Remote Desktop Testing instructions

It is possible to test both the customer and technician connection from the same computer, but it is recommended that two separate computers are used for the best testing experience.

Method 1

There are a couple of ways to initiate a remote desktop session. The first method is through the technician interface. Start by logging into the technician interface at, using the default username/password of guest/guest.

Next, click on "Remote Desktop" on the left menu. This will open the "Remote Desktop Sessions" page, which lists all past, pending and connected remote desktop sessions. Click on the "Add Session" button.

On the next page select "-- Guest --" as the customer, and choose "Download" as the Action as seen below. This will generate a small .exe file, which may take a few seconds. You can alternatively choose to email the file as a .Zip file or as a link.

If you are testing using two different machines, either save and copy the downloaded file to the target machine, or use the email option.

When prompted by your browser, run the .exe file. Nothing is installed and the file simply runs in memory. Depending on your computer's security settings you may need to right-click on the file and choose "Run as Administrator". When the remote session has connected you will see the following information balloon in your system tray.

On the "Add Remote Session" page in the ReadyDesk technician interface click the Back button. The session you just created will be at the top of the list, and within a second or two the browser will alert you that the session has connected, and prompt you to connect to it as a technician. You can alternatively click the icon to the right of the session in the list to join if for some reason you click cancel on the prompt. When you accept the connection, your browser will again prompt you to run a small .exe. This is the "Viewer", which allows you to join your remote session. Once you are connected you will see the remote desktop. If you are running both the customer remote.exe and the technician viewer on the same computer it will have the same effect as pointing a camcorder at a mirror. To get the most out of your testing you would want to use 2 different computers. One to run the customer remote.exe and one to run the technician "Viewer".

The default display setting for the viewer is Auto-scaling. Clicking the icon in the top left corner will bring up an options menu. You change the scaling under "Display".

Remote sessions can be terminated by either party. The customer can right-click on the remote desktop icon in their system tray and choose "Close". If the technician closes the Viewer the connection is terminated automatically.

Method 2

The second method of testing is through live chat. Start by logging in at using the default username/password of demo/demo., then click on "Live support".

This will initiate a new live chat session. Next, log into the technician interface at, using the default username/password of guest/guest.

In the bottom-right corner of the technician interface you will see the live chat widget. Click the toggle on the right to sign in to live chat.

Locate the chat session you opened and click on the customer ID to join it.

Once the chat session has been joined by the technician the customer can click on the remote desktop icon to initiate a remote session.

Just as in the other method, the user will be prompted to run the .exe. When they are connected they will see the following text in their chat window:

...and the technician will see a hyperlink in their chat window to launch the viewer.

Additional Notes

The remote desktop tool can also be installed on remote computers as a service for unattended sessions. This method is tied in with the Network Inventory feature. This document does not discuss this method in detail because it requires connectivity to network which is not applicable our online demo. However, the basic steps are to add a network device (either manually or through the auto-discovery tool) then download and install the service on the target machine. when the service is running a remote desktop icon will be available next to the device in the "Network Devices" window.