SIG Strategic Goals 2012 - 2016
Approved 8/12

SIG Name / Ambulatory/Office Nursing Special Interest Group (AON SIG)
Coordinator / Denise Gates-Baker, MSN, RNC-TNP, OCN®
Coordinator-Elect or Ex-Officio / Jane Hudson
SIG Mission / The Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) Ambulatory/Office Nursing Special Interest Group (AON SIG) exists to provide optimal care to individuals with an actual and/or potential diagnosis of cancer who requires treatment in an outpatient setting. Therefore, the mission of the AON SIG is to promote excellence in oncology nursing care for the patient in the ambulatory/office setting.

Agreed Upon SIG Goals

Goal 1
KNOWLEDGE / ONS is utilized as the primary source for education for all nurses providing care to people with cancer regardless of setting.
Deadline / 2016
Action / Ensure ambulatory and office nursing staff use ONS guidelines as the primary source to maintain and provide care for any type of vascular access device by:
1)Providing the link to the ONS website to access the information available
2)Dissemination of the information through postings to the Virtual Community, newsletter articles, communiqué, or direct emails
3)Determine the barriers to proper vascular access device caree. g. education of old staff to update information for consistency, education of new staff in orientation, access to a computer or written material, etc
Measurable / Review as an ongoing process through 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 to ensure the use of ONS information as the primary source for education
Goal 2
LEADERSHIP / Through ONS involvement, members become leaders and effective cancer care advocates in their workplace, community and the Society.
Deadline / 2016
Action / Identify two (2) or more AON SIG members that areactive, involved or are willing to assist with:
1)Maintaining the Virtual Community (VC), keeping it current/up to date
2)Provide a poster presentation for the AON SIG for display on the VC, in the newsletter, or at Congress, etc
3)Write articles for the newsletter
Measurable / Review as an ongoing process through 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 to maintain a high level of membership involvement and for the determination of potential leadership
Goal 3
QUALITY / The Oncology Nursing Society strives to be on the cutting edge of the development, dissemination and evaluation of evidence-based, patient-centered interventions and their contributions to high quality cancer care.
Deadline / 2016
Action / Encourage the AON SIG membership to nominate a nurse in their area or a corporation that has demonstrated devotion to the care of individuals with cancerand that have helped to promote an environment that encourages and supports the accomplishments of excellence in Oncology Nursing.
Measurable / Each year of the SIG strategic plan, an AON SIG member and/or a corporation is nominated for a quality/excellence award
Goal 4
TECHNOLOGY / Nurses caring for people with cancer recognize ONS as a leader in leveraging technology and use it to collaborate and learn.
Deadline / 2016
Action / Use technology to offer timely information to ONS and SIG members by maintaining:
1)Collaboration between the Coordinator and Editor or Co-Editor of the Newsletter for timely review and release of articles to the VC
2)Coordinator and Editor or Co-Editor to maintain administrative power to update the VC quarterly
3)Receipt of articles from members or other sources for timely posting to VC
Measurable / The VC will be maintained and updated quarterly during the SIG strategic goal plan

(db 7/12, 8/12)

U:\WPFILES\STRATEG\Goals 2012\APP Goals 2012\AON 2012-2016 AP 8 12.doc