September 14, 2012


External Announcements
Announcement Number / Position Title / Pay Grade / Number of Vacancies / Salary / Unit/Division / CLOSING DATE
1208009 / Investigator / 9 / 1 / $46,850 / Legal Services / 09/14/2012
1209003 / Medical Audit Specialist (Dental Hygienist)
Network Administrator IV/ DP Analyst IV (HIT Grant) / 10
11 / 1
1 / $56,370
$60,846 / Provider Audits
IS/Infrastructure, Software, & Support / 09/20/2012
1209004 / Executive Fellow (Research Analyst) / 8 / 1 / $37,574 / Opportunity for Living Life / 09/28/2012
Internal Announcements (Open to onsite contractors)
Announcement Number / Position Title / Pay Grade / Number of Vacancies / Salary / Unit/Division / CLOSING DATE
1208010 / Network Administrator I/II / 8/9 / 1 / $41,811 / IS/Tech Support / 09/14/2012
1209002 / Senior Research Analyst / 10 / 1 / $52,592 / HMP / 09/14/2012
Continuous Temporary Announcement
Application will be kept on file for 6 months
Announcement Number / Position Title / Pay Grade / Number of Vacancies / Salary / Unit/Division / CLOSING DATE
T2010 / Temporary / NA / NA / $10/hr / NA / NA

·  See attached job description(s) for further information.

·  Internal candidates must have served one year in current position (per Position Movement Eligibility policy) to be considered.

·  All positions are subject to Cabinet Secretary’s approval prior to filling.

·  These position(s) are unclassified and exempt from many of the Merit System Rules of Employment.

Interested parties should submit a signed OHCA Employment Application and Supplemental Questionnaire for each position applied for to:

Oklahoma Health Care Authority

Attn.: Human Resources

2401 NW 23rd, Ste 1A

Oklahoma City, OK 73107

Phone 405-522-7093

Fax 405-530-7218

TDD 522-7147

Applications will be accepted during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday).

Applications must be received by 5pm on the closing date.

Closes 09/14/2012 / Investigator
(1 position)
Grade 9
$46,850.28 / Legal Services / Legal Operations / Position Purpose: The Investigator performs internal/external investigations of quality of care complaints, contract complaints, Medicaid abuse allegation, contract compliance, personnel complaints, and general compliance with contracts, rules and regulations. Investigations involve contract providers, members and personnel. Develops complete case files in accordance with internal procedures, laws, rules or regulations.
Principal Activities include the following:
§ Determine scope, timing, and direction of investigations.
§ Identify case issues and evidence needed, based on analysis of charges, complaints, or allegations of law violations.
§ Review medical and provider documents while onsite and conduct interviews with provider staff, beneficiaries and physicians.
§ Examine records in order to locate links in chains of evidence or information. As necessary analyzes medical provider billing/electronic billings and accounting data to identify potential behavior or practices contrary to existing regulations and policies.
§ Obtain and verify evidence by interviewing and observing claimant(s) and witness(es), or by analyzing records.
§ Collaborate with other offices and agencies in order to exchange information and coordinate activities.
§ Record evidence and documents, using equipment such as cameras and photocopy machines.
§ Prepare reports that detail investigation findings.
§ Testify before administrative, civil or criminal cases.
§ In consultation with the General Counsel, determines appropriate cases to refer to the Management and Audit Division, the Office of Inspector of General, the State Auditor and Inspectors Office or the State Medicaid Fraud Control Unit.
§ Serves subpoenas and other legal documents.
§ Initiates troubleshooting activities, corrective and preventive actions plans, and follow up activities.
§ Performs related work as required. / § Bachelor’s degree in criminal justice or related field;
§ 1 year of investigation experience (e.g., criminal or welfare fraud), to include surveillance work.
An equivalent combination of 5 years of education and experience.
Preference May Be Given To Candidates With:
§ Familiarity with the SoonerCare (Medicaid) program;
§ Familiarity with reimbursement methodologies (e.g., fee-for-service or rate-based);
§ Experience with the District Attorney’s office;
§ Fraud certification (e.g., Certified Fraud Examiner);
§ Experience testifying in court;
§ Advanced Education
Investigator (1208009)
Applicant Name: / Date:
Supplemental questions are used to assist us in the evaluation of your application for interview purposes. By answering these questions, you help to reduce the amount of interpretation involved.
Please complete the questionnaire and attach to a completed application.
Position Requirements / Select one of the options below that best describes your education and experience. (Double click boxes to check)
A Bachelor’s degree in criminal justice or related field
One year of investigation experience (e.g. Criminal or welfare fraud) to include surveillance work
An equivalent combination of 5 years of education and experience
I do not meet any of the requirements as described.
Information Requested / Please provide the following information
Degree: / Date Completed:
Please list any position(s) where you gained relevant legal office experience:
Total legal experience: / Years / Months
Position Preferences / Check all that apply and indicate where you obtained the experience
I HAVE: / (Double click boxes to check)
Familiarity with the SoonerCare (Medicaid) program
Place and dates where you obtained the experience:
Familiarity with reimbursement methodologies (e.g., fee-for-service or rate-based)
Place and dates where you obtained the experience:
Experience with the District Attorney’s office
Place and dates where you obtained the experience:
Experience testifying in court
Place and dates where you obtained the experience:
Advanced Education
Degree: / Date:
Fraud certification (e.g., Certified Fraud Examiner)
Certification: / Date:
Position Closes 09/14/2012
Internal Applicants Only May Apply / Network Administrator I/II
(1 position)
Level I:
Grade 8
*Level II:
Grade 9
*Pending successful completion of 18 months. / Information Services / IS Technical Support / Position Purpose: Under limited supervision, performs administration and maintenance associated with the OHCA LAN. Performs a wide range of support related to a 500+ node networked organization, which involves the coordination of multiple daily tasks and new projects. Strong emphasis is placed on customer service and supporting user needs.
Principal Activities include the following:
·  Help Desk phone coverage; including answering the Help Desk line and providing technical support to users in-office and from other contracted agencies. Resolve basic to moderate helpdesk tickets to assist users with existing system and/or hardware problems.
·  Confer with users to discuss issues such as computer data access needs. Reports security violations, and programming changes. Train users in basic computer operations. Provides support for the agency training room and State room for any hardware or software issues.
·  Maintains the Active Directory forests and domain environments including users, groups, printers, etc… to ensure compliance with department policy and appropriate access to the system. Uses Active Directory to modify computer security files to incorporate new software, correct errors, or change individual access status.
·  Installs, configures, and supports basic to moderate peripheral equipment such as PCs, laptops, cell phones, and printers, etc… following department guidelines to provide access for users.
·  Installs, configures, and supports client based applications (i.e., Oracle Client, MS Outlook, RightFax, Altiris, etc…). Adapt and modify existing software (i.e., MS Office, Adobe products, etc…) to meet specific needs through custom installation options.
·  Maintain physical inventory.
·  Performs a variety of diagnostic measures to include:
a. Assists in tests of subsystems to ensure functioning of processing activities and security measures
b. Diagnose hardware and software problems, using experience and diagnostic software, to identify and replace defective components.
c. Analyze equipment performance records in order to determine the need for repair or replacement.
·  Performs a variety of maintenance activities to include
a. Maintains and supports audio visual equipment by responding to helpdesk tickets, performing schedule maintenance, and using the hardware checkout program.
b. Creates and maintains images for PCs and laptops to expedite the installation process under general supervision.
·  Repairs and installs minor network cabling, assists in major efforts, in order to address connectivity issues under general supervision.
·  Ensure regulatory compliance of assigned hardware and software.
·  Research emergent technologies by attending conferences, reading literature, and other professional resources to identify and incorporate relevant techniques or theories to existing agency structures.
·  Performs related work as required and assigned. / § Associates Degree in Information Technology from an accredited college or university; and
§ 6 months of helpdesk or Network experience.
§ Or an equivalent combination of education and experience to equal 2 ½ years for Network I, and 18 months of Network I experience required for Network II.
Preference May Be Given To Candidates With:
§ Bachelor’s degree (B. A. or B. S.) in the area of Information Technology from an accredited four-year college or university; and/or
§ A+ certification or Microsoft Certified Professional for XP; and/or
§ Network administration experience; and/or
§ Active Directory experience; and/or
§ Cloning Technology experience (e.g., Norton Ghost); and/or
§  Helpdesk experience.
Network Administrator I/II (1208010)
Applicant Name: / Date:
Supplemental questions are used to assist us in the evaluation of your application for interview purposes. By answering these questions, you help to reduce the amount of interpretation involved.
Please complete the questionnaire and attach to a completed application.
Position Requirements / Select the options below that best describe your education and experience. (Double click boxes to check)
I have:
Associate’s Degree in the area of Information Technology; plus 6 months help desk or Network experience
An equivalent combination of 2 ½ years of education and experience
18 months of Network I experience
I do not meet any of the requirements as described.
Information Requested / Please provide the following information
Degree: / Date Completed:
Please list the position(s) where you obtained the related computer programming work experience;
Total helpdesk/Network experience: / Years / Months
Position Preferences / Check all that apply and indicate where you obtained the experience
I HAVE: / (Double click boxes to check)
Work experience in network administration
Place and dates where you obtained the experience:
Total experience: / Years / Months
Active Directory Experience
Place and dates where you obtained the experience:
Cloning Technology experience (e.g., Norton Ghost)
Place and dates where you obtained the experience:
Helpdesk experience
Place and dates where you obtained the experience:
Bachelor’s degree (B. A. or B. S.) in the area of Information Technology from an accredited four-year college or university
Degree: / Date:
Please Attach Transcript to receive this preference point!
Computer Certifications
Certification: / Date Completed:
Certification: / Date Completed:
Certification: / Date Completed:
I have experience with;
MS Word / Proficient/Daily Use / Weekly/Monthly Use / None
MS Excel / Proficient/Daily Use / Weekly/Monthly Use / None
MS PowerPoint / Proficient/Daily Use / Weekly/Monthly Use / None
MS Visio / Proficient/Daily Use / Weekly/Monthly Use / None
Announcement # / 1209001 / Division: / Policy Planning & Integrity
Title of position: / Medical Audit Specialist (Dental Hygienist) / Unit: / Provider Audits
Grade: / 10 (1 position) / Salary: / $56,370.00

Program Integrity develops comprehensive statistical profiles and utilization patterns of health care delivery of individual providers and recipients to safeguard against unnecessary or inappropriate use of Medicaid services and associated payments, assess the quality of those services, and identify suspected instances of fraud and abuse according to 42 CFR 456.3. Acts as the clinical specialist to the Provider Audits staff when analyzing traditional fee for service and managed care claims related to federal and state regulations. This position will be responsible for dental record review and providing guidance for dental claims review.

Typical Functions May Include:

§  Provides clinical expertise in Provider Audits regarding dental provider and member issues.

§  Knowledge of principles and practices of dental hygiene; of the routine terms, instruments, supplies, equipment and procedures used in the operation of dental clinics; of types of sterilization and sterile techniques; of methods of processing and developing x-ray film; of oral anatomy and standards of oral hygiene; of practices of hygiene and nutrition as related to dental health; and of basic techniques of teaching.

§  Performs verification of credentials of providers in conjunction with Provider Audits to ensure HCA policy requirements are met.

§  Develops and maintains audit criteria for Provider Audits.

§  Performs Provider Audits of billed services, including charges and documentation to ensure all HCA policy requirements are met and services are clinically/medically appropriate.

§  Assists staff in the evaluation and interpretation of billed charges and clinical documentation to ensure all HCA policy requirements are met and services are clinically/medically appropriate.

§  Develops and provides training related to issues identified by the Provider Audits staff as needed.

§  Represents the Provider Audits Unit in the ALJ process and works with the MFCU/OIG investigation and prosecution process.

§  Reviews audit results of providers performed by other state agencies and make Provider Audits referrals as appropriate.

§  Makes a policy recommendation to the Policy Unit, as policy issues are identified during Provider Audits.

§  Performs related work as required and assigned.


§ Current valid Dental Hygienist license

§ 3 years of clinical experience as a dental hygienist; and

§ 1 year of experience in dental review, auditing, utilization review, compliance or regulatory work; and

§ General understanding of coding principles (CDT).

Preference May Be Given To Candidates With:

§ SoonerCare policy experience; and/or

§ Experience with claims review or billing; and/or

§ Experience in an auditing, QA/QI or utilization review setting; and/or

§ Experience with Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint; and/or

§ Advanced Education; and/or

§ Certification.