March 5, 2007

C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e

Born: July 8, 1931, Iasi, Romania.

Legal status: U.S. Citizen, since 1991.


Ph. D. Mathematics, University of Iasi, Romania, 1960,

(Partial Differential Equations).

M.S. Mathematics, University of Iasi, Romania, 1954,

(Program Pure Mathematics).

Elementary and High School in Iasi, Romania, 1938-1950.

Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Romanian, Russian.

Professional Experience:

a) regular position:

1981-2007 Professor of Mathematics, University of Texas at Arlington.

1969-1980 Professor of Mathematics, University of Iasi, Romania.

1962-1968 Associate Professor of Mathematics, University of Iasi.

1954-1962 Research Assistant, Mathematics Research Institute of the

RomanianAcademy of Sciences, Branch Iasi.

b) visiting positions:

1989 Visiting Professor, University of Bergamo, Italy (2 months).

1981 Visiting Professor, University of Kassel, Germany (4 months).

1980 Visiting Professor, University of Pisa, Italy (9 months).

1974 DAAD Professor, University of Aachen, Germany (3 months).

1973 Visiting Professor, University of Tirana, Albania (3 months).

1970 Associate Research, University of Louvain, CORE (9 months).

c) administration positions:

1969-1972, Chair of the Department of Probablity and Mathematical

Economics, University of Iasi, Romania.

1968-1972, Associate Chairman, Department of Mathematics,

University of Iasi, Romania.


Membership in Professional organizations:

American Mathematical Society

Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences

Interational Mathematical Programming Society

International Society for Game Theory

AmericanRomanianAcademy of Arts and Sciences

Acedemy of Romanian scientists, American Branch.


Prize “G.Lazar” of the RomanianAcademy of Sciences (1966).

Prize “Grigore Moisil” of the Academy of Romanian Scientists (2002).

Teacher of the Year of the MAA student chapter at UTA (2004).


a) Books:

1. Basic Techniques in Linear Programming, Ed. Technica, Bucuresti,

Romania, 1976 (Romanian).

2. Fourteen Lessons on Game Theory, University of Kassel Press, Kassel

Germany, 1982 (German).

3. Course on General Mathematics for Business students, University of

Iasi, Romania, 1964, 3 volumes (Romanian).

b) Papers:

1. Asupra ecuatiilor cu derivate partiale de ordinal al doilea integrabile

prin metoda lui Darboux, St.Cerc.Mat.,Iasi, VII,1,1956,71-117.

2. Observatii asupra metodei lui Darboux pentru ecuatia lui Laplace,


3. Asupra integralelor prime ale sistemelor caracteristice pentru

ecuatiile cu derivate partiale de ordinal trei cu caracteristici distincte,


4. Asupra sistemelor Pfaff associate unei ecuatii cu derivate partiale de

ordinul trei cu caracteristici distincte, St.Cerc.Mat.,Iasi,X,1,1959,


5. Asupra ecuatiilor cu derivate partiale de ordinal trei cu caracteristici

confundate, integrabile prin metoda lui Darboux, St.Cerc.Mat.,Iasi,


6. Asupra ecuatiilor cu derivate partiale de ordinul n, cu caracteristici

confundate, integrabile prin metoda lui Darboux, St.Cerc.Mat.,Iasi,


7. Ecuatii cu derivate partiale liniare de ordinul al treilea, cu o functie

necunoscuta de doua variabile independente, cu caracteristici

distincte, reductibile la ecuatii de ordin inferior, St.Cerc.Mat.,XIII,2,


8. Ecuatii Monge-Ampere cu trei variabile, St.Cerc.Mat.,Iasi,XIV,1,


9. Ecuatii Monge-Ampere cu n variabile independente, St.Cerc.Mat.,

Iasi, XIV,2,1963,255-264.

10. Studiul matematic al corelatiilor functionale dintre tiroida, ovar si

unii factori ai mediului fizic, la pasarile salbatice, St.Cerc.End.Buc.,


11. Planificarea productiei agricole pe terenuri cartate, in Calculul

Ecomomic, M.Manescu, ed., Ed.Academiei,Bcuresti,1964,850-855.

12. Asupra unei clase de probleme de programare parametrica, St.Cerc.

Mat.,Buc., T 17,3,1965,445-449.

13. Un algorithme pour la resolution de certains problemes parame-

triques avec un seul parameter contenu dans la function economique

Rev.Roum.Math. Pures et Appl.,Buc, T XI,4,1966,447-451.

14. Metoda simplex pentru anumite probleme parametrice, Studii de

Statistica IV,Buc.,1966,84-87.

15. Algoritmul lui Beale pentru programe liniare parametrice rationale,

St.Cerc.Mat.,Buc. T 18,10,1966,1525-1528.

16. Sur la structure des domains d’optimalite du parametre pour les

programmes lineaires uniparametrique rationnels, An.St.Univ.Iasi,


17. Un algoritm lexicographic pentru rezolvarea programelor polino-

Miale in variabile binare, St.Cerc.Mat.,Buc.,20,1968,1134-1146.

18. Sur les fonctions lexicographiques monotones croissants et leurs

applications a la resolution des programmes lineaires en variables

binaries, An.St.Univ.Iasi, XIV,1,1968,205-208.

19. Un algorithme lexicographique pour la resolution des programmes

polynomiaux en variable entieres, Revue francaise d’Informatique

et Recherche Operationelle,2,1968,81-90.

20. Un algorithme lexicographique pour la resolution des programmes

Lineaires en variables binaries, Man. Sc.,16,3,1969,246-252.

21. An improvement of the lexicographical algorithm for solving linear

discrete programming problems,CORE DP #7029,Louvain,Belgium,

April 1970.

22. An optimality criterion for minimal cost multicommodity flows with

proportional costs, CORE DP #7043, Louvain,Belgium, Sept. 1970.

23. On a basic theorem in minimal cost flows, An.St.Univ.Iasi, XVIII,1,


24. An optimality condition for minimal cost multicommodity flows, in

Mathematical Programs for Activity Analysis, Chapter 10, P.Van

Moeseke, (ed.), LeuvenUniv. Press, 1973.

25. A network flow model for solving a cooperative game, Symposia

Matematica, vol.XIX,Academic Press, 1976,215-227.

26. Two dimensional concepts of solution in the theory of cooperative

n-person games, in Surveys of Mathematical Programming,

A.Prekopa (ed.), Vol.1, Acad.Kiado,Budapest,1979,31-42.

27. Solving the network flow model associated to a cooperative

n-person game, An.St.Univ.Iasi,XXIII,2,1977,403-408.

28. A two-dimensional bargaining solution for cooperative n-person

games, Proceedings 3rd Colloquium on OR, Univ.Cluj,1979,73-81.

29 Model statistico-matematic de control si previziune a procesului de

fermentatie al penicilinei G, DCS Buc.,1980,38-49 (joint C.Cuza).

30. Unele observatii asupra proceselor de decizie cu mai multe functii

obiectiv, DCS Buc.,1981.

31. A procedure for finding the nucleolus of a cooperative n-person

game, Zeitschrift fur OR, 25,1981,119-131, abs. in OR Verfahren,


32. A game theoretic approach for solving the multiobjective linear pro-

gramming problems; an application to a traffic problem, Libertas


33. An algorithm for finding the generalized nucleolus of a finite set and

The multiobjective discrete programming problems, Advances in


34. Greedy and optimal paths in a weighted graph without circuits and

Applications to a class of optimization problems on finite posets,

Libertas Mat.,3,1983,129-147.

35. A greedy algorithm for solving some multiobjective discrete pro-

gramming problems, Libertas Mat.,4,1984,p.174 (abs).

36. A bargaining set for games with coalition structures and thresholds,

TR # 212, Univ.Texas Arlington,Feb.1984.

37. A combinatorial approach to the theory of the bargaining sets,

Libertas Mat.,5,1985,135-155.

38. The bargaining set M for convex games, Libertas Mat.,6,1986,


39. The multicoalitional bargaining set M versus the one-coalitional

bargaining set M, Libertas Mat.,7,1987,141-148.

40. An existence theorem for the modified bargaining set of cooperative

n-person convex games, Libertas Mat.,8,1988,55-64.

41. Superadditivity for solutions of coalitional games, Libertas Mat.,9,

1989,101-110, (joint with S.Tijs and J.Potters).

42. The compensatory bargaining set of a big boss game, Libertas Mat.,

10,1990,53-61, (joint with G.Gambarelli).

43. The potential basis and the weighted Shapley value, Libertas Mat.,


44. An average per capita formula for the Shapley value, Libertas Mat.,


45. The k-coalitional games and the Shapley value, Proc.Appl.Math.

Conf.,Univ.Central Oklahoma, Feb.93,97-110.

46. Gale’s feasibility theorem on network flows and a bargaining set for

cooperative TU games, in Lecture Notes in Control and Information

Sciences # 197, J.Henry and J.P.Yvon (eds.),1994,289-297.

47. On the multiweighted Shapley values and random order values,

Proc.Appl.Math.Conf.,Univ.Central Oklahoma, Feb.94,33-47.

48. Collinearity between the Shapley value and the egalitarian division

Rules for cooperative games, O.R.Spektrum,Vol.18,1996,97-105,

(joint with T.Driessen and Y.Funaki).

49. New mathematical properties of the Banzhaf value, European

Journal of OR,vol.95,2,1996,451-463.

50. On some relationships between the Shapley value and the Banzhaf

value, Libertas Mat.,16,1996,31-42.

51. A note on minimizing the weighted sum of tardy and early comple-

tion penalties in a single machine; a case of small common due date,

European Journal of OR,vol.96,3,1997,559-563,(joint B.Alidaee).

52. New mathematical properties of the Least Square Values, TR # 308,

Univ.Texas at Arlington,March 1996.

53. Potential and consistency for Semivalues of finite cooperative TU

Games, in Game Theory and Applications IV, L.A.Petrosjan and V.

V.Mazalov (eds.), Nova Science, 1998,32-44, and International

Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra,vol.9,2,85-98.

54. Potential, Balanced contributions, Recursion formula, Shapley blue-

print properties, in Logic, Game Theory and Social Choice,Tilburg


55. New mathematical properties of Semivalues of cooperative TU

Games, Optimization,vol.48,2000,291-308.

56. On the Semivalues and the Power Core of cooperative TU games,

International Game Theory Review,vol.3,2-3,2001,1-13, (joint with


57. A dynamic algorithm for computing a Semivalue of a cooperative

TU game, in Logic, Game Theory and Social Choice, L.A.Petrosjan,

and V.V.Mazalov (eds.),vol.I,2001,252-253.

58. On the inverse problem for Semivalues of cooperative TU games, in

Proc.ICM2002 GTA Satellite Conf., Qingdao-China, H.Gao and L.

A.Petrosjan (eds), Qingdao Univ.Press,127-128.

59. On values for cooperative TU games, Proc.7-th Symp.ARS 2004.

60. On the computation of Semivalues for TU games via the Shapley

Value, Proc.4th Twente Workshop on cooperative Game Theory,

Enschede,The Netherlands,2005,17-26.

61. On the inverse problem for Semivalues of cooperative TU games,

International Journal of Pure and Appl.Math.,vol.22,4,2005,545-561

62. The Least Square Values and the Shapley Value for cooperative TU

Games, Top,vol.14,1,2006,61-73.

63. On the Semivalues and the Least Square Values, Average per capita

Formulas and relationships, Acta Math. Sinica, English Series,


64. On quasi-cores, the Shapley value and the Semivalues, TR # 354,

Univ.Texas at Arlington,April 2006.

65. On Semivalues and TU games on Matroids, TR #356, Univ.Texas at

Arlington,March 2007.


Invited for joint work, usually cca. 10 days:

University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, June 1993, 1996, by

Professor Theo Driessen.

University of Autonoma, Barcelona, Spain, June 1996, December 2003,

June 2005, by Professor Juan Enrique Martinez-Legaz.

University of Liege, Liege,Belgium,June 1997, by

Professor Marc Roubens.

University of Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain, March 2000, by

Professor Mario Bilbao.


COURSES (starting Oct.1, 1962, before I was a Research Assistant in the Institute of Research of The Romanian Academy of Sciences, Branch Iasi-Romania, Math.Dept., 1954-1964):

Romania, (Romanian), University A.I.Cuza Iasi, Department of Mathematics: Mathematics for students in Economics; Linear Programming (G),Operations Research, Graph Theory (G), Nonlinear Programming (G),Macroeconomics models (G), Game Theory (G).

Albania,(Russian), University of Tirana, Department of Economics, Operations Research, (G), and Tirana, Computing Center, Network Flows (G).

Italy,(Italian), University of Pisa, Department of Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics (G).

Germany, (German), University of Kassel, Department of Mathematics, Game Theory (G).

United States,(English), University of Texas at Arlington, Department of Mathematics:


Trigonometry (Math 1303), Statistics for nursing (Math 1308), Mathematics for students in economics, (Math 1315), Calculus for students in economics, (Math 1316), Analytical geometry,(Math 1325), Calculus II, III, (Math 2325, 2326),Mathematical Game Theory (Math 3303, new), Linear optimization (Math 3304, new), Discrete

mathematics (Math 3314, new), Differential equations (Math 3318),Matrix Algebra (Math 3330), Advanced discrete mathematics (Math 4314, new), Mathematical analysis (Math 4335).


Game Theory (Math 5310, new), Graph Theory (Math 5315), Combinatorial optimization (Math 5316, new), Complex variables (Math 5322), Applied Complex variables (Math 5324), Linear Algebra (Math 5333), Linear optimization (Math 5362, new), Nonlinear optimization (Math 5392, new).

N.B. a) Among the courses taught, there are 4 undergraduate courses and 4 graduate courses, which have never been taught before in this department. b) The other visiting positions held were research positions



1. Dr. C.Smadici (1978), graduate UAIC, RO, Assoc.Prof.Math. UAIC,

Dept. Mathematics, Iasi-Romania.

2. Dr. G.Suciu (1980), graduate U.Timisoara, deceased.

3. Dr. D.Butnariu (1980), graduate UAIC, RO, Prof.Math. U.Haifa,

Dept. Mathematics, Haifa-Israel.

4. Dr. C.Croitoru (1981), graduate UAIC, RO, Prof.CS, UAIC, Dept.

Computer Science, Chair Optimization.

5. Dr. G.Grigoras (1981), graduate UAIC. RO, Assoc.Prof.CS, UAIC

Dept. Computer Science, Chair CS.

6. Dr. E.Ciurea (1981), graduate UAIC. RO, Assoc.Prof.Math,U.Brasov

Vice President Univ. Brasov-Romania.

7. Dr. B.Alidaee (1988), graduate UT Arlington, from U.Teheran-Iran,

Prof.Management, U.Mississippi, Oxford, MI

8. Dr. N.Nagarajan (1993), graduate UT Arlington, from U.Madras-

India, Lecturer ITT Dallas, Texas.

9. Dr. A.Potter (1997), graduate UT Arlington, Prof.Math. Hardin

SimmonsU., Abilene, Texas.

10. Dr. T.Voshtina (1997), graduate UT Arlington, from U.

Tirana-Albania, Manager, OR Res. Firm, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

11. Dr. N.Sohaee (2003), graduate UT Arlington, from U.Teheran-Iran,

Ph.D. student for 2nd Ph.D., CS Dept. UTA.

12. Dr. P.Reyes (2003), graduate UT Arlington, Assoc.Prof.Inf.Systems,

BaylorU., Waco-Texas.


Master thesis supervisor for hundreds of students in Romania, Italy and the US. Among them the brightests:

13. Dr. C.Serban (Stanciu), graduate UAIC. RO, Manager Lucent

Technology, NJ, PhD. CS, U Missouri-Rolla.

14. Dr. G.Barbu, graduate UAIC RO, Prof.Math., U.Pitesti-Romania,

PhD. Math. Buc., President of University of Pitesti-Romania.

15. Dr. R.Masalagiu, graduate UAIC RO, Prof.CS., U.Iasi-Romania,

Dept. Computer Science, PhD.Math. U.Bucharest.

16. Dr. L.Heyer, MSc. graduate UT Arlington, Assoc.Prof. Biostat., DavidsonCollege, NC, PhD. Biostatistics, U Florida.

UAIC=University Al.I.Cuza (Iasi-Romania).

b) Countries visited with talks delivered:

  1. Albania: Tirana (1973).
  2. Belgium: Louvain (1970), Brussels (1970), Liege (1997).
  3. Brasil: Rio de Janeiro (2005).
  4. Bulgaria: Druzba (1967).
  5. Canada: Toronto (1995), Vancouver (1998).
  6. China: Beijing (2004).
  7. Chile: Vina del Mar (2001).
  8. Czech: Prague (1969),(2007).
  9. Denmark: Copenhagen (2003).

10. Finland: Oulu (1997).

11. France:Paris (1972), Compiegne (1993), Paris (2002), Aix-en-Provence (2003).

12.Germany: Jlmenau (1967), Berlin (1973), Bonn Bad Godesberg (1974), Saarbruken (1979), Koln (1980), Kassel (1981), Hagen (1981), Bielefeld (1981), Munster (1981), Bonn (1982), Oberwolfach (1989), Kassel (1996), Bielefeld (1996).

13. Greece: Athens (2007).

14. Hungary: Budapest (1964), (1966), (1972), (2000).

15. IrishRepublic: Dublin (1972).

16. Israel: Jerusalem (1995), Haifa (1995).

17. Italy: Pisa (1980), Venice (1980), Trento (1980), Brescia (1989), Trento (1989), Genova (1996), Pisa (1996), Bologna (1999), Pisa (1999), Napoli (2001), Foggia (2006), Pisa (2006).

18. Japan: Tokyo (1989), Tokyo (2004).

19. Mexico: Mexico City (2000).

20. Netherlands: Amsterdam (1968), Hague (1970), Amsterdam (1972), Nijmegen (1989), Tilburg (1993), Enschede (1993), Enschede (1995), Enschede (1996), Maastricht (1996), Enschede (1998), Tilburg (2002), Enschede (2005).

21. Poland: Warsaw (1969).

22. Romania: Brasov (1997), Bucharest (1997), Pitesti (2003), Bucharest (2007),Bacau, Bucharest, Campulung,Cluj, Constanta, Craiova, Galati, Suceava, Timisoara, (1962-1980).

23. Russia: Moskow (1967).

24. Spain: Barcelona (1996), Sevilla (2000), Barcelona (2003), Barcelona (2005).

25. United Kingdom: Cambridge (1970).

26. United States: Alabama-Tuscalooza; California-San Diego (2), Los Angeles, San Francisco;Colorado-Boulder; Florida-Orlando; Georgia-Atlanta (2); Illinois-Chicago (3); Kentucky-Louisville; Louisiana-New Orleans; Michigan-Ann Arbor; New York-New York, Stony Brook (10); Ohio-Columbus (3); Oklahoma-Edmond (3); Pensylvania-Philadelphia; Texas-Arlington (5),A&M College Station,SMU Dallas, UNT-Denton, Rice-Houston, Texas-Tech. Lubock, UT-Dallas at Richardson, Trinity + AMS Meetings, San Antonio (4), San Marcos, Waco.

N.B. Details can be given upon request.


c) Working in 6 countries at least one semester, as follows:

1. Romania (26 years, 1954-1980, except what follows, #2,3,4);

University Al.I.Cuza Iasi -Romania.

2. Belgium (2 semester, 1970, Spring+Summer); CORE U.Louvain

3. Albania (1 semester, Spring 1973); U.Tirana

4. Germany (2 semesters, Spring 1974, Summer 1981); U.Aachen+


5. Italy (2 semesters, Fall+Spring 1980), U.Pisa, and 1 semester,

Summer 1989), U.Brescia.

6. United States (26 years, 1981-2007, except what was shown

above#5),UT Arlington, Arlington-Texas.


d) Lecturing for University of Santiago de Chile at the Latino-American

Summer School, held at Vina del Mar, Chile, Jan.2001.

e) Inviting and Hosting foreign visitors: Prof. Masao Iri (Japan), Prof.

Bernard Korte (Germany), Prof. Marc Roubens (Belgium), Prof. Stef

Tijs (TheNetherlands),Prof. Theo Driessen (The Netherlands), Prof.

Lothar Colatz (Germany), Prof. Gianfranco Gambarelli(Italy), Prof.

DanButnariu (Israel), Prof. Juan Enrique Martinez-Legaz (Spain),

Prof.Rene van den Brink (The Netherlands), Prof. Gianfranco

Giannessi(Italy), Prof. Anton Stefanescu (Romania), Prof. Javier Arin

(Spain), Drs. Francisco Sanchez and Hernandez Lamoneda (Mexico).

f) Member of all Committees at the Department level (Advisory, Hiring

Promotion, etc.), at the College level Promotion.

g) Member for Ph.D.Committees in the Departments: Mathematics,

Chemistry, Information Systems, Computer Sciences, Electrical

Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering.

h) Unknown Reviewer for Journals:

International Journal of Game Theory, International Game Theory

Review, Naval Research Logistic Quartely, Mathematical Social

Sciences, Games and Decisions, SIAM Journal of Optimization,

European Journal of Operations Research, Optimization.


1. Prof.Dr. C.Corduneanu, University of Texas at Arlington, Professor

Emeritus since 1996.

2. Prof.Dr. D.Butnariu, University of Haifa, Israel

3. Prof.Dr. Stef Tijs, University of Tilburg, The Netherlands.

4. Prof.Dr. J.E.Martinez-Legaz, University Autonoma, Barcelona, Spain

5. Prof.Dr. W.F.Lucas, ClaremontGraduateSchool, Claremont, Ca.

Professor Emeritus since 2002.


From: Dr. Irinel Dragan

University of Texas at Arlington

Department of Mathematics

Arlington, Texas76019-0408 April 25, 2007


Phone: 817-272-3827

Professor Daniel Himarios

Dean of the BusinessSchool

Chairman of the Department of Economics

University of Texas at Arlington

Dear Professor Himarios,

For the last 26 years, I was a Professor of Mathematics, serving students in this university, especially by teaching classes of Mathematics of Operations Research, and being a member of Ph.D. Committees for many Ph.D. students. My field of research is Mathematical Game Theory. On January 15, 2007, I retired but I continued to teach as a part-timer for this semester. Now, I am interested to continue this activity for the academic year 2007-2008, as a part-timer or as a visitor, if there are courses available in your department, that I am able to teach and you would like to offer them.Until now, I did not get yet any offer, so I would be happy to get one and decide about this matter. My vita is attached, where you may see the courses that I taught in this university.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Irinel Dragan