PRESENT: Councillors D. Randall (Chair), R. Harrington,A. Barnett, M. Petersand Cllrs Mrs D. Gale and M. Neuhoff. Also in attendance Linda Paice, Parish Clerk and 6members of the public

1 / APOLOGIESwere receivedfrom Cllr Allen Walker, County Councillor.
3 / i)NoDISPENSATION requestshad been received.
iii)The requirement to update REGISTER OF INTEREST changes was noted.
4 / Having been previously circulated it was RESOLVED that the MINUTES of the Meeting
held on 20th October2016be duly signed and adoptedas a true recordin line with Standing Order 5a(iii).
5 / ISSUES MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC WISHED TO RAISE – Mrs Evans thanked the Council for its support on Remembrance Day and reported that £1169.82 had been raised in the village for the Poppy Appeal. This included the £50 donation for a wreath on behalf of the village.
The Clerk would contact Charles Sargeant following his offer to straighten the tree on The Crescent.
The trees on the Crescent would also be reported to NCC as needing some cutting back.
Following works on Lodge Park reinstatement works would be checked.
Thanks were given by the Council to the anonymous donor of a replacement tree at Vicarage Close.
There were no reports from either the DISTRICT or COUNTY COUNCILLORS
6 / 6.1 FINANCE It was RESOLVED that the following accounts be paid:
Chq No / Amount / Incl
VAT of / Payee / Details / Power
300232 / £336.02)
£ 36.23)
£372.25 / Linda Paice / Salary & expenses
Shared expenses / LGA 1972 s112
LGA 1972 s111
300233 / £70.20 / HMRC / Tax / LGA 1972 s112
300234 / £175.92 / 20.32 / N J Blackwell / Mowing / Open Spaces Act
300235 / £70.27 / 11.71 / A H Contracts / Dog bin maintenance / Open Spaces Act
300236 / £184.19 / 29.89 / SSE / Electricity / Highways Act
300237 / £284.00 / Whittlebury Reading Room / Room Hire / Highways Act
300238 / £34.00 / NCALC / Training fee / LGA 1972 s111
300239 / £246.oo / 41.00 / N J Blackwell / Mowing / Open Spaces Act
6.2 RECEIPTS –£10.00 – R Pearson for copying
6.3 The Council’s bank balances at 1st November2016 were noted as £8119. 36 in the current account including £3400 of earmarked funds, and £33670.08 in the reserve account.
6.4 Consideration was given to the Draft Budget paper presented to the meeting and explanations given. It was RESOLVED that this be adopted for the year 2017-18 and that SNC be precepted upon for £14000 for that year.
6.5 Consideration was given to the transfer of funds relating to earmarked sums to the deposit account but it was RESOLVED not to do so at this time.
6.6 The current New Homes Bonus fund was noted as being £11141.00 and the Clerk detailed possible changes to the timing of allocations to the fund. Consideration of possible projects would be given at the next meeting.
7 / PLANNING 7.1 It was RESOLVED that the following APPLICATIONSbe considered and comments would be submitted accordingly:
Application No / Detail / Comments
S/2016/2701/NA / Neighbouring Authority Consultation for erection of a single dwellingat Lillingstone Lovell. / FOR INFORMATION ONLY
7.1 Correspondence relating to a DSLAM equipment cabinet on High Street was noted.
7.2 PERMISSIONS–tree works on parkland north of Lodge Park; gravity sewer at Whittlebury Park
7.3REFUSALS– None.
8 / REPORTS - i) HIGHWAYS –a)No further issues were reported.
b) Updates were noted.
c) The Clerk reported that Highways would not support moving of the dog waste bin on High Street due to proximity of the site to the road.
d) Parking issues had been fed back to the Police. Issues were ongoing. Checks would be made as to whether details of a accident in the village that day had been reported to the Police.
e) Information on Safe Speed had been circulated. A meeting was hopefully to be arranged at Greens Norton and details would be fed back.
f) The Police would be advised that the Council was happy with the continued placement of the ANPR camera in the village.
ii) FOOTPATHS– No reported issues.
iii) LIGHTING – No faults reported. The possibility of replacements to LED bulbs would be followed up.
iv) CIRCUIT– a)Next meetings were planned for 8th December and Cllrs Mrs Gale would attend.
b)Contact had been made with Whittlebury Park regarding cut off time for music over the TRAX weekend but no response had as yet been received.
v) OTHER REPORTS – a) Recreation Society – Next meeting 21st November.
b) Neighbourhood Watch – Mrs Morris reported that a trailer had been stolen in Church Way.
c) Cllr Harrington reported to the meeting in regard to a possible PC Website. The Clerk had applied for grants from the NALC Transparency Fund and it was RESOLVED that Cllr Harrington follow up establishment of a site with 2Commune Ltd in conjunction with Tony Movsessian and Cllr Peters.
d) Members had been kept updated on odour issues and it was RESOLVED that the suggested response now be forwarded to Trevor Dixon with the appropriate people copied in. An article for the next newsletter was also agreed.
e) Feedback from the NCALC AGM had previously been given but, following a presentation at the meeting the Police and Crime Commissioner, it was RESOLVED that his help be sought in regard to speeding traffic through the village and HGVs using Church Way which had an advisory 7.5tonne weight restrictions.
f) Cllr Harrington detailed the benefits of a village defibrillator and was asked to make further investigations.
11 / ITEMS FOR THE NEXT MEETING– None beyond any already minuted.
12 / DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 19th January2017 at 7.30pm in the Reading Roomthere being no meeting in December 206.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.05pm.