CIS 499 – Understanding Information Systems Capstone

Barbara Johnson

Professor Michelle Hansen

Strayer University


This report is intended to outline the organization’s objectives and goals for future growth. A brief description of the details regarding the type of the company and the services offered along with a description of current outsourcing and offshoring activities. This report will offer suggestions for upgrading the operational systems and databases, infrastructure and security that will allow for future growth, as well as provide adequate security to protect the organization’s assets. Suggestions will also be given for providing adequate personnel and roles to fit the organizations needs.


In this report, the Project Management team will examine the current infrastructure in place and make suggestions for upgrades, changes and the ability to be flexible and adjust to changes in business and technology. It is our goal to offer solutions that will provide security to protect assets as well as allowing for future growth of the company.

According to Gordon, Perrey and Spillecke, (2013) “Organizations today face overwhelming amounts of data, organizational complexity, rapidly changing customer behaviors, and increased competitive pressures. New technologies as well as rapidly proliferating channels and platforms have created a massively complex environment. At the same time, the explosion in data and digital technologies has opened up an unprecedented array of insights into customer needs and behaviors.” (Gordon, Perrey, Spillecke 2013)

Johnson’s Data Analysis is a $25 million dollar data analysis company that has been in operation for almost two years. The company has an expected growth of 60% per the next eighteen (18) months. The company currently collects data using Web analytics combined with operational system data. Johnson’s Data Analytics assist companies in accessing huge amounts of real-time data particularly in areas of background checks, pricing data for retailers and criminal background history or news stories for various organizations. This information collected provides customized real-time information, which helps the organization to transform data in actionable intelligence, which increases productivity and create new streams of revenue.

This information also offers the ability to track Web sites with automated processes. Collecting data also allows the company to transform the data collected into high-value information assets, grow market and business intelligence, and enable mass data aggregation, migration and integrations. (Rao, 2012)


Currently the company is operating on one floor but would like to move to three floors within six months. The technological infrastructure currently in place is limited and needs to upgraded and redesigned to accommodate the needs of the organization. There are many solutions that could be implemented, but it is suggested the company use a hybrid model to get the best results and be more cost effective. Cloud computing an Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) are excellent organization tools as long as adequate security exists.

There will be a security team in place who will develop a security strategy to be put in place, which will include application security, network security, access control and a cryptographic infrastructure for encrypting sensitive information. This team will also be responsible for monitoring the system for security breaches, unauthorized access, monitoring incoming and outgoing traffic throughout the system.

It is also the Project Management team’s desire to develop a consistent, easy-to-use interface for customers and employees, which would span across different applications and access channels (screen formats and user interactions). We want the customer to have a pleasant experience when they visit the company website. There should be a support system put in place as well that would operate 24/7 to assist customers and employees with any technical issue. This system could include a contact number or internet chat, or remote access to the computer via tech support.

Technical Support and Setup

The IT support will be setup as follows:

·  Executive Committee – will be comprised of director level management members who’s responsibilities will be to review security plans, policies and procedures.

·  Department Management – will be responsible for business function areas and will have the authority on behalf of senior management from time to time.

·  Security Officer Coordinator – will be responsible for user access and authentication controls; document security policies, evaluate exposure, misuse or non-compliance; modification and/or deletion of user accounts and employees who are no longer with the company. Establish a Confidentiality Agreement and make sure that it is adhered to according to company policy.

·  Help Desk Coordinator – will be responsible for assisting users with troubleshooting and minor hardware/software issues. Implementing and setting up new hardware and software. This team will also be responsible for problem resolution and localizing the problem to a specific category.


Johnson’s Data Analysis has requested the Project Management team complete the project within a sixty-day timeframe. Attached is a project plan, which will outline the tasks needed to be completed in order to meet the sixty-day timeline. The team will seek ways to outsource non-core operational services such as WAN, web applications from a 3rd party source, etc.

Below is a list of the programs the company is currently using and what programs the upgrades will be:

·  Network - Windows Server 2008; this will be upgraded to Windows Server 2012 R2 (Cloud OS version). MS Server 2012 R2 delivers a global-scale cloud services to the infrastructure with features that enhance virtualization, management, storage, networking, virtual desktop infrastructure, access and information protection, and a web and application platform. (Microsoft, 2014)

·  Operating System - Windows XP Professional as the operating system and Microsoft Office. This will be upgraded to Windows 7 Enterprise, which offers better security and many other enhanced features.

·  Database – Microsoft SQL Server 8; will be upgraded to MS SQL Server 2014 Developer Edition. This will allow for faster transaction processing, data warehousing, and Business Intelligence with In-Memory technologies built-in.

The overall goal of the Project Management team is to implement an enterprise architecture that is consistent, robust and fits the needs of the company, which maintains flexibility and is in line with the constant changes and growth of the business.


Gordon, J., Perrey, J., Spillecke, D. (2013) Big Data, Analytics, and the Future

of Marketing & Sales. Retrieved from

Microsoft. Retrieved from

Rao, L. (2012). Big Data Collection And Analysis Platform Connotate Acquires

Competitor Fetch Technologies. Retrieved from
