Page 19(Arthropod Characteristics)

Use your notes to write the characteristics for arthropods…. they can be bulleted. (Wait until we do notes in class!!!)

Page 20 (Crustacea Characteristics and Diagram)

You can use the diagram below or your book, the diagram below or any other diagram of a crustacean to draw your Crustacean (crayfish). Label the following parts:

Claw: ends of the largest of a crayfish limbs.
Rostrum: extension of a crayfish's shell.
Head: foremost part of a crayfish.
Thorax: upper part of a crayfish's body.
Abdomen: lower part of a crayfish's body.
Uropod: swimming appendage of the crayfish.
Telson: last segment of the abdomen of a crayfish.
Segment: ring of the abdomen of a crayfish.
Walking leg: limb of a crayfish used for forward motion.
Coumpond eye (stalked eye): complex sight organ of a crayfish.
Antennule: small antenna.
Cheliped: front leg which ends in pincers.
Antenna: organ of touch of a crayfish.

Page 21 (Millipede and Centipede Characteristics and Diagram)

You can use the diagram below or your book, the diagram below or any other diagram of a centipede and millipede to draw your millipede and centipede. Label the following parts: legs (how many pair?), antennae, head, trunk, and mouth.

Page 22 (Arachnid Characteristics and Diagram)

You can use the diagram below or your book, the diagram below or any other diagram of an arachnid to draw your arachnid. Label the following parts:

Legs: locomotive appendages of ad arachnid.
Abdomen: rear part of a spider's body.
Spinneret: opening through which the spider emits its silk.
Eye: sight organ of a spider.
Chelicerae: pair of venomous hooks on the spider's head.
Cephalothorax: The anterior part, consisting of the head and the thorax

Page 23 (Insect Characteristics and Diagram)

You can use the diagram below or your book, the diagram below or any other diagram of an insect to draw your Insect. Label the following parts:

Legs: locomotive appendages of an insect

Head: foremost part of an insect

Thorax: central part of an insect
Abdomen: rear part of an insect
Compound eye: complex sight organ of an insect.
Antenna: touch organ of an insect


Page 24 and 25 (Echinoderm) Characteristics and Diagram)

You can use the diagram below or your book, the diagram below or any other diagram of an Echinoderm to draw your Echinoderm. Labelthe following parts:

Sieve plate: entrance to the water-vascular system of a starfish.
Anus: end of the digestive tract of a starfish.
Ray: limb of a starfish.
Ring canal: tube that forms a ring of a starfish.
Tube feet: organ of locomotion of a starfish.
Digestive gland: organ of a starfish that secrets digestive enzymes.
Cardiac portion of the stomach: part of the stomach of a starfish used for pumping blood.
Pyloric portion of the stomach: part of the stomach of a starfish connected to the duodenum.

Radial Canal: flows from the ring canal to the tube feet