are 28.3% of labors migrated for wage income, among them 42.9% are permanent ones with more than 6 months a year not coming back during the peak season of farming. These figures account 25.7% and 34.3% for the EMG labors. (See Table 1.2)

Table 1.2Labors, migrants and the permanent ones of the project villages having EMGs in terms of total and EMG HHs

Prefecture / HHs with migrants in PV/ EMG / EMG HHs with migrants in PV/ EMG / Labors in PV/ EMG / Migrated labors in PV/ EMG / Permanent ones among them / EMG labors in PV/ EMG / EMG migrants in PV/ EMG / EMG Permanent migr. in PV/ EMG
Yinchuan / 35.3% / 24.1% / 29528 / 29.4% / 38.4% / 21348 / 26.0% / 31.2%
Wuzhong / 32.2% / 50.9% / 18925 / 40.5% / 43.3% / 2801 / 37.7% / 48.3%
Nongken / 4.8% / 2.4% / 12926 / 7.7% / 81.1% / 1921 / 4.8% / 58.1%
Total / 26.3% / 25.1% / 61379 / 28.3% / 42.9% / 26070 / 25.7% / 34.3%

In the project areas, there are 516385 mu of arable land, ranging from 8.46 (in Nongken) to 2.03(in Yinchuan) mu per capita, for Wuzhong is 2.19. Because farms in Nongken are state-owned, so the figure is different from the ones in other two places. Among the land, 73.3-80.1% are irrigated, 71.0-90.8% for crop production and 14.0%-16.9% for cash crops. The food crop production accounts476.8 -703.1kg/mu a year. Because Wuzhong located in the upward of HuangRiver, where there has good irrigation and rich soil, the food crop production is relatively high.

Table 1.3Land use composition, food and cash crops and incomes of the project villages with EMG

Prefecture / Arab. Land(mu) / Irrigated / Food crops / Yield (kg/mu) / Main cash crops / Yuan/ capita / Remittance Y/ca / Cash income Y/ca
Yinchuan / 171028 / 80.1% / 90.8% / 476.8 / 16.9% / 1202.5 / 1170.9 / 2770.26
Wuzhong / 100282.4 / 77.0% / 90.0% / 703.1 / 17.8% / 1074.7 / 408.9 / 3718.1
Nongken / 208983.5 / 71.0% / 71.2% / 515.0 / 13.4% / 778.3 / 3743.8 / 5015.1
Total / 516385 / 76.3% / 81.2% / - / - / - / - / -

There are 15 poverty villages among the project villages. And there are 4014 poor households in the project villages with EMG, which accounts 14.4% of the total households. These two figures are 2812 and 10.1% for the EMG poor households. Within these project villages, the female-headed households, the households with the disabled, the lonely elders’ households and the households with drop-outs pupils account 1.2%,1.8%, 0.5%and 0.4% of the total households. While the figures for the EMG account0.7%, 1.0%,0.3%and0.4%.

Table 1.4 Poverty situations in the project villages with EMG

Prefecture / Poor HH / Female headed / HH with disable / The lonely elders / HH with dropout / EMG Poor HH / EMG Female headed / EMG HH with disable / The EMG lonely elders / EMG HH with dropout
Yinchuan / 25.2% / 1.7% / 2.3% / 0.7% / 0.4% / 20% / 1.4% / 2.1% / 0.6% / 0.4%
Wuzhong / 3.1% / 0.7% / 3.0% / 0.5% / 1.0% / 1.2% / 0.08% / 0.85% / 0.03% / 0.7%
Nongken / 13.7% / 1.8% / 2.9% / 0.4% / 0.0% / 1.8% / 0.2% / 0.3% / 0.01% / 0
Total / 14.4% / 1.2% / 1.8% / 0.5% / 0.4% / 10.1% / 0.7% / 1.0% / 0.3% / 0.4%

In the project areas, the females and EMG account 46.0 %and 36.3% of total population respectively. While within the village leadership (the party branch and villagers committee), the females account 13.1% of total members, much lower than the proportion within the population. The EMG accounts 21.7% of the total member, also lower then their proportion within the population, and among them the females account 3.9%, quite low. Within the leadership of Women Federation (WF), the EMG take up 23.9%, and Youth League (YL), the females increased the proportion to 28.9% , EMG to 37.5% and EMG female to 12.5%.

Table 1.5 Percentage of females and EMG within the village leadership

Prefecture / % of female popul. / % of EMG popul. / % of female leaders / % of EMG leaders / % of EMG female leaders / % of EMG WF leaders / % of female YL leaders / % of EMG YL leaders / % of EMG F. YL leaders
Yinchuan / 46.0% / 55.6% / 20.3% / 62.3% / 13.6% / 55.1% / 25.7% / 56.8% / 20.3%
Wuzhong / 50.9% / 18.2% / 15.3% / 1.1% / 0 / 12.1% / 33.3% / 11.1% / 1.9%
Nongken / 40.9% / 12.8% / 8.3% / 8.0% / 0.2% / 5.3% / 0 / 0 / 0
Total / 46.0% / 36.3% / 13.1% / 21.7% / 3.9% / 23.9% / 28.9% / 37.5% / 12.5%

Table 1.6 is about the self-help organizations in the project areas, and EMG participation in the organizations. There are totally 28 self-help organizations in Yinchuan and Wuzhong, amongst them 16 are economic cooperation, and 12 are service organizations. These organizations have absorbed 6051 households, including 99 EMG HH. The number of the organization leaders is 106, among them, there are 12 female leaders, 14 EMG leaders and 1 female EMG leader.

Table 1.6The self-help organizations in the project townships with EMG

Prefecture / No. of organization / Econo. Cooperation / Service / Participating HH / Particip EMG HH / No. of leaders / No. of F leaders / No. of EMG leaders / No. of F EMG leaders
Yinchuan / 8 / 5 / 3 / 2329 / 51 / 30 / 2 / 13 / 1
Wuzhong / 20 / 11 / 9 / 3722 / 48 / 76 / 10 / 1 / 0
Nongken / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Total / 28 / 16 / 12 / 6051 / 99 / 106 / 12 / 14 / 1

Note: Farms in Nongken are state-owned, so there is no self-help organization.

There are totally109 project villages and 498 sub-villages in the project townships with EMG. Among them, 52 project villages have no primary schools, 42 no clinic and 10 no access to road. 10 project sub-villages have no feeder road. 20 project villages and 86 sub-villages have no safe water for drink. Because these villages have no tap water, they have to fetch water from wells. And the water from wells is not safe.

Table 1.7The public infrastructures in the project townships with EMG

Prefecture / Project villages / Project sub- villages / PV w/t primary school / PV w/t clinic / PV w/t road access / PSV w/t feeder road / PV w/t safe water / PSV w/t safe water
Yinchuan / 38 / 311 / 1 / 5 / 0 / 0 / 10 / 76
Wuzhong / 27 / 143 / 11 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Nongken / 44 / 44 / 40 / 35 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10
Total / 109 / 498 / 52 / 42 / 10 / 10 / 20 / 86

The GEF project sits in Xiamaguan township, Tongxin county of Wuzhong city. It covers 10 natural villages with a total population of 19,042 wherein ethnic minority accounts for 47%, or 9035 people.

Table 1.8Basic outline of GEF project area in Tongxin county

Basic outline of GEF project area in Xiamaguan township, Tongxin county

Village name / Area (km2) / No. of household / population(person) / Net income per capita in 2004(Yuan) / Net income per capita in 2005(Yuan)
Subtotal / Wherein minority / (%)of total population
Nanguan / 61 / 780 / 3393 / 3393 / 100% / 1700 / 1800
Beiguan / 21 / 230 / 1358 / 1222 / 90% / 1700 / 1800
Xigou / 55 / 536 / 2790 / 2623 / 94% / 1700 / 1600
Wulidun / 35 / 305 / 1567 / 235 / 15% / 1500 / 1600
Wangguyao / 36 / 304 / 1547 / 1470 / 95% / 1500 / 1600
Shenjiatan / 40 / 296 / 1425 / 0 / 0% / 1500 / 1600
Chenerzhuang / 46 / 342 / 1688 / 0 / 0% / 1300 / 1400
Zhaojiamiao / 19 / 176 / 838 / 92 / 11% / 1300 / 1400
Shangheng / 53 / 460 / 2497 / 0 / 0% / 2100 / 2200
Xiaheng / 39 / 350 / 1939 / 0 / 0% / 2100 / 2400
Total / 405 / 3779 / 19042 / 9035 / 47%

GEF project activities

The following measures are taken to deal with climate change and its negative impacts on agriculture all in light of the current circumstances in agriculture activities in Tongxin county.

(1) Adjustment on grain industrial structure and layout

Adjustment on agricultural structure and growing pattern will be promoted. The layout of agriculture zones will be optimized with dominant agricultural products to be produced in concentrated zones to form its industrial zone to enhance productivity in agriculture. The planting area for cash crop and forage will be enlarged to promote the conversion to the ternary structure: grain crop, forage and cash crop. Adjustment on cropping pattern, development of multiple harvests, enhancement of intensity index consist the main measures taken to deal with global warming. The specificmeasures to take place in Tongxin county, Ningxia region are to reduce plantation of wheat, increase that of corn so as to cut costs and enhance production with water saving irrigation. Agriculture protection measures will be applied to continuously enhance comprehensive productivity in agriculture.

(2) To improve crop variety by cultivating and selecting new anti type varieties

The specific measures include: cultivating new varieties with high productivity of anti-pest and photosynthesis, improving the layout of crop patterns, cultivating and selecting varieties resisting to drought, flood, high temperature and low temperature by plan, such as: genetic improvement by molecular biological methods and mastering the mechanism of biological nitrogen fixation and hormoneadjustment.

(3)The management and coordination of water resources will be strengthened. Small scale water storage projects will be built up for water control and rational development and utilization of space water. Standardized construction pilot will be set up in Maguan demonstration area in Tongxin county for active development of water saving dry agriculture. Efforts will be put into small scale on-farm water works, field irrigation/drainage works, small scale irrigation districts, anti-drought water resource project in non-irrigation districts will be at the core of the efforts. Rain water collection projects in hilly areas and other water shortage areas will be accelerated.

(4) Improve farming modes by extension of free-silage and rural Biogas technology

Less plough is encouraged to protection soil texture. Rich roots plants such as bean type forage will be planted to reduce plough and increase organic content in soil. Bio-energy utilization will be enhanced such as power generation with biogas produced from livestock manure, the biogas slurry can be used as forage or fertilizer so as to enhance the utilization of material and energy. Free silage is also named protective silage, different to traditional ways of overall plough, the free silage covers soil surface with huge amount of straw stubble as long as it ensures the germination of seeds. Pesticide is used to control weeds and plant disease for water and soil reservation.

II Results and findings

The summary of the SA work

Based on the results of zoning exercises made at the county level, totally 9project villages - one from each project township with EMG were selected as the representatives for the SA fieldwork. The different activities made for SA and successive community consultations were summarized as the following table.

Table 2.1 The scope of SA and community consultation in the project townships with EMG

Prefecture / Survey villages / Key informant interview / Resource/ community mapping / Wealth ranking / Stakeholder analysis / Problem & countermeasure analyses / Consultation on inclusive framework
Yinchuan / 3 / 4 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 6 / 3
Wuzhong / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 6 / 3
Nongken / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 6 / 3
Total / 9 / 10 / 9 / 9 / 9 / 18 / 9

2.1 Residence of EMG within the project villages

With resource/community mapping made in the survey villages, a pattern of EMG residence could be found. In Ningxia, most of the EMG are Hui nationality, and some of them relatively lived together in several sub-villages within an administrative village, others mixed with Han. In the congregated village, population of Hui nationality takes up more than 70%.

Some of the sub-villages have poorer irrigation condition due to some locational reasons. For example, In Jingjiqiao village in Yinchuan , three sub-villages, that are the first, the seventh and the tenth sub-villagehave difficulty on irrigation because 50% of their arable land are on the highland, the water have to be pumped up. Wuzhong also has the same cases, such as the fourth sub-village of Tanqiao village. For another example, like the fifth sub-village of Youhao village, it locates along the end of sub-canal of Han canal, so as to have less water to irrigate. Such a pattern was also found in the other project counties.

Figure 2.1 the result of resource/community mapping in TongbeiVillage, YinchuanCounty

By such exercises of resource/community mapping, the sub-villages with EMG residence and/or poorer irrigation conditions were identified.Then their representatives were included in the SA and community consultation, and even, very often, to conduct SA and community consultation in such communities.

2.2 Identification of the key stakeholder

Through wealth ranking and stakeholder analysis, various types of households and stakeholders within the community were identified to ensure their representatives, esp. the poor and EMG, to be included in SA and community consultation, and the stakeholders’ interests in, and potential functions to, the project were analyzed. Those stakeholders include the communities with different irrigation conditions, esp. the sub-villages with more EMG residents and poorer conditions, various types of households and social groups, esp. the poor ones, women and youth. The results gained in different project villages in Ningxia could be summarized into the following table.

Figure 2.2 the result of stakeholder analysis made in Tanqiao Village, Qing Tongxia County

Table 2.2 The stakeholders at the community level, their interests in, and functions to project

Stakeholders / Interests in project / Potential functions to project
Party branch/
Village committee / Reduce their burden on irrigation management and have more time to solve other problems in the village.(+) / Supervise WUA
Help WUA to resolve some management problem
Women federation / Help women to express their needs for water use
Poor households / It might be help poor farmers to use water with low price.
Have enough water to irrigate, and the yield of rice is improved and get more income / Actively participate in the consultation on E&D of WUA.
Can give some suggestions.
Women / Donot have to irrigate in the night.Save labour and time / Actively participate in the consultation on E&D of WUA
Youth and Middle-aged / Young people might do not care about this thing, because most of them are long-time migration.
WUA can save labour and time and make people have more time to do their own business / Middle-aged people will be the main members of WUA, they can take more responsibilities.Some of young people who do not migrate out can participate in the WUA,
Mosque management committee / Help WUA to resolve water use conflict between farmers
Old / Rich experience;
Give suggestions
EMG / There are no difference with Han for irrigation water use / Can have same benefits with Han

From the results of Stakeholder Analysis, it could be found that:

-For Party branch and Village committee, the foundation of WUA can reduce their burden. In Ningxia, most of the irrigation water is in charge of the members of Party branch or Village committee and water management has taken up them so much time. If WUA take the charge of the work, Party branch and Village committee can save time to do other things. However, they can be supervisor, and if there are some troubles which can not be settled only by WUA, they can help.

-Women federation can help women to reflect women’s demands on irrigation water use.

-For poor households, they think WUA can help them manage water, and make them have enough irrigation water which will improve the yield of rice. If they have good harvest, they will have enough money to pay the water fee. Some of the poor people are handicapped; they hope WUA can reduce some water fee for them. After the WUA established, some of poor people can be member of the organization, and other ones also can provide some suggestions.