MESSAGE from ADAM WEEDMAN of AFFINISCAPE to Kurt and Elena July 3, 2012

Thanks again for the interest in what Affiniscape can do for FLOTA. First off, our service is FREE to the association. You don’t pay us..we pay you. More importantly, unlike JobTarget and others in the job board space, we are not building OUR brand daily...we are building your brand. Our goal is not for Affiniscape to be the #1 job board provider, it is for you to be the #1 OT job board in the state of Florida. We have done this many times over the past 7 years and our partners are growing EVERY year.

Major reasons for FLOTA to try Affiniscape:

-1.We specialize is state association job boards. We do not have the large national boards taking away from our focus. Others go after nationals and add states to get traffic. We focus 100% at the state level.

-1.We have a highly trained and effective sales staff that work directly for you or on your behalf. Others, including JT, have sales reps building their brand. Our sales reps have made over 2000 calls already in 2012 for OT associations. We have made over 6000 for PT already in 2012 and nearly every call has the potential to be an employer for both PT and OT. This leads me to reason #3

-1.We are already working for Florida PT, Florida Nurses, Florida Home Care and more that are directly correlated to OT and/or are hiring OT’s. This means we hit the ground running. FL Nurses also had 2 paid jobs on their board when we took it over in 2008. We have grown gross revenues from $17k in 2008, $32k in 2009, $42k in 2010, $46k in 20111 and projected $75k in 2012

-1.If you look at the attached Wanted Analytics report, it shows a few important things we use to judge market potential. We also use this for lead sourcing. It shows, that their are 5500 candidates in FL of which I am sure you have a good percentage. I am also sure that percentage knows many of those that are not your members. We work to attract all. It also shows that their are 148 employers currently hiring for over 1000 open positions. That leads to the Hiring Scale being red. When there are positions that require 20% of the total workforce, there is a shortage. YOU have probably close to 1000 members. You are the ONLY place that can get employers in front of 1000 candidates. All of this combined tells me one thing....FLOTA should be the #1 source because there is a major shortage and you have the candidates.

-1.This is a big reason. FLOTA has ONLY 2 paid jobs on your career center today. We can do that in one day. The rest are backfilled and leading to your competitor sites. Looking at #4 should tell you this is not acceptable. That should tell you only one one is selling on your behalf.

-1.I will give you an out at any time if you don’t feel we are representing FLOTA well, or if we are not producing. We will not tie you to a long term agreement.

-1.I will provide you with as many state healthcare associations as you would like to tell you our model. I can also put you in touch with Florida Bar so you can see what we have done for them.

-1.Last reason is that we also have over 1000 state and local associations using our association management software and for EVERY PT and OT group using us for both, it is effectively FREE, where we are paying them more than they pay us. This may be of interest to you with your current system. For the CA, TX, NY and FL groups the difference is large is some cases.

I understand you have a board meeting on July 20th and I am happy to be available for a call. In fact, I will be driving from Kansas City to central Iowa from about 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Central so anytime there would be great. My cell is 512-619-5242.

I have also attached a few other documents for your review. Bottom line is that we have delivered what we say and our key ingredient is Sales and Marketing which no one else can figure out how to do. We will bust our butts to make this the #1 place for Occupational Therapists to find jobs and for Employers to post. This does not happen overnight but, like I said, I will refer you to many associations that will tell you we are committed. We know we can get you there if we follow our model. Like I said, we are already getting requests for OT from employers.

One of your questions will be around royalties. This is where groups get caught up on Jobtarget 75%. We know where that no real revenue. 75% of nothing is nothing. We have a scale that pays our partners effectively 50% of our NET revenue. We put a number of heads dedicated to your success...just like if you hired you own staff, but we pay their salary. This makes the gross scale start at 25% and go to 40%. But as you can see Florida Nurses will get nearly $25k this year. At 75%, I believe they generated about $4k.

Please let me know if you have any other questions and/or if you would like me to be available for your July 20th meeting. Also, let me know how many associations you would like to speak with about our service and I will put together a list. I am happy to do whatever is needed to get you the facts you need to make a decision.

Thanks in advance and I hope to speak with you both on July 20th. Adam Weedman