Office Apps Feature Step-Through: Office Web Apps for Office 365

Office Web Apps


The following Office Web App sample files are available for use when demoing the Office Web Apps.

1.  Word Web App - Northwind Proposal- Draft.docx

2.  PowerPoint Web App - Northwind Presentation - draft.pptx

3.  Excel Web App - Northwind Internet Sales and Expenses.xlsx

4.  OneNote Web App - kberg notebook.onepkg

Recommended sample content is available two ways:

1)  The Office Web Apps sample documents are included in any Microsoft Office Division Demo tenant set-up (see for more information). While logged in as any user in that tenant, navigate to the SharePoint “DemoDocs” folder in your tenant, by going to the following URL:

o  https://<tenant>

o  Note, you need to replace <tenant> in the Office 365 URL above with the custom domain from your Office 365 tenant. E.g. if your tenant domain is, <tenant> would be replaced with CustomerDemo1.

o  Click into the folder Office Web Apps Sample Docs

2)  If you already have an Office 365 demo tenant set-up on your own, and simply need the Office Web Apps sample documents, they are available for download from the “Resources” page on

Top Features: Step-Through:

This content is intended to educate on how to best demo the top features of the primary Office Web Apps. This demo script is organized by application. The best practice for demoing the Office Web Apps is in the context of the larger Office demo. For example, as you demo Word, showcase the Office Web App sharing after your demo, or showcase commenting as you launch the demo document from SharePoint or SkyDrive.

If demoing the Office Web Apps as a standalone service, ensure that you position the web apps as a means of extending Office tools and content to more people in more places (those that are on a device without Office installed), or for users that haven’t traditionally been granted an Office license by their organization (kiosk/deskless workers)

SAY / DO /
With touch friendly, web-based tools, your Office is always in reach. From across your devices open, edit, or share Office files and communicate from anywhere. When you use Office Web Apps you know your documents will have the design and format you intended – even as multiple people view, edit, and work together online. Share the finished product with anybody, whether they have Office or not, all they need is a browser. And, web-based versions of Office communication tools like Outlook and Lync keep you in touch from wherever you are. Browser-based Office tools make it possible to edit, communicate and share from anywhere, with anyone. Today, I’m going to show you some of the highlights of the latest release. Let’s get started.
Viewing: When you access and share your Office document, you want to know that it has the same look and polish as when you designed it. On the right you see a Word document in the Word desktop application. On the left, the same document in the Word Web App. High fidelity rendering of Office files, even from the Web, ensures that you can confidently share your Office files, knowing that they'll look great on the desktop or on the Web.
When collaborating with others, you may want to give feedback without directly 'editing' the document. When using the Word and PowerPoint Web Apps, it is now possible to do this using comments in documents and presentations. The comments allow for replies, are designed to be viewable in the document with less distraction, and have the ability to be 'marked done' once incorporated in the document.
Editing: With Word Web Apps, you can format your documents with page layout tools and see your word count. Use common shortcuts you know from Word on your desktop.
You also now have more control of pictures and shapes making it easier to add polish to files on the web. Insert images from a local file, or browse online images directly from the Web App. You can then format the image, changing the size or style to make your images standout in a document or presentation. /
Word Demo File: Northwind Proposal_draft.docx
Showcase high fidelity viewing of Word docs.
-  View the document in the browser, and also open the document in Word on your desktop. the two browser tabs.
-  Highlight the fidelity of the view between desktop and web. (layout, images, etc).
Close Word on the desktop and expand the Word Web App Window.
Click “Comments” from the Ribbon.
-  Call out the Comments pane, new in the latest release.
-  Add a new comment
-  Respond to an existing comment to showcase threaded comments.
-  Delete or “mark as complete”
Click “Edit” and select, “Edit in Word Web App”.
-  Point out new “Word Count” available in the lower left hand corner.
In “Customer Research” section showcase demo new Picture Tools.
-  Click on “Insert” from the Ribbon to highlight the new ability to insert an image from online, or from your PC, but don’t add new photo, Use existing photo in doc to demo Picture Tools.
-  Select picture of two women on street.
-  From the Ribbon, Select Picture Tools>Format
-  Select and apply the Simple Frame, White picture style
Also highlight the ability to insert a picture from your computer or from the web.
-  Place your cursor anywhere in the document.
-  Select “Insert” from Ribbon, choose ClipArt, search for “tv room” and select the “Plush TV Room” image from Microsoft and insert.
Viewing: With high fidelity charts, you’ll see your charts, including 3D, in high fidelity. The Excel Web App also enables viewing of powerful data analysis tools and views created by Excel on the desktop. Here in the Excel Web App you can see how easy it is to gain insights while interacting with sophisticated data analysis views created in Excel on the desktop. The Timeline slicer shown here allows you to easily see trends or changes in the data over time. The power of Quick Explore is accessible, making it possible to drill deeper into specific areas of the data. And the ability to interact with Pivot Tables makes slicing and dicing data possible, even from the Web.
Editing: In the latest release, you’ll get essential spreadsheet features, such as merge cells, context menus, auto-fit columns, formula assistance, fill handle and AutoSum. Additionally, you can Print right from your browser, and rename or add sheets. However, one of the highlights of this release are new Charting tools. Charts bring life to your data, and when viewing and editing your spreadsheets on the Web, you can create and edit your graphics to better visualize information. Select the chart to access charting tools that allow you to change the chart type, color or data range. You can also easily create a new chart, just select the data and the chart type. / Excel Demo File : Northwind Internet Sales and Expenses.xlsx
Select Timeline Tab for Data Analysis Tools demo
-  Click “Transaction Date” 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
-  Point out how the data easily updates as you select each year.
-  Select a cell in the data set to activate the “Pivot Table Field” view, showcase the ability to create custom views and slices of the data.
-  Select Year “2011” which will activate the Quick Explore icon, represented as a magnifying glass. Drill into products to get a better view of mix of sales and revenue.
Select Marketing Budget Planning tab for Chart demo
-  Select Edit Workbook from the Ribbon, choose Edit in Excel Web App
-  Select the “Marketing Spend by Month” chart.
-  From “Chart Tools” in the Ribbon, select “Area” chart to showcase speed of the update.
-  In cell D22, increase Public Relations spend in August by $5,000. Call out how chart quickly updates.
Editing: PowerPoint Web App tools make it possible to add polish to your presentations, even when you don’t have Office. Edit text or drag and drop elements such as pictures or charts. You can insert images, create transitions and animations, or add a pre-designed theme right from your browser. When editing your presentation with PowerPoint Web App, you can now also add emphasis and interest with Animations and Transitions. A selection of subtle animations, transitions and effect options are available to choose from within the Ribbon. Simply apply, save and view these updates in Slide Show Mode.
Viewing: When viewing a slide show in PowerPoint Web App, you can see animations, transitions and video as they were designed in the desktop PowerPoint application in full fidelity. So not only are you able to confidently share your polished presentations with others online, you can present from any device with a browser. / PowerPoint Demo File: Northwind Presentation – draft.pptx
From Ribbon, select Edit Presentation, then Edit in Browser.
-  On slide 10, swap placement of “wireless surround sound” image and text with “Smart Television” image and text, showcases drag and drop layout capabilities.
-  Add transitions, click on “transitions”. Select “fade”, select “effect options”, select “through black” and then “apply to all”.
From Ribbon, select Insert, choose Comment
-  Click through slides to showcase new commenting support.
-  Add new comments
-  Delete comments.
Launch presentation, “Start Slide Show” from Ribbon.
Call out:
-  Transitions applied in demo and animation playback created in the desktop application.
-  Exit Slideshow mode with “Back” button on browser
Viewing: Search across sections, or find on this page, and view ink as it was written in your notes.
Editing: Just click-to-type, and add a note, picture or view inked notes. Use common shortcuts you know from OneNote on your desktop. And, share your notes as a URL that can be viewed on a phone, PC or tablet through just a browser. / OneNote Demo File: kberg notebook.onepkg
Click on the Notes section
-  In the Search box above the section list, enter “presentation” and select the dropdown “search this section”.
-  Call out the highlighted pages in the Notes section that contain the search term “presentation”.
Click on one of the highlighted pages, and call-out how the search term is also highlighted in the note itself.
Click on the Pitch presentation ideas note
-  Showcase the new ability to view Inked notes
On Pitch presentation ideas note click anywhere on the page to start a to-do list (see below for to do list content ideas)
-  Double check with sales team to confirm we still have rights to imagery.
-  Get feedback from partner marketing contact.
-  Talk to finance team for latest sales figures
Select the to-do list, right-click and apply tags (can be checklist or other from the contextual menu).
SHARE ONLINE: Office Web Apps are available to anyone with a browser, so you can confidently share your work with everyone. Once your files are stored online, share your files just by sending a link, and grant read only or edit permissions. New simple sharing tools make it easy to collaborate with people within your organization and new guest links allow you to share and collaborate with people outside of your organization. / -  From Documents folder, choose a file that you’d like to share (can be Word, PPT, Excel, OneNote) click on the Lock icon under Sharing in the file list.
-  In the Share pop up, Add email addresses, show the toggle “can edit” “can view” to highlight simplicity and control of sharing.
-  Highlight how you can toggle “require sign-in”, when unchecked, recipient can view or edit the shared file without having to authenticate, enables easy ad-hoc sharing of files inside and outside of the organization.
-  Also show simple URL available for sharing, and other tools for communicating with people you’ve shared the document by clicking “show options”.
BROAD DEVICE SUPPORT: View your documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and notes from nearly any device with a browser, using Word, PowerPoint, Excel and OneNote web apps. You can now also edit files with the Office Web Apps from you tablet (Windows 8 and iPad) / Access any of the demo docs used here (PowerPoint/Word Document) from your Windows 8 Tablet or iPad.
-  From the Documents folder, Share the file with yourself using a URL.
-  Open the email, click on the link
-  make quick text edit in Word, or manipulate PPT objects.
-  Scroll through the Word doc, or present from PPT (follow instructions from PPT and Word Web App Demo Section above).
SAY / DO /
CO-AUTHORING: Now available from all Office Web Apps, co-authoring tools in the Office Web Apps allow you to work on a document, presentation or spreadsheet at the same time as other editors. You can see who is working on the document. And when the document is saved, co-authors edits appear.
SURVEYS: Using the power of Excel Web App, you can create online polls to collect information and preferences from others with simple survey tools, great for event planning and team and classroom coordination. Responses are automatically tabulated in an Excel spreadsheet for easy reference and analysis. / -  If you have a demo buddy, send him/her a link via email to the Word or PPT file used in this demo. (co-authoring is new in PowerPoint and Word)
-  Demo buddy opens email and clicks on the document URL, clicks on Edit, then Edit in Web App.
-  Ensure you are also in Edit Mode of the same file.
-  You will both receive notification that there are 2 people editing (in the lower left or lower right, depending on the app).
From SharePoint Online site where you’re sample documents are located, select “New” then “Excel Survey”
-  Name form “Offsite Planning Survey”.
-  Description: Help us plan the FY13 Offsite by filling out this brief survey.
-  First Question, Type = Choice.
-  Which offsite location do you prefer? :
o  Redmond Campus
o  South Lake Union Campus
o  My Lake House
o  Other
-  Second question, Type = Yes/No
-  Would you be interested in doing an after hours activity a) yes b) no
-  Save and View to check your work.
-  Enter Submit
-  Complete the survey, and show your responses in the Excel Spreadsheet by going back to the Documents folder, and opening the Excel Spreadsheet “Offsite Planning Survey.xlsx”
SAY / DO /
PUBLISH: Save your documents to the cloud, and easily publish them on your blog or website.
-  Embedding (improved) – With one-click, insert a spreadsheet, presentation, or document directly in to any web page.
-  Online Viewers (improved) – Create a URL anyone can use for viewing your publically posted Office documents.
-  Excel Interactive View (improved) – Readers can interact with charts and data in a blog or website without having to jump to a separate application. / From the Documents folder, select an Office document (can be any of the demo docs used here).
-  Go to “File”.
-  Select “Share”
-  Select “Embed” to see the Embed UI, where you can get the Embed code for blogs or websites.
-  Call out the ability to insert web content for general consumption and interactivity, great for bloggers and digital publishers that want to share Office-based content broadly, even with users that don’t have office.