Brunts Charity – Application for Accommodation, Strictly Confidential.

Applying to Brunts Charity for Accommodation.

The application form attached to these notes must be completed IN FULL and returned to the Brunts Charity Office.


On receipt of your application the Trustees will determine whether you do or do not qualify to be placed on the waiting list. It is unusual for any application to be accepted from persons who can fulfil their housing need from their own resources.

Applicants are advised that failure to disclose any relevant information may prejudice their application. Misleading or inaccurate information may also lead to any appointment being set aside at some time in the future causing the applicant to have to leave the almshouse.

Who can apply for accommodation

Person/s can apply for accommodation with the Charity as long as they are:

1. 60 years of age or 55 years of age with a recognised disability. and

2. Reside within the Mansfield District Council area or its surrounding area and

3. Be in need, hardship or distress.

4. Please note that in the case of joint applicants both applicants must qualify on 2 and 3 above.

5. Joint applications can be accepted where persons qualify in 1 above but the partner is over 50 years. In this case only the applicant who qualifies in 1 above will be granted the appointment.

In exceptional circumstances Trustees may appoint a resident who lives outside the area of benefit but qualifies in every other way where there is a social need to reside in this area.

Allocation of Accommodation.

The Trustees on allocating accommodation to a qualifying applicant will

do so on the basis of determining the applicant’s need for the Charity’s

accommodation and the objectives of the Charity. This does not include

time on the waiting list.

Trustees must also take into account the good character of applicants and

will therefore ask if you have any criminal convictions or have previously had to leave any residence through your own or partners bad behaviour.

The Charity own a small number of two bedroom properties and thus

unless very special circumstances apply it is unusual for applicants other

than couples to be offered the same.

Applicants are expected to accept the first offer of accommodation in

their area of choice. However up to three offers of accommodation can be

made before an applicant is automatically removed from the waiting list

and invited to re-apply.

Pets are not allowed

Due to the nature of the sites where the Brunts properties are situated cats or dogs are not allowed. There is no objection to residents having small birds or other animals that are normally housed in cages within the home as long as no nuisance is caused.

Equal Rights Policy

The Trustees of the Charity promotes a policy which gives fair and equal treatment to all, regardless of race, colour, sex or creed.

Data Protection

It is the Charity Commissions requirement that the Trustees must investigate the personal circumstances of applicants for almshouses. The personal data supplied on this form and any other information relating to any appointment to an almshouse including information relating to your circumstances if you become resident will be held on file. Some of these details may be checked with relevant organisations but none will be disclosed for any inappropriate purpose. You may have access to your personal information on request to the Trustees.

The Charities Properties and Management

The Charity owns and manages 153 properties all of which have access to communal facilities such as a community room and a twenty four hour alarm system.

The properties are situated at the Patchills off Eakring Road Mansfield, Champion Crescent off Westfield Lane, Mansfield and Samuel Close off Broomhill Lane, Mansfield.

The Charity is an Almshouse Charity and as such residents are classed as beneficiaries of the Charity not tenants, which means that residents live in the property with the permission of the Trustees and do not have tenants rights as is the case with Local Authority housing and most other occupancy of rented property.

All Residents must have a bank account as the weekly maintenance contribution is paid by Standing Order to the Charity.

Persons accepting an offer of accommodation are given a Letter of Appointment which sets out the rules of being a beneficiary. A copy of this letter can be viewed on request to the Operations Manager.

All the properties have Wardens who are responsible for ensuring the proper maintenance of the site and keeping an overview of the general welfare of the residents without intruding into their private lives.

The Wardens do not offer domestic or nursing services but promote independent living with the support of residents’ family and friends.

Prospective residents must therefore be mobile and capable of looking after themselves on a day to day basis. Alternatively a full care / support package must be in place.


A.  Your Details.

Applicants Full Name. / Date of Birth
How long have you lived at this address?
Do you own the property?
Are you single, married, civil partnership?
Telephone No.

B.  Please provide details of anyone else who intends to live with you if you are allocated accommodation.

Name / *Present Address / Age / Relationship

*We will require further information on the accommodation if the address is different to your own.

C. The Trustees may require a reference to accept you on the list.

Please provide details of a referee, preferably your landlord, who we may contact. Note that a landlords reference may be required if insufficient details of any residence is provided. Referees must not be related to you.

Name / Address / Relationship

D. Your present accommodation.

Are you an owner, tenant, lodger or have any other type of occupancy. Please state which of the above you are.
Owner / Tenant / Lodger
If you own your own property or you have previously owned a property in the past 7 years what is/was its value? / £
Do you have a mortgage or loan and if so for how much? / £

E. Why do you wish to apply for accommodation with us?

F. Your Financial Information (you MUST fill this in)

State Pension

/ £ / Per week/ month
Private Pension / £ / Per week/month
Pension Credit / £ / Per week/month
Housing Benefit
Any other benefits / £
£ / Per week
Per week
DLA or PIP benefits / £ / Per week/month
Any other income / £ / Per week/month
Personal savings, bank and building society savings accounts, premium bonds, ISAs or any other savings. / £ / Total
Bank account(s) / £ / Total
Salary / £ / Per week/month

G. Have you or your partner any criminal convictions, subject to an ASBO or have had to leave any residence due to either persons bad behaviour.

If the answer is yes please give details. A yes answer does not automatically exclude you from being considered as an applicant but Trustees must be fully aware of your cicumstances.

Details :

H. Equal Opportunities. We are required by law to treat every applicant the same regardless of colour or ethnic origin. Please complete this section. Your answer will not affect your application in any way.

How would you describe your ethnic origin? (please tick)

Applicant Partner

British or EU
South East Asian
Combination of the above
Please state

J. Are you and any joint applicant British Citizens ?

Applicant / Partner
Yes/No / Yes/No

K. Relationship to Trustees and Officers.

We are forbidden by law to “grant benefits” to our Trustees, Officers and their close relatives. To enable us to comply with the law can you please give details if you are a Trustee, Officer or one of their relatives?

L. Please give details of the name, address and telephone of any

next of kin who is prepared to assist you in times of illness or emergency


M. Site preference if any (please circle)

Patchills / Champion Crescent / Samuel Close

Q. Certification

I/we certify that the above details are correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and that this application is submitted in good faith.

I/we can confirm that I/we are able to look after ourselves with the assstance of family and social services if necessary.

I/we understand that any appointment as a resident will not grant a tenancy and any sum paid will be as a maintenance contribution not rent.

Please also note

a. the Trustees may require further information from you prior to your acceptance onto the waiting list. This may include for example supporting evidence from your Doctor or Health Worker.

b. information given on this form will form part of any appointment to occupy a Charity property and any change in circumstances must be notified to the Trustees. At any time in the future whether or not a property has been allocated, if circumstances change and the applicant/resident no longer qualifies as a beneficiary of the Charity their application will be cancelled and if already living in a Charity dwelling may be required to leave.

c. any request at a later date, whether or not a property is allocated, to have a further person joining the applicant or residing at any allocated property will be subject to a new application. If the applicant/resident no longer qualifies as a beneficiary of the Charity their application will be cancelled and if already living in a Charity dwelling may be required to leave.

Signed by Applicant

Signed by Partner


Please return this form with photocopies of the necessary documents which should include:

a. your birth certificate or official proof of age for you (and partner if


b. any rent book or other payment card / statement relating to your present accommodation or mortgage document / estate agents valuation if you own your own home,

c. details of your finances as you have stated on this form which should include copies of any bank books or statements, certificates, letters from Department of Works and Pensions and any other benefits you receive.

d. Proof of identity which may be your Passport or Driving Licence.

We will contact you to arrange an appointment to visit the office for interview but only if the form is fully completed and every section is filled in.