Report of the Head of Performance Improvement

Author: Peter Stanley, Performance Improvement Manager

Tel: 01992 555306

Executive Members:David Lloyd

1Purpose of report
To outline arrangements for members of Policy and Resources cabinet panel, and service panels, to consider key performance indicators and monitors; Challenge monitor for 2007/08 end of year, Local Area Agreement and New National Indicators (NIS).

2Arrangements for reporting key performance indicators / monitors

2.1Policy and Resources cabinet panel have an overview role in respect to performance management information. In this role, members are invited to consider data presented and refer any areas of concern to the relevant service panels.

2.2It was agreed that as part of the performance management of the authority this Panel would receive regular (quarterly from quarter 2) update reports on the Challenge measures. The end of year monitor for 2007/08 will therefore be made available to members of this panel in July, following the audit process for the national BVPIs in the monitor to be undertaken.

2.3As members will be aware from previous discussions, Policy and Resources Cabinet panel will receive the Local Area Agreement monitors and a report on progress. Herts Forward Core Groupwill receive the LAA1 2007/08 monitor on 17th June, and it will then be made available to members of this panel. The Herts Forward Core Group will be determining the frequency for reporting of LAA2 progress.

2.4The New National Indicator (NIS) set, has replaced BVPIs and other national indicators from April 2008, as previously reported to the Panel. This new set comprises 198 indicators for an area (e.g. CountyLSP) to report on.
Further guidance regarding the publication of results for an area are awaited, but it is expected that, as with BVPIs, there will be a statutory obligation to publish results of these to the public and all stakeholders annually. The results will also feed into the Comprehensive Area Assessment process beginning from April 2009.

2.5Therefore, the NIS data will be taken to Policy and Resources cabinet panel for an overview, and individual service panels will be expected to look in more detail at the ones which come under their remit. Please see the appendix to this report which proposes which indicators will be reported to which panel. Further work is being undertaken to ensure accountable officers are aware of their responsibilities.


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