Avalon Fire/Rescue District

Commissioner Meeting Minutes

Date: 3 October 2011

Call to Order: The regular meeting of the Avalon Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Rod Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the North Firehouse, 5408 Mulat Road, Milton, FL 32583.

Quorum: Commissioners present: Rodney Johnson, Joe Diamond, Don Galbraith, Paul Hazucha, and Wes Woodham. Chief Sid Wiggins, ex-officio was also present.

Attendance Names: Yvonne Kradel, Sandy Luntsford, Eddie Roukema, Doug Thornton, Victor Montanez, Carson Howton, and Ian Fullerton.

Minutes: Joe Diamond moved and Don Galbraith seconded to approve the minutes of the 19 September 2011 regular board of commissioners meeting. The motion passed 5-0.

Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report of 2 October 2011 is attached, reviewed and accepted.

Chief’s Report: September 2011

Structure Fires 0 Man Power Statistics

Vehicle Fires 1 Man Hours - Call 491

Grass/Woods/Trash Fires 2 Other - Train./Mtgs/Maint. 184

Power Lines Down 3 Classes 116

MVA 16 Duty Shift 925

False Alarms 0 Total Hours MTD 1716

Gas Leak/Gas Spill 0

Medical 31 Avg. Man Hours per call 8.00

Water Emergency 0 Avg. Personnel per call 7.00

Misc. 2 35 Daytime Calls (5:00 - 17:00)

Mutual Aids 7 27 Nighttime Calls (17:00 - 5:00)

Total for Month 62

Old Business: As the second issue of the newsletter nears completion the discussion pertaining to the method of distribution continues. The newest method for discussion is mass mail per zip code thru the USPS.

New Business: In cooperation with Santa Rosa County the District now has access to the County’s GIS data.

Indian Bayou RV Park is adding additional lots but not heeding the advice to add another fire hydrant.

The Chief’s truck sustained body damage and needs repair.

Sandy distributed a draft of the second newsletter.

At Eddie’s request Joe moved and Paul seconded to fund the Christmas party scheduled for December 10, 2011 for $2000. The motion passed 5-0.

Correspondence and Communication: The Division of Retirement requests payment of an outstanding invoice.

Florida League of Cities informed us of Workers’ Comp. coverage thru the end of the year.

Financial: Bills B-1 through B-14 approved for payment.

Adjournment: Chairman Johnson adjourned the meeting. The next regular meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. 17 October 2011.