Personal Finance

Career Research Assignment

Presentation Content

For this project, you may work alone or with another person interested in researching a similar career or career cluster. Using the information you’ve have gotten from the website pick either a specific career (IE—Financial Planner) or a career field (IE—Finance) and do some more extensive research on it. You will be presenting your findings in class. Use PowerPoint for your presentations, which should be 3-5 minutes. See grade sheet for point breakdown. The content of your presentation must include the following:


·  Name of career chosen/field, period, and your name

Nature of the Work

·  What work tasks are performed?

·  How does technology affect this career?

·  What equipment or tools are used?

·  How does this career match your interests?

·  Describe the work environment. Is it what you believe you require for success in the field?

·  Are there health hazards or unusually dangerous objects?

Education and Training

This section of your report should include, but is not limited to the following:

·  What type of education will prepare you for this occupation?

·  How many years of school will you attend and where do you think you will go?

o  Provide information from two (2) schools that offer your area of study.

o  Cite your sources! Information must be included in your presentation and materials must also be placed into your research folders. (Screen shots are a possible option in PPT.)

·  Will licensing or certification be required? Is apprenticeship or on-the-job training available?

·  How will you advance in this career? Will education and training/experience play a major role in the advancement? How?

·  What have you accomplished with your education and training thus far that demonstrates your ability to be successful in this career?

Employment Outlook

Describe future employment predictions for this career. Is the opportunity for employment expected to grow or decline over the next 6-10 years?


·  What are the starting and median expected incomes for this occupation?

·  What are the possible benefits and perks associated with this job? (Commission, tips, overtime, additional education and training?)

Reflection - Rewards/Disadvantages

·  What rewards and satisfactions will this career provide for you?

·  What disadvantages may exist? Are there stressful responsibilities?

·  After researching this occupation, is this an area you may look into as a future career? Why/Why not?

Resource Page (Not a bibliography)

Provide an alphabetical listing of all sites that were used during the research process. Make sure it is your last slide.





Career (or Career Cluster)______

Title Slide
-Title, Class, Period, Name / 5 point
-Career, Explanation/Match with Interests/Why Chosen / 10 points
Nature of the Work
-Tasks, Technology, Equipment, Environment, Hazards, / 10 points
Education and Training
-Type, Years, 2 Schools, Certification, Advancement, Accomplishments from current schooling / 15 points
Employment Outlook
-Growth or decline in the next 6-10 years / 5 point
-Beginning Salary, Benefits (tips, overtime,…) / 5 point
-Opinion of rewards AND disadvantages / 10 points
-Summary of results, Still interested/Explain / 10 points
Research List
-Listing of ALL sites used
(Last Slide/Last Area) / 10 points
Presentation delivery
-Prepared, Demonstrated an understanding
of the material, Demonstrate time
managements skills, concise, proper
spelling/grammar, enunciation / 20 points
TOTAL / 100 points