T C S 2nd Grade Eagles


“ The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has ANOINTED Me to preach GOOD NEWS to the poor. HE has SENT Me to proclaim FREEDOM to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed, to proclaim the YEAR of the LORD’S FAVOR.” Luke 4:18-19


1.  Morning procedures – students arriving between 7:30 and 7:50 a.m. are dropped off with the teachers on duty, either in the elementary hallway or the playground. At 7:50 am, students will go with teachers to class. Class begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. Students arriving later will have to get a tardy slip from the office.

2.  Entering classroom – students enter quietly, unpack backpacks, write their assignments in planners, place homework & lunch money. Until class begins, students will get supplies ready.

3. Birthdays – students are allowed to bring a special snack to share for their birthday. We will eat the snack during lunch.

4. Student binder – This binder will contain a folder with pockets, as well as the student’s planner. The folder will include information about class activities for the week, homework, and any graded papers. Important information from the school office may also be sent home in this folder. Parents are responsible for checking the folder for this information every day. The binder will be returned to the teacher the following day. The planner is provided by the school. It is intended for students to write in on a daily basis. Homework information, conduct grades, and any other important notes from the teacher are placed here. Parents should check and sign the planner daily.

5. Homework – Homework is usually given on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. If a student is absent, extra work at home may be required.

***A weekly grade will be given for practice in Reflex Math. Students are expected to complete 30 minutes per week. We will have some class time in the computer lab each week, but parents are responsible for checking Reflex Math to see that the week’s assigned time has been met.

***Spelling homework may be done 2 ways: either written practice at home or by using the Spelling City computer program.

6. Parents are responsible for checking RenWeb for information regarding daily lesson plans, tests, grades, and special activities.

7. ***Thursdays will be Pizza Day. Parents need to either send money for pizza or a lunch from home. Students may bring a drink from home or purchase a drink during lunch. No other hot lunch is provided on Thursdays. Pizza money should be sent in either a plastic baggie or envelope with child’s name and order.

8. We will use the Holman Christian Standard Bible for our Bible lessons. Please make sure your child has a copy to keep here at school. Occasionally a class verse may be assigned using the King James Version. The verse will be written in the weekly News .

13) Temple’s grading scale is as follows:

A = 90-100 B = 89-80

C = 79-70 F = 69-0

9. EAGLE HONOR Conduct Goals -- As a class, we are striving to honor the Lord in everything we do and say. The 5 “Rs” are our behavior goals: RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, RELIABILITY, RELATIONSHIPS, and RIGHTEOUSNESS.

Our conduct grades are recorded on a daily basis in the planner, and averaged at the end of each week. Conduct grades are shown as E (excellent), S (satisfactory), N (needs improvement), or U (unsatisfactory). A Quarterly Conduct Report will be sent home to be signed by parents at the end of each quarter (October, December, March, and May). *The Lord’s mercies are new every day, so all students begin each day with an “S” for “Ready to Learn”. J

10. BIBLE Memory Work (BMA) in 2nd Grade is practiced daily in class. Students will recite a memory passage every two weeks for a grade. Bible verses should also be practiced as homework.

11. The following items are always needed and much appreciated:

**individually-wrapped candy, stickers, or small toys for occasional special rewards.

**outdoor toys for the playground (jump ropes, Nerf balls, or sidewalk chalk)

**Expo dry-erase markers and chalk for chalk boards

** anti-bacterial hand wipes or “baby” wipes

**Ziploc bags (quart or gallon-sized)