What does ‘Outstanding’ and ‘Good’ look like in the context of the professional standards?

Source: Edge Hill University FET Professional Standards Grading Criteria 2015-16

1 Reflect on what works best in your teaching and learning to meet the diverse needs of learners
Outstanding / Good
Trainees quickly and accurately discern their learners’ strengths and needs and are proactive in differentiating and employing a range of effective intervention strategies to secure progress for all learners, they have an astute understanding of how effective different teaching approaches impact on learning and are able to use effective strategies to support the learning and progress of all learners / Trainees consistently adapt their teaching to meet the needs of individual and groups of learners to support their progress. They know how to secure progress for learners and how to identify when groups and individuals have made progress. They are able to use a range of effective strategies to reduce barriers to learning and to respond to the strengths and needs of their learners including the appropriate deployment of available support staff.
2 Evaluate and challenge your practice, values and beliefs
Outstanding / Good
Trainees persistently extend and update their subject, curriculum and pedagogical knowledge and are able to demonstrate excellent progress with appropriate professional development strategies in their early career. They are able to critically reflect and evaluate their practice. / Trainees extend and update their subject, curriculum and pedagogical knowledge and are able to demonstrate good progress with appropriate professional development strategies in their early career. Trainees are reflective in evaluating their practice.
3 Inspire, motivate and raise aspirations of learners through your enthusiasm and knowledge
Outstanding / Good
Trainees constantly motivate learners to participate and bring about an atmosphere highly conducive to learning. They consistently set high expectations which challenge all learners in different training contexts. Trainees are highly effective in promoting learners’ resilience, confidence and independence and they generate high levels of enthusiasm, participation and commitment to learning. / Trainees motivate learners to participate and contribute in an atmosphere conducive to learning. They set high expectations, which challenge learners to make good progress, effectively promote learners’ resilience, confidence and independence. They are well respected by learners.
4 Be creative and innovative in selecting and adapting strategies to help learners to learn
Outstanding / Good
Trainees plan interesting lessons that often use well-chosen, imaginative and creative strategies that match individuals’ needs and interests. They take risks when teaching to ensure the lesson remains interesting effectively using new technology to support learning. / Trainees show a willingness to try out range of approaches to teaching and learning, including new technology. They learn from both success and ‘failure’ asking for support in trying out new approaches and in evaluating how well they work.
5 Value and promote social and cultural diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion
Outstanding / Good
Trainees fully exploit possibilities to promote learners’ understanding and appreciation of social and cultural diversity. They consistently employ effective and innovative approaches to the integration of social and cultural diversity using a range of effective strategies to support the learning and progress of all learners, including those with ‘Protected Characteristics’ as stated in the Equality Act (2010). Trainees are highly skilled in meeting the learning requirements of a wide range of learners. / Trainees make links with and explore possibilities to develop learners’ understanding and appreciation of social and cultural diversity. They employ a range of approaches to the integration of social and cultural diversity ensuring that all learners are included in all activities.
6 Build positive and collaborative relationships with colleagues and learners
Outstanding / Good
Trainees build strong professional relationships and demonstrate that they are able to work collaboratively with colleagues and learners on a regular basis. They demonstrate an understanding and where appropriate use a range of professionals that contribute to learners’ overall development. / Trainees are effective in building good professional relationships with colleagues and learners and demonstrate that they can work well collaboratively. They can give examples of working with a wider range of professionals to secure the overall development of learners.
7 Maintain and update knowledge of your subject and/or vocational area
Outstanding / Good
Trainees consistently explore and exploit opportunities to maintain and update their own subject specialism. / Trainees are proactive in maintaining and updating their own subject specialism.
8 Maintain and update your knowledge of educational research to develop evidence-based practice
Outstanding / Good
Trainees consistently seek out opportunities to maintain and update knowledge of educational research. They draw on in-depth subject and curriculum knowledge to plan confidently for progression and to stimulate and capture learners’ interest. They consistently review their professional learning and practice to identify and employ strategies for improvement. / Trainees have well-developed knowledge and understanding of the relevant subject/curriculum areas and subject specialism they are training to teach and use this effectively to maintain and develop learners’ interest. They apply detailed subject and curriculum knowledge to plan for progression and to stimulate and capture learners’ interest. They review their professional learning and practice to successfully identify and employ strategies for improvement.
9 Apply theoretical understanding of effective practice in teaching, learning and assessment drawing on research and other evidence
Outstanding / Good
Trainees draw on their in-depth theoretical understanding of effective practice in teaching, learning and assessment drawing on research and other evidence to employ highly effective teaching, learning and assessment strategies. They successfully use research to test out new approaches to practice. / Trainees have well-developed theoretical understanding of effective practice in teaching, learning and assessment drawing on research and other evidence to employ effective teaching, learning and assessment strategies. They use knowledge gained through engaging with research to test out new approaches to practice.
10 Evaluate your practice with others and assess its impact on learning
Outstanding / Good
Trainees can accurately judge the impact of their practice on individual and groups of learners and can use their evaluation to inform future planning, teaching and learning. They consistently seek out guidance and support from mentors and other colleagues and use the feedback very effectively to improve practice. They are critically reflective and demonstrate high-quality self-evaluation with clear focus on learners and setting challenging targets for their own professional development. / Trainees know how to learn from both successful and less effective lessons through systematic evaluation of their practice, including its impact on learners. They seek out guidance and support from mentors and other colleagues and use feedback effectively to improve practice. They provide clear evidence of the need to take responsibility for their own professional development through evaluating performance and setting challenging targets.
11 Manage and promote positive learner behaviour
Outstanding / Good
Trainees rapidly adapt to the different circumstances in which they train, working confidently within the frameworks established in different settings and applying rules and routines consistently and fairly. They have consistently high expectations of their learners effectively use a range of strategies to promote positive with ease so that learners display very high levels of engagement, courtesy, collaboration and co-operation. Trainees actively seek additional support in addressing the needs of learners where significantly challenging behaviour is demonstrated, understanding how to tackle bullying, including cyber and prejudice-based bullying. / Trainees work within the setting’s framework for behaviour and apply rules and routines consistently and fairly, including those related to tackling bullying, including cyber and prejudice-based bullying. They have high expectations and use a range of strategies to promote positive behaviour including sanctions, rewards, and praise, in order to create an environment supportive of learning. Trainees manage behaviour effectively so that learners demonstrate positive attitudes towards the teacher, their learning and each other allowing lessons to flow smoothly so that disruption is unusual. They actively seek additional support in addressing the needs of learners where significantly challenging behaviour is demonstrated.
12 Understand the teaching and professional role and your responsibilities
Outstanding / Good
Trainees are proactive in seeking out opportunities to contribute in a significant way to the wider life and ethos of the setting. They take responsibility for deploying support staff in their lessons and for seeking advice from relevant professionals in relation to learners with individual needs. They deliberately seek out opportunities to develop their own professional learning and respond positively to all the feedback they receive. Trainees are proactive in communicating in relation to individual learners’ emergent needs and when required, are able to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, with parents, carers and other professionals in relation to learners’ achievements and well-being. / Trainees are proactive in seeking out opportunities to contribute to the wider life and ethos of the setting. They take responsibility for deploying support staff in their lessons and for seeking advice from relevant professionals in relation to learners with individual needs. They are proactive in relation to their own professional learning and value the feedback they receive from more experienced colleagues, using it to develop their own teaching further. Trainees assume some responsibility for responding to individual learners’ emergent needs and are able to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, with parents, carers and other professionals in relation to learners’ achievements and well-being.
13. Motivate and inspire learners to promote achievement and develop their skills to enable progression
Outstanding / Good
Trainees assume a high level of responsibility for the attainment progress and outcomes of all learners they teach. They demonstrate confident judgement in planning for learner progression both within individual lessons and over time. They are able to articulate a clear and well-justified rationale as to how they are building on prior achievement and are able to implement a full range of effective teaching and learning strategies. They actively promote engaging and effective methods that support learners in reflecting on their learning and are able to set appropriately challenging tasks, drawing on a sound knowledge of the learners’ prior attainment, which has been obtained through systematic and accurate assessment. / Trainees assume responsibility for the attainment, progress and outcomes of the learners they teach. They demonstrate a sound understanding of the need to develop learner learning over time. Their short- and medium-term planning consistently takes into account the prior learning of the learners. They regularly provide learners with the opportunity to reflect on their own learning and use this, along with other forms of assessment, to inform their future planning and teaching. They use their knowledge of effective teaching strategies to encourage independent learning and offer a rationale for choices made in the context of practice.
14 Plan and deliver effective learning programmes for diverse groups or individuals in a safe and inclusive environment
Outstanding / Good
Trainees effectively and consistently plan lessons that use well-chosen, imaginative and creative strategies, and that match individuals’ needs and interests. They quickly and accurately discern their learners’ strengths and needs and are proactive in differentiating and employing a range of effective intervention strategies to secure appropriate progression for individuals and groups. They fully exploit possibilities to promote learners’ understanding and appreciation of social and cultural diversity. They effectively manage behaviour to ensure a good and safe learning environment, and are able to tackle bullying, including cyber and prejudice-based bullying.
. / Trainees plan lessons that take account of the needs of groups of learners and individuals, through the setting of differentiated learning outcomes, carefully matching teaching and learning activities and resources to support learners in achieving these intended learning outcomes. They can make links with and explore possibilities to develop learners’ understanding and appreciation of social and cultural diversity. They are able to manage behaviour to ensure a safe learning environment, and know how to tackle bullying, including cyber and prejudice-based bullying.
15 Promote the benefits of technology and support learners in its use
Outstanding / Good
Trainees select and use a wide range of new technologies to maintain engagement and participation. They use new technology effectively to promote the development of academic skills and autonomous learning. / Trainees select and use a range of new technologies to maintain engagement and participation. They use new technology to promote the development of academic skills and autonomous learning.
16 Address the mathematics and English needs of learners and work creatively to overcome individual barriers to learning
Outstanding / Good
Trainees successfully identify and exploit opportunities to develop learners’ skills in communication, reading, writing and mathematics. They draw on their strong knowledge and understanding of the principles and practices of developing mathematics and English to select and employ highly effective teaching strategies. They can promote high standards of communication, reading, writing and mathematical skills for all learners. / Trainees model good standards of written and spoken communication, and mathematical skills, in all professional activities and encourage and support learners to develop these skills in their lessons. They have a sound knowledge and understanding of the principles and practices of developing mathematics and English and employ effective teaching strategies. They have an understanding of how to overcome barriers to learning such as low levels of literacy and numeracy.
17 Enable learners to share responsibility for their own learning and assessment, setting goals that stretch and challenge
Outstanding / Good
Trainees set learners challenging tasks and create opportunities for independent and autonomous learning. As a result the majority of learners make very good progress. They regularly create opportunities for independent and autonomous learning, as a result the majority of learners make very good progress. Trainees actively promote engaging and effective methods that support learners in evaluating their learning. / Trainees set appropriately challenging tasks that enable independent learning. As a result the majority of learners make good progress. They create opportunities for independent and autonomous learning, as a result the majority of learners make good progress. Trainees regularly provide learners with the opportunity to reflect on their own learning and use this, along with other forms of assessment, to inform their future planning and teaching.
18 Apply appropriate and fair methods of assessment and provide constructive and timely feedback to support progression and achievement
Outstanding / Good
Trainees can confidently and accurately assess learners’ attainment against national benchmarks or other appropriate grading criteria. They use a range of assessment strategies highly effectively in their day-to-day practice to monitor progress and to inform future planning. They systematically and effectively check learners’ understanding throughout lessons, anticipating where intervention may be needed and do so with notable impact on the quality of learning. They assess learners’ progress regularly and work with them to accurately target further improvement and secure appropriate progress. / Trainees are able to assess learners’ attainment accurately against national benchmarks or other appropriate grading criteria. They employ a range of appropriate formative assessment strategies effectively and can adapt their teaching within lessons in light of learners’ responses. They maintain accurate records of learners’ progress and use these to set appropriately challenging targets. They assess learners’ progress regularly and accurately and discuss assessments with them so that learners know how well they have done and what they need to do to improve.
19 Maintain and update your teaching and training expertise and vocational skills through collaboration with employers
Outstanding / Good
Trainees build strong professional relationships and demonstrate that they are able to work collaboratively with employers on a regular basis. They seek out and exploit opportunities to involve themselves in the wider professional role via extra-curricular activities and CPD activity. / Trainees are effective in building good professional relationships with colleagues and demonstrate that they can work well collaboratively when required to do so. They regularly involve themselves in the wider professional role via extra-curricular activities and CPD activity.